Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1638, what are you waiting for?

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After the landscape of this , Wang Feng only heard two words.

No way, these two characters are too attractive.

Wang Feng went up and down, this is a good battle, he said:

"We are now the state of soul, can you double repair?"

"Of course, it can." seems to have no slightest, probably understanding Wang Feng's strange eyes, she pauses a moment, said: "You want to be wrong. Yin Yang govern, is the energy of the soul, thus cultivating More powerful soul energy, loan each other. "

"The kind you think, called mating, not double repair."

"Only this kind of double repair, I really need to open my heart to the other side. You are basically there is no secret. Only the source of your life in the chaotic world, very magical. And your current soul, I am not too clear."

Wang Feng was silent.

There is really no secret.

The Hongmeng Bundi said by the Lord is out of his own understanding. He can go to this step, and many times rely on Hongmeng.

As for Wang Feng's soul state, he has cultivated into a round of time soul.

This kind of special soul that absorbs the essence is essential, and the Lord will not understand in a time.

In addition to these two, there is nothing.

"So, you think about it." Guide, he can't come here for the time being, unless he dared to abandon his flesh body, enter this place in the form of soul. "

"The magician policy is the life of the universe, and can not enter the reincarnation of the dark devil?" Wang Feng is very surprised, "Is there so exaggerated?"

"The universe-level life is also divided into many kinds." Yan Qingzi smiled and smiled. "For example, a few saints you know, once the super universe, the ultra-off time and life, they live countless, After the end of the universe, it was one of the most powerful cosmic rings in the universe. But later the world entered the end of the final law, and was killed by the beginning of the round, and no saints were born. And those saints , It is also in the endless start of the rush, and it is chemical in the universe. "

"The extent to which the saints is reached, it is not dead in the universe. Their ideology still retains, and the start of the wheel is also destroyed. Even if it is the destruction of the universe, their ideology also exists. Unfortunately, the world Destroy, meaning that their roots have disappeared, they are in the world of the world, but the world is destroyed, their way, not attacking. "

"Even if they are strong, and ultimately become the factors in the universe, only to keep a point of ideology. I have given you three definitions, it is from the source of the king, and the source robbery is a flood world. The only family of destroyed people, those awareness of the saints, taught the monopolism in invisibrous. "

:: " ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,, Although it is a chess. But I am also a piece of chess in their chessboard. "

Wang Feng suddenly.

He feels that it is not enough to give yourself so much.

They are only the world of the world, and they are not called the universe-level life.

That gasification Sanfu God.

You must know that the magician strategy is called this after the beginning of the Wheel, he is envious of it.

How can ? And the source of robbery is a life-threatening life, nor is him.

The soul of chaotic green lotus and Pangu ax, if it is the saints, it is a seed that is reserved in the world of reconstruction, such Wang Feng is able to think about it.

"The universe-level life, the magic day has absorbed the remains of the remaining universe in the two shackles. Although he barely cultivated into the universe life, it is the weakest kind of universe life."

The face has a little bit, "Even the beginning of the wheel volume has not been experienced. The universe-level life starts a starting life of the universe. It will experience once, once this year, will experience a quantity Robbery. After passing, his universe will will be more powerful. The start of the wheel volume is unimpeded, as long as the universe still exists, it will end endless. "

"The more the strength is, the stronger strength is, but it is also harder. The magic day is the kind of that I have just stepped into the universe-level life. He can't be directly super offshooting, forcibly Even if I have been forced, he will definitely be shocked by powerful causes. "

"He won't do this kind of stupid thing, so he will not come. But he roughly guess, you are sure here."

"The magic day is a very delicate guy. He will not come here, but will definitely follow the spider mart, go to the gods, and even go to the World. Put your red, friends, and then force you to appear."

Wang Fengxin jumped.

Sure enough, he knows that the magic day should not stop so easy.

He actually thought of this possibility, but he didn't dare to think deeply. He only said that he listened to Yan Qingzhen and said it was only ahead.

"He has been doing?" Wang Feng stunned.

"Broad ... Fast. Taking his character." , "You calculate it later than I have a lot of time, so you have to break the remaining five shackles. Round returning is a dark devil world to Bao. Variety of the devil, it is like chaotic green lotus. "

"Well water in the direction, can reshape the soul, you practice three clear, replenish it with the well water, can directly cultivate the three souls, the three souls, your soul can achieve infinitely close to the universe Gloss. In the leaving this place, find the body of your Douro world. "

"The two are integrated, with the open will of the Panda, you can fight with the magic war. This is the only way."

And Wang Feng wants to be almost the same.

"The key is that the opening will of the ancient ax, you must repair at least 70% of the ancient axland soul, in order to activate the best."

When he finished this, he looked directly at Wang Feng.

"What are you waiting for, come on." Wang Feng said without hesitation.

Yan Qing nodded and drifted to Wang Feng's.

Her soul is pure and powerful, but the soul shape is much higher than Wang Feng, although it seems to be very similar to humans, but there is still a lot of differences.

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