Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1628 is difficult, are you really dead?

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The woman, of course, knows that this gods will break a few years ago.

The man inside, and certainly left.

But the stinky man self-seal changed the world in Shenshan, even if the mountains were broken, they also had his breath.

Through the breath, the woman can probably lock the opponent's position.

In this way, there is a number in my heart.

Unexpectedly, even the breath didn't.

"Don't be angry!" Women's silent road.

At this time, the angel of the side suddenly said: "Wang, you come see here, here, it seems to have a tombstone."

The woman gave a glimpse of it.

Just in the central location of the hill, set up a tombstone.

It says:

The ancestors of the Soul Soul, Wang Fengzhi Tomb.

When I saw this tombstone, the woman stunned.

The angel is full of Zhang Wei, "Wang, how did the other party have passed away? Is it wrong, how can the high latitude life, how can it die? Hey ... It is not impossible, even the Queen of Caisa can ..."

She rushed to cover her mouth.

The universe is so big, there is nothing impossible.

"It looks like it is true ..." The angel is fine, "the top of the spirit of the soul of the soul is also the life of the spirit. The spirit of the world is also pioneering. It's a pity ..."

at this time.

The woman waved his hand and waved toward the tomb.

In an instant, the tombstone is quiz, broken into a powder.

Angel Yu: "..."

Wang Shengqi.

Good gas.

Angel Yu wants to follow the king in the universe, and never have seen the king so angry.

Even if I returned to angel nebula, I saw the guy of Huahai's old Tiangong's order, and it was not allowed to be angry.

at this time.

Suddenly coming in a disturbed and drink:

"Who are you, why destroy my master's tombstone!"

The woman sinks face and turns it.

Just see a man and a woman, standing outside.

These two people exude extremely powerful breath, especially at this moment, it seems that because they see the tombstone is destroyed, it is even anger to rush, and it is an anger.

Under their feet, it is also followed by a white little fox around the angel yoy.

"Oh, it is this little thing." Angel Yu is gently taking a head, "This little fox is these two human, Wang, these two people should be the world's most powerful human. Wang, you Go first, I want to be more context with them. "

In fact, the angel Yu feels that Wang Tak is so irrational. After all, it is on the land of others and destroys someone else's tombstones.

For humans, this is great.

There is also no wonder that the other party will be angry.

Listening to the sound, the owner of the tombstone, or their master, this is even more.

The king is good, so even if the king is doing, Angel Yu is feeling, naturally has his truth.

The woman gently waved, stopped the angel yoghuo yet, walked over, looking at these two.

"Ask you!" Wang Dong angry.

She and Huo Yuhao are coming to worshiping the teacher today, and she is in the way.

I didn't expect to see this situation.

"The owner of this tombstone is your master?" Women asked, "What about others?"

Wang Dongyi, full of cold frost, the soul ring hidden, the colorful soul ring, the light shadow of the number of soul beasts, exudes to a strong breath.

Huo Yuhao stood up and shifted his hand in front of Wang Dong, and asked: "Are you not human human? Teacher has died, you have come to the teacher, we will follow. Can you destroy the teacher's tombstone! "

"Dreaming?" The woman felt faint, "He will die? With his strength, this world will die, he can't die. Where is he?"

When I heard this, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were looking at the eyes, slightly puzzled.

This tone seems to be not enemies.

And it is obvious that the teacher is quite understanding.

"Moreover, the hill cracks, meaning that his strength is further." Women's cold channel, "" When you can easily destroy this world, he will die? You don't have to hide, I know, this should be he deliberately left. The future generations. Let me talk to me, where is he? Where did you go? Is it going to the god? "

The woman sounds.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong's face changed, and the two felt a powerful percentage.

The heart is scared, knowing, with their strength, hundreds of years ago broke through the top 100 peaks.

And with the slow change of the World of Douro, they will break through one hundred and twenty-seated, close to one hundred and thirty. In this world, it is the most powerful spiritual spirit. No, if it is based on the standard of the god, it has already become a god.

But now the World and the Shenli system is completely different, nor the gods.

It can bring them such a powerful pressure, which is rare.

"The teacher is really dying."

Huo Yuhao carefully replied, "When you said, when you are in a few years ago, the teacher's breath is unparalleled, and it is strong enough to easily block the whole world, but not, we don't know what happened. He The body lost the soul and then fell from the air. "

"I have no breath."

The woman heard this, two steps after hey.

"What about his body?" The woman asked again.

"Is it?" Huo Yuhao did not answer the first time, but asked in confused.

"I, ask again." The woman went to the two steps step by step, and the word said: "What about his body?"

She is in the eyes of God, which has a strong oppression.

The whole world is like a solid.

"It was taken away." Huo Yuhao only had a hard scide.

"Who takes away?"

"Teacher's wife. We don't know where she went ..." Wang Dongbei said that Huo Yuhao, his face said gloomy.

"Wife ..." Women, "Who? Ning Rongrong? Zhu Zhuqing? Or ..."

"I don't know ... I really don't know ..." Huo Yuhao jumped, these characters did not know the old people, the teacher still has so many red knowledge?

He said, "Originally, we are seal the body of the teacher in the north of the north. Later, a woman who claimed to be a wife, took away the body of the teacher, and disappeared. She is very powerful ... we can't stop."

Wang Dong nodded.

The woman looked at Wang Dong, squinted, suddenly said: "Are you a daughter of Tang San?"

Wang Dong was shocked again.

This is your own secret, knowing too much.

How is one of two, people who have never seen before appearing in their faces, seems to know.

"You, how do you know ..." Wang Dong asked with his heart.

The woman looked at the sky, and the look did not have a sad, and he couldn't see any expression.

Angel Yub is in a look.

She knows that Wang This is a very unhappy expression.

As the left-wing guard angel, guarding, the mood of the king can still feel.

Angel Qian knows that these two do not lying.

With the strength of the king, she can do not ask, as long as Wang wants, I can know between my mind.

But it may be just to get an exact answer or ask.

Obviously, the situation is not very good.

This is, her eyebrows are moving, and suddenly the sound to the woman:

"Wang, the angel nebula has news, in the angel nebula, the birth of the new Angel, seems ... There is a breath of the angels that we fall at the Galaxy battle."

Wang did not answer, it seems that this kind of thing is not interested.

Angel Yu wants to remind it, but the king is in a bad mood, thinking about it.

"Let's go." The woman suddenly opened.

"Where?" Angel Qian asked.

"Go to the gods." The woman faint.

"This ..." Wang Dong suddenly said, "You can't get it." The gods have already been lost with our world, and the channels inherited by God have already closed, we can't get the gods. Can't come here. No, since you know my father, you are definitely the gods ... How did you come here? "

When I heard this, the woman stunned and seems to think of something.

You can not come from the gods, but to the angel of another universe, and then use the sacred atom to open the universe jump, just come to the universe here, then find this familiar world ...

"It's hard, you are really dead?" The woman relied on words and calm.

The breath of the body, but more harmful to the angels next to the angel, the heart is not bad ...


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