Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1627 is not because of a mountain

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Boulo Star.

Star big forest.

Bisong walks in this ancient forest.

A person is full of shadows.

The fine sunshine, sprinkles on this shadow through the dense branches.

It is a woman.

She is in black dress armor, the body is perfect, and a golden long hair is slightly swing in a slight blowing breeze.

From now on, you can only feel a wealth of stunning breath.

Above the white neck, it is a beautiful face, and the darkness is dark, and there is a lazy taste. As her step is light from the outside.

However, in the forest, silence, rich life atmosphere makes the soul in the forest looks very peaceful.

Most of the soul beasts look at this human beings, but there is no attack, and it is only curious in the eyes.

The air is slightly twisted, and a movie suddenly got over the twisted space, half a squat on the ground, said:

"Wang, our universe, just find this world, this thought is just a low-level civilization. I want to observe more, and report it to you. I didn't expect you to come so fast ..."

"This world is much better than we think. I just scanned the range nearly three thousand miles, many live fluctuations were very powerful. There are even two high-level angels comparable to our family."

There is a pair of white wings behind the portrait, slightly vibrating, and the tone is extremely revered.

"This king, did not expect." The woman said that she suddenly said, "I didn't expect, my hometown, change so big."

Snacks when people showed: "Hometown? Wang, how can this be your hometown? You are our angel nebula ..."

The woman waved: "Before birth angel nebula, I used to be the world of human beings. Just because some reasons, plus my own and angels have a great relationship, so the birth is in an angel nebula. For these Things, although I didn't say it with you, it exists. Get up, yang. "

Behind the angel of a pair of white wings slowly stood up, although the brain could not temporarily digest the king, but they have been in their hearts.

"I am in this world ..." The woman smiled slightly, "is also a deep memory."

"Can you compare you in our universe, build a dark order?" Angel Qiyu asked softly behind the woman.

"Of course, I can't." The woman is slow forward.

She looked at the five mountains that have collapsed in the distance, and her eyes flashed a small light.

"It is also." Angel Yogao wants to say: "I just got a history of this world. Of course, I didn't use my own angel inspiration. But personally inquired, say, this world is very special. This world. It is a world of soul beasts and human beings. It was originally in accordance with this universal two life to master a planet. The two sides should compete with competition. In fact, human beings will cultivate themselves with hunting souls. "

"There is a sea between the two, but hundreds of years ago, this world has a change. From the original hunter soul beast, it became symbiotic with the soul. Those human cultivators, what is the title Douro, became a soul teacher. After the change, the world has a dramatic change. "

"It should only be only a low-level civilization. It is normal to say that this kind of human beings have more than 10,000 years of planets will only produce low-level civilization. However, with the change of the soul, the whole world energy is changing ... The depleted planet change is also exaggerated. "

"Human and soul beasts in this change, the cultivation system has also changed. This world is now the strongest human beings, it is no weakly, the high-end warriors of our angel nebula has the third generation of the body. Just, There are few quantities, only a few. "

The angel is said, "" But think about it, this world has hundreds of years, and human beings have this strong, especially in the future. And their soul technology has reached two The point of grade civilization, began to move towards the universe. "

"Yeah, so, the king did not expect ... My hometown, the change will be so big ... this place, there is already the appearance of the gods." The women's voice took a few memories.

"God border?" Angel Yu Yu is in his head.

"An ancient civilization, it was very powerful. But because it is too old, it may have been eliminated." The woman thinks for a moment, reply.

"But I feel that this world is very potential." Angel Yu is looking around.

I found a very cute soul beast in the distance, I looked at myself, my smart eyes were pulled.

The angel yoy and good waved, said while smiling:

"Because this is equivalent to a new world, naturally has potential. The vitality of life, the rope of the system is new, the potential is natural."

Woman drives.

"I heard that the world has such a big change, it seems to be because of a star of the forest."

The angel is looking forward, "" Make the world have such a big change. "

The angel Yong is struck toward the white little fox.


The white little fox ran and jumped, first rounded the two laps around the angel Yogu, and then slightly jumped to the angel Yogi.

Angel is ruthless, probably I can't think of it in front of the king, and quickly put the little fox.

"Not because of a mountain ..."

The woman snorted, "the mountain is only dead."

"You are a life in the universe? Change this world? There is such ability, will change a low-level civilization, change to this extent in just more than 100 years, that is also a strong high latitude life. "Angel Yu is surprised, but I thought about the existence of Wang Wang.

It is reluctant.

"So, do we rush into other sites?" Angel Yusu has continued to say that the angel Xingyun's excellent tradition, order and humility continue: "Don't we go to visit?"

"Of course." The woman has a little bit, and the eyes have emerged a bit of memories, and the look on the face is slightly excited.

Angel is shocked.

This expression of Wang can not belong to the kind of hometown of human beings.

It is like a Blue Star, and those who have not seen a lover companion for many years.

Otherwise, what is red?


The woman waved his hand and calmed his mood, and walked over the mountains in the front break.

Just, the more, the woman frowned but wrinkled.

"Wang, it seems that there is a hill, which has already been broken." Angel Yu has been able to see the whole picture of the hill.

"I know that it is broken." The woman slowly said, "Just, there is nothing. But I can't feel the breath."

"Atmosphere?" Angel Yu Yi, "There is no life in the mountains near the mountain, unlike a strong people living, I heard a huge change in a few years ago, the original star hill cracked. Will the other party leave? "

"A few years ago ... even before a few years ago, his breath will not disappear so fast, even if you leave ... I can feel his breath. According to the breath, find a detailed location."

The woman frowned, entered the inside of Shenshan, and the portrait did not see it, and the breath did not feel.

It seems that there is nothing, nor did it happen.

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