Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1464 Soul Demon Holy City

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!You must know that the Qingyang Demon Realm, especially the Soul Demon Holy City, is the place where other Demon Realms are the least in the mood to deal with.

Because the terrain is too dangerous.

The soul demon holy city surrounded by the Heavenly Styx River is like a natural barrier, no matter how strong an army is, no matter how many strong people, it can't force it through.

Only one side can reach the soul demon holy city.

As long as the Qingluo Demon God sends a heavy army to guard this side, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to step into the land of the soul demon holy city.

Among the nine major demon domains, whether it is the demon domain whose strength ranks in front of the Qingyang demon domain, or the demon domain behind the Qingyang demon domain.

Few people are bothered by the Qingyang Demon Realm, because of this day Styx.


"Since it has always been, then my lord will welcome it."

The Scarlet Nightmare Demon God paused and said faintly, "Oh, yes, it shouldn't be referring to my lord, Di Yezun, it should be welcome too."


The profound demon guard was startled, "Di Ye Demon God has already appeared?"

Impossible, since Yujiang Demon God fell.

The nine demons are all looking for the emperor.

But Diye has no news at all.

Moreover, because they knew that Diye Demon God might appear in the Qingyang Demon Realm, most of the other Demon Gods sent secret whistles to the Qingyang Demon Realm to inquire secretly.

However, their Profound Demon Guards have so far received no news of the appearance of Diye Demon God.

Red Nightmare said indifferently, "How can the demon master be able to know the whereabouts of the demon god? Don't look at it, what is the relationship between my master and the demon god Diye?"

The Black Demon Guard opposite was silent for a while.

Diye Demon God is now in the Dark Demon Realm, but the prestige is greatly shocked. As the Demon God of the old age, he has disappeared for countless years. After returning, he can still have such a prestige. He is the first and the only one.

'This Scarlet Nightmare, I'm afraid it's cheating me, even if Diye Demon God is more intimate with Qingluo Demon God, once he shows up, there is no news.Hmph, I want to use the power of the two demon gods, pretending to be calm...Unfortunately, the disappearance of the Heaven Styx, this Qingyang Demon Realm will surely arouse the coveting of many other Demon Realms.'

This mysterious demon guard thought to himself.


After thinking about it, the Black Demon Guard also calmly said, "Red Nightmare, guess who did I meet on my way here? It is the 12 Demon Owls of the Seven Night Demon Realm. Their noses are more sensitive than our Profound Demon Guard. I estimate that Styx will be here before you all."

The Twelve Demon Owls are the nine great demon gods in charge of the Qiye Demon Realm, the guardian of the Qixiao Demon God.

The strength is extraordinary.

After the Xuan Mowei finished speaking, he laughed and turned and left.

"Red Nightmare, the Sky Styx disappears, and the rest of the Demon Realm is ready to move in an instant... Could it be a joint plan by other demon gods?"

Ten Yuzhong were not stupid, and immediately thought of this.

"The devil's joint plan?"

Scarlet Nightmare looked at the promised Heavenly Styx River and murmured, "Even if four or five Demon Gods are combined, it is impossible to make this Styx River disappear... This is not an ordinary river! If the Demon God can do it, this day Styx will not stay in the Qingyang Demon Realm for so many years."

"Even the Hell Lord, it is impossible. Hell can cross the Styx River without fear. But Hell will never let the Styx River disappear. This method should not be the work of the Demon God."

Do some investigation, whether it is the Ten Yuzhong, or the rest of the Demon Region forces.

They all realized the fact that Styx disappeared this day.

For a time, the situation of the nine major demon realms suddenly changed, and the undercurrents surging endlessly.

Beiti Demon Domain.

Inside the suspended mansion in the center of Jubao City.

In the topmost room.04 Novel

Above the throne.

Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Jianxin stood bowed.

"This day, Styx really disappeared?"

Above the throne, there was a slightly crisp mechanical sound, with some doubts.

Beiti Demon Realm is quite far away from Qingyang.

"According to the news from the branch of Jubaoyan in the Soul Demon Holy City, Shi Yuzhong personally went out of the city to Tianming River, and after reporting back to Tianluo Mansion, the news has been confirmed. We Jubaoyan also dispatched the magic ship to heaven. Styx, recorded the image of the Styx at this time."

Yu Xiaoxiao was in the void, and in an instant, the space changed, and the entire room seemed to be directly above the Tianming River.

Of course, they didn't really arrive at Tian Styx.

The distance between the two demon realms is too far, and Tianminghe has a special geographical location, and it is impossible to reach it so quickly.

"Fantastic... The Tianming River has always existed since the deity remembered. This river is not only a symbol of the Qingyang Demon Realm, but also a symbol of the Dark Demon Realm. The Dark Demon Realm has soul demon dying every moment. Getting over the Styx means that the souls of these spirit demons can only enter the well of reincarnation."


The figure on the throne suddenly stood up.

Only a stalwart figure was revealed, gender and race could not be seen.

The figure stared at the Sky Styx below.

"The river is dry, there is no trace of Styx water, and even the aspirations in the Styx water have disappeared...Even the Hell cannot do it..."

The figure murmured.

It seems equally puzzling.

Not to mention, no demon god can understand the scene before him.

"A hundred years ago, the deity traveled to the nine great demon realms, and was fortunate to have been to the Heaven Styx..."

The figure slowly said, "I wanted to forcibly cross the Styx River, but I didn't expect it to go down for only one mile, so I had to retreat. Later, I relied on a ferryman to take the deity across the river, and I was lucky enough to watch it. When it comes to the scene of the torrent of demons and demons in the middle of the Heavenly Styx River, it is also fortunate that the deity's strength was not bad at that time. Coupled with the extraordinary strength of the ferryman, the deity survived safely."

Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Jianxin said in their hearts, yeah, it's so difficult even to get through.

Who can make Styx disappear this day?

"At that time, the deity thought, if one day encounters a bottleneck, perhaps he can hide his identity in Styx on this day, act as a ferryman, and experience himself."

The figure sighed, "These, I am afraid that there is no chance. Moreover, once the Styx disappears this day, the Qingyang Demon Realm is afraid it will be difficult."

"Master, are you going to the Qingyang Demon Realm?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked softly.

"When you want to go, the Heavenly Styx River disappears, and the Qingyang Demon Territory must be a chaotic dance of the demons. When you don't go at this time, wait."

The figure sat down again, seeming to think of something, "By the way, Diye has contacted you in Dream City before. Is there any news now?"

"I don't know, the Chi hills belong to the forbidden area, and we can't find out the news." Yu Jianxin shook his head.

"The deity is asking, can Diye go to the Soul Demon Sacred City? He is in the Dream Soul City, if he has already arrived in the Soul Demon Sacred City at this moment, then it is inevitable that he will never make a detour.

The figure slowly said, "And it just so happened that Styx disappeared again this day..."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Jianxin both moved in their hearts and exclaimed:

"Sir, don't you think that the disappearance of the Styx River was done by Diye?"

"That's not necessarily true, but it definitely matters. Don't talk about Diye Demon God, even ten Diye Demon is impossible to let Tian Styx disappear."


"Is this the Soul Demon Holy City?"

Wang Feng looked at the big city in front of him and said with emotion.

Vaguely, he saw some shadows that he had never seen before, but felt familiar.

This made him think of the ferryman...

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