Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1483 Qingluo Demon God's Helper

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qingluo Demon God did not completely believe in Wang Feng.

Almost after the three demon shadows left, the Demon God Qingluo directly summoned the ten imperial congregations, and at the same time wanted to recall the strong resident inside the major wormholes of the Demon Realm and return to the Spirit Demon Holy City to resist.

But this time it was too sudden.

No one has ever thought about things like the disappearance of the Styx River.

This also caused the actions of the three adjacent demon gods to be too fast, even the Qingluo demon god did not react.

Qingyang Moyu focuses on the development of wormholes.

In Wang Feng's words, it has developed extremely well with the world on the other side of the wormhole.

Generally speaking, the world linked by wormholes is weak and small, directly dispatching powerful demons to conquer.

And the stronger ones, the more difficult ones, for the time being, they will only build up a huge force inside, and then wait for opportunities.

There are others that are comparable to the Dark Demon Realm, and stronger than the Douluo God Realm, and generally better.

But this kind of world is extremely rare.

However, Qingyang Demon Region happened to have such a wormhole.

Therefore, among the nine major demon realms, the Qingyang Demon Realm is at the forefront of the development of wormholes.

Although the Dark Demon Realm does not have many resources to exchange with this type of world, it does have technology.

There are many civilized technologies.

It really doesn't work, and you can still play reselling resources.

Like the holy city of the soul demon, it has the meaning of the holy city of ten thousand realms.

Wang Feng did feel this way when he first arrived in the Holy City of Soul Demon.

It's just that it hasn't reached the exaggeration of'Ten Thousand Realms'.

Almost in the early morning of the next day, Wang Feng saw that the Demon God Qingluo didn't know where he had found several powerhouses in other worlds.

"These three come from several worlds that have good relations with my Qingyang Realm. This time I came to my Soul Demon Holy City to purchase some special materials and were invited to come. Although the three of them are not demon gods, their cultivation system is also It does not belong to the Dark Demon Realm, but the strength is very powerful, stronger than the Demon Lord, second only to the Demon God."

Qingluo Demon God briefly introduced the three special powerhouses she brought back.

Wang Feng glanced, somewhat surprised.

Qingyangmo domain name is not false.

No wonder Qingluo Demon God still has some confidence in the face of the three Demon Gods.

Not to mention, these three do not seem to be weak.

"This is the martial ancestor from the upper realm of Tianhong, Yun Tianqing."

The Qingluo Demon God raised his eyelids slightly, and pointed to a man with a handsome face, white hair to his waist, a purple jade crown on his head, and an ancient-style martial arts robe.

This man exudes an extremely violent aura, and his eyes are like the beating of a blazing sun, giving a very harsh feeling.

He nodded slightly, his face calm.

"Wu Zu?"

Wang Feng looked at Qingluo Demon God in surprise.

This martial ancestor, should he come from a certain extremely strong fantasy plane, right?Le Kan Novel

"Yes, the upper realm of Tianhong advocates martial arts, cultivates martial arts stigmata, condenses supreme despair, their flesh can capture stars, and their fists can truly break the galaxy. It is the ultimate strength of the physical body, and the spiritual cultivation is not weak The highest realm is called the Taiwu Holy Realm, comparable to the Demon God. Wuzu belongs to the kind of peerless Tianjiao that is only one step away from the Taiwu Holy Realm, and which moves across the Rainbow Upper Realm."

"You can reach the top with a short kick. But their combat power is much stronger than our Dark Demon Realm's demon master. However, when they practice, they often have to endure great hardships, both physically and mentally. The number cannot be compared with our Dark Demon Realm."

The Demon God Qingluo has a wide range of knowledge, and the worlds he has been to are naturally extremely numerous.

Wang Feng almost didn't need to ask, she had already used the spirit to transmit her voice, speaking clearly.

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart, you are afraid that the other party will send food.

This martial ancestor should have no more than ten moves in the hands of the devil.

Being able to fight again is not an existence of a magnitude, and it is useless at all.

Seeing this, Wang Feng was also not interested in the remaining two.

Unless Qingluo Demon God can invite the same level of combat power as her.

Being able to be at the same level as the Demon God, then in other worlds is also a great master, it is difficult to get so easy.

"Then what? The three demon gods are coming tomorrow, just call me."

Wang Feng shook his hand and said, "The deity has already arranged it."

After that, Wang Feng left Tianluo Mansion and walked towards the branch of the Soul Demon Holy City Jubaoyan.

Wang Feng was still thinking about that exclusive set of killing gods.

After seeing this, go to the headquarters of Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce to get this exclusive set of God Killing, and then practice it out.

Qingluo Demon God watched Wang Feng leave without speaking.

"Venerable Qingluo, this Diye Demon God doesn't seem to be worth waiting for me. Isn't it possible tomorrow that he wants to face the army of your other three Demon Gods alone?"

Next to Yun Tianqing, an old man with a kind face and a childlike face said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I have also fought against the demon gods of your Dark Demon Realm a few times.

The old man sighed, "But this matter is related to the survival of your holy city. It is a battle of life and death. This Devil God must know that I am not a life in the Dark Demon Realm, and will not go all out. I was invited by you. It’s just to support the scene. So naturally, I won’t pay too much attention to it. The rants he made a few days ago are still echoing in the old man’s ears."

The old man is extremely self-effacing in his words, and some considers the other party.

However, Qingluo Demon God did not show a smile, but was extremely serious.

"The emperor is joking, your body is only made by cutting down the corpse and condensing it. You can still fight against the devil and win each other." Qingluo said slowly, "It's also your old man, the emperor, who is in retreat. , Otherwise, if you really come to the Dark Demon Realm, Hell should personally receive you."

"Hahaha..." The old man known as the emperor laughed a few times, but looked at Yun Tianqing next to him, and said, "You guys in the upper realm of Tianhong, I also went there. I don’t know who stepped into Tianwu. Emperor Two and Three in the Holy Realm, is it okay now?"

"Senior said, the second and third ancestors of the emperor were the only Heavenly Martial God who stepped into the Heavenly Martial Saint Realm 100,000 years after my upper realm. He has already left the upper realm of Tianhong. How can I wait for the younger generation to know the situation?" Yun Tian Qing shook his head and said neither humble nor humble.

"Oh, that's really a pity." The old man stroked his beard slightly, "Among the martial artists, there are people with such talents as the emperor two or three. I have lived for so long and I have seen a few of them. By the way, where is this friend from? ?"

The old man looked at a woman with a hat beside him.

The woman wore a long silver dress and could not see her appearance, but she was extremely tall.

"She's Yinyue."

Qingluo Demon God introduced, "I come from a special world and have only recently come to the Spirit Demon Holy City. Speaking of which, the deity wants the Spirit Demon Holy City's Association of All Realms to issue a mission for help. Most of the strong people in the different world choose to refuse. The deity does not force it. The Yun Wuzu and the great emperor owe the deity a favor. But you are the only one who accepts."

"I am still weak and need war training..." the woman named Yinyue said lightly, "It just happens that there is a war in your soul demon holy city. I can reach a higher level without such a war."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Qingluo Demon God asked.

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