Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1639 of the soul

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"Yin and Yang governance is one of the main origins of the universe, any of the universe, which contains at least a few ten sources. It is divided into main source, as well as the branches, the origin of the branches, the source of the universe, will only have Two to three kinds. Among them, as long as they have realized the source of the universe, they basically touch this universe will. Basically, there is a power of some universe. "

"The branches of the branches, there is no impact on the power of this universe will. But there is a number of side effects. If the branches can also be fully understood, you can have a complete universe, that is not General powerful. "

"In fact, when I see, the universe-level life I have learned, basically no one has a full universe will." That's too rare. "

"The Warm Week should calculate me, even if he wants to become a universe life, he also got the remaining chaotic magic in this shackle, which contains a very important branch of branches."

"Then, the yin and yang gave the origin, it also called the source of the soul, it is a powerful source of cultivation of the soul. It takes two common lives, the gods of the gods, and the universe is yin and yang, which will produce more powerful soul energy. , Rush to both sides. "

"I will teach you this source, you see how much you can understand. Then I will guide you with my soul, cultivate this source."

The Qing Qingzi is in the heart of Wang Feng.

The huge origin is like, and there is countless ancient texture, it is like a river, flowing through Wang Feng's soul.

This is natural to use the source of China.

With yourself and Hongmeng's own source, the speed of such environments will come to a juvenile point.

With the operation of Hongmeng's own source, this source is quickly enlightened.

In fact, it is really not the same as Wang Feng.

The soul is blending. It is the soul with a special law, and it needss both the hearts of the heart to immerse, and understand the cultivation, and feel the worship of the universe.

Because it is the intersection of the soul, the two sides need to open the heart, do not leave a slit.

And the mating of the body, the gap is very large.

Simply, it is not a god, it is better than God.

Does not include anything.

It doesn't need any emotions between the two sides, just need to be consistent with both parties, and mutual trust.

However, it is, it can practice this source together, most of them are the most intimate.

Wang Feng felt, for himself.

If it is from the identity of the system, is very close to it.

If it is the identity of the Lord, it is another thing.

'I didn't expect the system, it is really a sister. Although the race is different. 'Wang Feng suddenly felt in his heart.

After a moment, Wang Feng opened his eyes and opened his mouth: "Start."


Both flew to the half empty.

That is right.

In the soul of Wang Feng, the vortex of a counterclockwise was produced.


In an instant, the two hearts gods, a mysterious and mysterious mind, produced in the depths of the souls in both.

However, after a long time, the vortex in both eyes did not start.

It means that the cultivation has not started.

"It doesn't seem to work." Wang Feng soul pronounces, "You and me, the soul of the soul is separated by a layer. Can't really let go of God."

Simply, it is the soul of both sides, can't fit.

As the main source of yin and yang, it is clear that this yin and yang is not such a good cultivation, as well as awareness.

It is difficult to enter the state.

"You can try it, souls come into contact with each other." proposes.

"This ... The soul is in contact, isn't it equivalent to that?" Wang Feng thought about it.

Normal conditions cultivate the yin and yang sanctuary, do not need to touch the soul.

Just need two minds of heart, it is empty to practice.

But now the two sides are unable to do full of heart gods ...

The soul contact is also a way.

However, once the soul is in contact, that and the flesh. It is a bit similar, that ... is the real 'Shenjia'.

"Wonderful." Qing is silent for a moment.

"Saying, often said that heaven is ruthless, the incarnation of your heavens, is there any emotion?" Wang Feng asked.

"Hu Yan Kong," Tian Dao is also a ideology, life. Life has emotions, and the source of heaven often doesn't understand. I am the heavenly road of the dark devil. I have long formed, and I naturally have it. Emotion. Only this emotion, the emotions of your human beings, "

"Moreover, all your experiences you are paying attention to you are emotional."

"Oh?" Wang Feng was shocked.

"Probably, just like your human beings, look at our own soul beasts, or raising the descendants, grow up slowly."

"..." Wang Feng.

Oh, dare to treat this as a soul beast? Wang Fengxin.

Of course, he knows this is a class ratio.

After all, we 'own weak yourself, just chess.

It's almost a look of your own eyes, step by step, a bit of emotion is normal.

"That line, try the soul to touch it." Wang Feng said.

He is also emotional for the system.

Grateful feelings.

At this point, Wang Feng believes that he will take her as a system, it will be.

Otherwise, let Wang Feng and a strange soul, soul. Wang Feng is very resistant.


Then, the palms of the two, the palm of the soul, gradually touched together.

Wonderful feelings, emerged in Wang Feng's heart.

How do you say it ... it's a bit cool, a little realistic, and it is still a bit desire.

Wang Feng looks back to the latter, can only see the vortex in the eyes of the opponent, the faster rotation speed.

Even the cheeks have a bit soft curvature.

It is also this feeling in the hearts of the other side.

With the palm of your hand, the faster the vortex rotation in both eyes.

Wonderful feelings, accompanied by the soul, making the souls of the two began to flock to a soul energy, turned into an invisible breeze, flowing in the whisper.

"It seems that it is ok." Wang Feng nodded.

Just, I always feel like it is less.

"Your soul seems to have some enclosed."

also noticed that she couldn't help but say, "Do you want to contact near?"

Wang Feng pensive, finally thought about what, his gods looked at the Qing Qingxi, suddenly said: "No, don't need to be nearly a soul touch, I think, even if our soul is really engaged, maybe I The heart of the heart can not be released. "

"..." .

She said seriously: "The soul is not an entity, can't be like a flesh, can only be obedient. It is also the deep observation of the soul. It is also equivalent to the body of the flesh. If you can't let go of your heart, then Yinyang I can't absorb the source of this source, you can't absorb the soul energy, repair the ancient ax. "

"I have a way." Wang Feng said, "no soul is needed."

"What method?" Yan Qing said like a bit surprised.

Wang Feng said a few words in her ear.

After hearing, he was strange to watch Wang Feng, then nodded.

"OK, I will try."

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