Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1465 God Killing Terminal

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The identity of the red ferryman really surprised Wang Feng for a while.

So that when he left Tianminghe, he didn't recover for a while.

'I haven't been to the Dark Demon Realm for a long time, and I don't know much about the wormhole world connected by the Dark Demon Realm.When passing through the borderless Demon Realm, I did not encounter the basic wormhole and stopped in the city in the borderless Demon Realm.'

'Unexpectedly, there will be people familiar with the dark demon world...'

Only after thinking about it, Wang Feng was relieved.

This Dark Demon Realm itself is strong enough, and the wormhole connects the Dark Demon Realm with many worlds.

It is normal for these characters to appear.

And now, when Wang Feng saw the scene of this spirit demon holy city, he was even more shocked.

This soul demon holy city is vast, divided into seven layers inside and outside, extending forward in an arc.

The area of ​​the outermost area alone surpassed the previous Dream Soul City.

Standing in the air, with pure gaze, you can't see the end of the area.

In each area, there is a strong wave of original rules, covering the surface and between the city walls.

The mid-air in the city has a relatively simple floating context. It should be the transportation hub of this city, because it looks translucent and does not bring a sense of chaos to this city.

On the contrary, these translucent floating veins shuttle between major urban areas and countless towering magical buildings, which are like the direction of stars, and are full of a sense of mysterious technology.

What surprised Wang Feng even more was the countless people walking in this city.

The breath of many lives is obviously not from the Dark Demon Realm.

It can only come from the world outside the wormhole.

Among these people, there is the kind of fairy who escapes from the dust and steps on the fairy sword. Legend has it that in the context of the air, the sword fairy gallops like light.

There is also the kind of knight who rides a war horse covered with black armor, wears a silver armor, does not see a trace, and holds a cross sword.

The war horse was still burning with pitch-black flames, stepping on the void, looking very strange.

In the distant sky, there was even the kind of futuristic mecha life form Wang Feng imagined, staying in the air.

Although, in terms of breath, Wang Feng didn't feel that there was that kind of super powerful, comparable to the existence of a devil.

But the slight familiarity brought on the screen made Wang Feng a little dazed.

These days when he came to the Dark Demon Realm, it was probably the first time Wang Feng saw a corner of the civilization unified by the Dark Demon Realm.

This is the soul demon holy city, the center of the Qingyang Demon Realm.

That's what happened.

Fortunately, after Wang Feng passed the red ferryman, he already had some bottom in his heart.

After the trance, Wang Feng pondered for a while, planning to visit the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce first.

Then I went to Tianluo Mansion in the Holy City to see the Qingluo Demon God.

'I have received the Heavenly Styx. I want to come to this Qingyang Demon Realm to know the news, I don't know what changes it will cause...'

Wang Feng thought for a while.

Tianming River is not a simple place.

Wang Feng didn't need to think about what kind of turbulence would be caused if the Styx disappeared this day.

So just go to Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce first and ask Yu Xiaoxiao and them.

With their news channels, they should be able to know the changes that will be caused by the disappearance of Tian Styx.

'In other words, I am coming to the Soul Demon Holy City...what else is there for...'

Wang Feng pressed his temple.

Shaking his head, Wang Feng pondered for a while, forget it, and waited to go to the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce to ask about the situation, and then he showed the identity of the devil and went to Tianluo Mansion.

Making up his mind, Wang Feng fell directly from the sky.

At the moment of entering the city, a wave of cold consciousness swept across the body.Steward Novel

Not surprisingly, it should be the special rules for the layout of the city walls and ground, as well as the god-killing terminal of the spirit demon holy city.

The cold words resounded in my mind.

"Identity authentication... the detection of the killing of the gods. The rhythm of life is confirmed, the human race. Please liberate the permission of killing the gods, and docking with the terminal for identity authentication, otherwise, you will not enter the ghost city. Those who rebel will be killed without mercy."

The icy voice clearly came from the God Killing Terminal in the Soul Demon Holy City.

The God-killing terminal in this city, and the previous God-killing terminal in Dreamsoul City, felt completely at two levels.

'This kind of god-killing terminal in the holy city often represents the god-killing terminal of the entire Demon Realm. The authority and cost are so great that only the Demon God can bear it.The moment you enter the city, you will be detected.'

Wang Feng thought for a while, and the Demon God Terminal basically represented the Demon God.

It can be said that any life entering or leaving the city, even if the Demon God does not use any spiritual perception, will know it clearly.

in other words.

Anything that happened in this city, even if the Demon God was in another Demon Realm, would know very clearly.

The Demon Territory-level God Killing Terminal not only represents a powerful symbol of force, it is more like a symbol of heaven in the world.

To some extent, the God Killing Terminal is a heaven created by the Demon God.

After all, it is used to manage everything that controls the city, and it can also manage most of the lives in the magic domain.

'Proceed to kill God certification.'

Wang Feng hesitated for a second, then directly docked with the city's God Killing Terminal.

Since it was here to find the Demon God Qingluo, there was no need to hide his identity.

However, as for Tianminghe, Wang Feng didn't believe that besides the ferryman, who else would know that Tianminghe had something to do with him.

"Successful connection with Killing God...Identity verification in progress..."

After a while, the voice of God Killing Terminal was silent for several seconds.

Wang Feng's killing of God is not strong.

But his murder of the gods has long been certified.

"Are you Diye Demon God?"

There was finally a suspicious humanized voice from the God Killing Terminal.

Wang Feng extremely suspected that this voice should have been the result of a soul demon taking over the intelligent answer of the God Killing Terminal.

In fact it is.

Holy city.

Killing God terminal control room.

The Dark Nightmare, one of the ten imperial congregants, looked at the information presented in front of him in shock.

The Devil Killing Terminal is generally only controlled by the exclusive Devil Killing.

But under normal circumstances, the God Killing Terminal runs automatically.

And the structure is extremely complex, it is a large-scale spiritual body.

In the center of the control room, a cloud-like light cluster with various shapes is the intelligence represented by the God Killing Terminal.

It is different from those that only have algebraic divisions.

Those can only be regarded as intelligence composed of a program and commands.

It is not a real living body.

The intelligence generated by the God Killing Terminal is a spirit body that truly possesses wisdom and life.

It has the ability to process and analyze at least a million times more than the normal four generations of killing gods, and the intellectual structure.

It is important to know that the God Killing Terminal itself covers the entire Spirit Demon Holy City, whether it is the city walls or the ground, it covers the dark energy circuit composed of the God Killing Terminal, so as to achieve the ability to unfold the entire Spirit Demon Holy City from reality. relationship.

The spirit body of the terminal can easily process the energy loop of the entire city and detect the static and every movement of the entire city.

At the same time, the spirit body also possesses super-strong mental power, able to sense every move outside the city, receive various mental signals, fluctuates of killing gods, and so on.

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