Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1484 Forbidden Source Demon Sky Array

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!On the other side, when Wang Feng came to Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce, he was unfortunately informed.

"Lost contact with headquarters?"

The reason given by the demon in charge of the branch made Wang Feng slightly stunned.

Thinking of the three magic shadows, Wang Feng suddenly remembered something.

"The appearance of the three demon gods in the soul demon holy city is not just a demonstration, but also has a great impact on the God Killing Terminal."

Wang Feng recalled the power of the three magic shadows.

If the city wants to connect to the outside through communication magical equipment, or to communicate with the spirit through the killing of the gods, a stable energy field built by the terminal of the killing of the gods in the entire city is required.Otherwise, the communication magic machine cannot pass the information through the space of the Dark Demon Realm and convey it to a very far place.

Unless it is a demon god, you can use powerful essence and mystery techniques to project your true body instead of using various magic weapons and kill the gods, which can praise the demon realm to communicate.

The three demon shadows descended from the spirit demon holy city secretly to quickly paralyze the information communication in the city.

Attacked the spirit demon holy city with a thunderous method, and prevented the Qingluo demon god from sending out help from the rest of the demon realm.

Therefore, even the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to contact Yu Xiaoxiao at the headquarters.

"These demon gods are more refined than the other."

Wang Feng sneered in his heart.

But what?

'Tomorrow this deity will surely make you somersault!'

Wang Feng said in his heart.

The next day.

Overcast clouds over the sky.

Almost all the soul demons in the soul demon holy city spent the night in a muddle-headed manner.

Regardless of whether it is a soul demon or a soul demon, let alone do not sleep for one day, even if it does not sleep for ten days and eight days, the spirit will still be very good.

But yesterday was different.

The demon god projection coercion, many soul demon can not bear it, and now they are still muddled.

As a holy city, it is naturally impossible for the soul demon holy city to have no defensive measures.

However, these defensive measures will appear very weak in front of the three demon gods.

If it is a demon god, it may not be able to project directly above the spirit demon holy city.

Together with the three, I'm afraid that the central demon realm can project over and exert magic power.It's just that they don't have the guts.

It is above a 10,000-meter high mountain three thousand miles away from the Holy Ghost City.

Heavenly Demon Lord and Wuhua Demon Lord are sitting opposite each other.

Both eyes looked into the distance.

"What do you think this Diye Demon God has?"

The Heavenly Devil Sovereign held a cup of fragrant tea exuding lavender, and asked leisurely, "Can he say that kind of thing yesterday?"

The Flowerless Demon Lord coughed twice and said: "Unexpectedly, the subordinates."

"You can't think of being as wise as you?" China Novel Library

The god demon is surprised.

" still don't use the word wise to describe your subordinates." The flowerless demon lord was restless, looking at the direction of the soul demon holy city in the distance, "Hunyuan, Qixiao, and Huanghai reached an agreement internally. This time must be teaming up. They are the demon gods. This time Thunder must have already calculated everything. Otherwise, we won't even react to our Jingtian Temple and even support it."

"The Demon God Qingluo might ask for some helpers from outside. But it won't be the opponent of the three Demon Gods. In the past years, because of the Heaven Styx as a barrier in the Soul Demon City, there were not many legions stationed inside. There is no chance of even recalling many of the legions in the city that are still in the remaining wormholes. Apart from her commander of the Qingluo Demon Divine Light Rod, the Soul Demon Holy City has at most ten imperial congregations, plus less than a million troops.

"There is no possibility for the above three demon gods. And if you are familiar with the war history of the dark demon world, once there are more than three demon gods joining forces, as long as it is not about the dark border war, it is basically a one-sided situation. "

"So, for this matter, these three demon gods have been planning for a long time. I even suspect that the disappearance of the Styx may be caused by these three guys.

The devil nodded slightly.

It is worthy of being the soul demon of the age of Jingtian Palace and Hell.

Although his strength is limited by his talent, he knows too much.

"The three nine-ringed demon gods with exclusive god killings have been able to use the Forbidden Source Demon Kong Array, and the range is enough to cover the spirit demon holy city. In this range, the power of the demon god's original law will be invalid. This means that the Qingluo demon god There is no possibility of even escape. They can't even leave the field to cause any harm to the army behind them."

"After all, Demon God's destructive power is very strong. If Qingluo Demon God directly blew himself up, even if they can be fine, the army behind them will definitely play the ball. The loss will be a lot."

When the Heavenly Demon Lord heard this, he was a little surprised, "This Forbidden Source Demon Sky Method, the deity has heard of it. I just have been curious, and using this space method, won't the three Demon Gods be affected?"

"What effect can it have?" Wuhua Demon Lord shook his head, "The Demon God cannot use the power of the source, and the combat power will plummet. It will directly rely on the legion to crush it without any effort. To put it bluntly, these three guys are still afraid. There is an accident. So I will definitely use the safest way to win the battle."

"Even, they don't even need to end. Oh, according to my guess, I am afraid that I am afraid of that Diye. Therefore, the Demon God is directly banned. Anyway, their army is huge enough to crush the weak defense. Ten soul demon holy cities."

The Heavenly Demon Venerable frowned slightly.

"I've been in contact with that emperor..." Sky Demon Venerable asked with an unmoving expression, "Is he that scary? Yesterday, the three Demon Gods were extremely disdainful of him."

"Strategicly despised." The flowerless demon master pondered for a long while, "The death of the demon god of the border is like a demon slicing sword hanging on the heads of all demon gods. Only since we entered the age of magic weapons, this is the first one to fall Demon God. Moreover, the demon body is directly slashed. It is possible to achieve this level. At present, only the Hell Lord can do it."

"Although the Hunyuan Demon God knows some inside stories, it is because he knows it. In fact, he is more fearful in his heart. Therefore, these three Demon Gods must be more cautious."

After arranging the desired information, the heavenly devil stood up.

"Are you going to help Qingluo Demon God?" Seeing this, Wuhua Demon Lord asked.

"That's not... the deity... the deity intends to see the specific situation. See if the Diye Demon God is dead or alive."

Heaven Demon Lord said.

"Yes, I should go and see..."

The Flowerless Demon Lord suddenly looked at the horizon.

The bright sky above the Wanzhang Snow Mountain suddenly dimmed.

Countless magic ships flew past like swarms of locusts.

Because of the extremely fast speed, the sky seemed to have been criticized with a dark golden curtain.

"Oh, they are here..."


Wang Feng slowly let out a breath, then looked at the sky.

He has returned to Tianluo Mansion.

Time also came the next day.

In the distant sky, dark clouds rolled, and rows of demon ships covered the entire soul demon holy city.

Those various magic ships displayed in the dark clouds, and those soul demons wearing a series of standard armors on the magic ships, if they don't look at the appearance, they look like the heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court.

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