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Chapter 1640, your heart is very firm

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"Hey, Congratulations, the host is successful in the round, the rewards are successful, and the sidelines of the Sanqing ', the yin and yang is entitled to a certain level, the system is closed, hope the host is trying to work hard, don't live up to the system's cultivation ..."

Icy mechanical sounds, accompanied by the opening of , in the soul of Wang Feng.

That is this voice and familiarity!

Wang Feng is quite excited.

In the heart, there is a system that is unsatisfactory in the heart, and finally let Wang Feng have a kind of intimacy from the soul of the soul.

is not much to understand, why Wang Feng will ask her to do this.

It is clear that there is no meaningful thing.

She is a heaven and emotion, but she will not understand human emotions.

However, as this sound rang.

is able to feel that this 'host', at this moment, the soul has a small feeling with her like a Qinshi.

With this tightness, the vortex in the eyes of the two begins to spread, the invisible energy will be wrapped up.

It's a huge silkworm cocoon of two rotations.

Wang Feng only felt that the soul came again to the long river.

But this time, he saw it, a long river in the dark devil.

He saw the experience of , the experience of the creation of this dark devil.

She is a dark devil world. When the dark devil is not broken, she is born innocent, from the moment of the dark devil, she carries the will of the world, integration with the avenue.

From the picking magic day, integrate the dark devil world, and then launch a battle to the gods, greeted the gods of the moon.

Countless pictures are like movies, in the long river of the dark devil, there is a legend, leaving a legend that has never been written.

Not only that, but the incarnation is the lording, she has been to countless worlds.

For example, a tear is to exchange with Qin Yu couple. The preamble and the person's word, is the sense of understanding of a great controversy with the wilderness world, not only that, she will still have several thumbs. Even, I also met the big name of the big name, and the earth.

Even, she also went to the angel nebula, with the highest queen of the angel nebula, sacred Caisa talks about justice and evil.

Even the earth of the universe, she has even have been there, and it is a light world. And in the crowd, she even had the end of the past. Wang Feng believes that it should be that Yan Qingzheng has already perceived the people of the soul of the source of the king.

She crossed the Tiantianwan, left countless footprints, sent a universe avenue, and finally returned to the dark devil world, opened the magic era, and set up their own arrival.

Basically, Wang Feng knows the multi-universe world, and the world who doesn't know, she has been there.

Wang Feng saw the heart and shocking.

Feeling this , more like it is more like a protagonist.

Different, Yan Qingyi as the heaven of the dark devil, she wants to become the universe-level life, naturally close to the dark devil.

She is very conventional life, but the world of the world.

The world of the world is the will of the world.

In the Magic Age, the dark devil world of the big is more powerful, and her strength has become stronger, and the synchronization is stronger.

Have to say, in terms of experience, may have much great abundant.

And, she really pursues.

It is not an easy to deal with the magicity.

Instead, the magic day is just a stone she pursues the road of the Avenue, even if she has no she, she also has other ways to deal with it.

In the soul blending, Wang Feng understood the and shocked.

This makes him a few of them.

He has no emotion between between women and men.

Only gratitude to the system is heavy, and the admiring of .

"Zheng God is clear, your soul is blended, and it has begun to cultivate the source of yin and yang.

The voice of the Qing Qingxi sounded from the depths of the soul.

Wang Feng should have a sound, and the Zhuxiang and Hongmeng Benyuan have emerged in the top.

In the end, the huge soul energy is from the middle of the two, and the gathering has become two yin and yang, it is like two Sichuan returned to the sea.

For a time, Wang Feng has a singularity.

He felt that the soul of both sides did not become weak, but it became more powerful.

Yin and Yang intersection, bismuth. As the main source of the universe, yin and yang is obviously extremely powerful.

Once there are two people who understand cultivation, they are fit to a certain level, and the soul will grow rapidly!

I don't know how long it takes.

Focused about, Wang Feng felt the trembling of Pangu ax.

A stealth will of the universe, came from the hot ax.

It is the will of the day.

The universe will be a road, different from yin and yang will.

The openness will be the will of the attack, with the power of breaking the chaos of the universe.

If it is ranked to the universe, Wang Feng believes that the open will of the ancient ax is enough to take the top five.

Although he doesn't know how the universe will be divided into strength.

To put it up, I said before, I said, his starting wheel, has touched the cause of the causal.

And the source of causal is the first source of the universe will be the first and fate will.

"It is enough to fix the soul of the ancient ax," Wang Feng thought this, could not help but sigh.

After all, the light is the will of the day, and Wang Feng has become a universe life.

Feel the Wei'an will, Wang Fengxin, unshire, knowing that he prints in the soul of the soul, and quickly ginseng.

I don't know how long it takes.

I only heard a light, Wang Feng opened his eyes, and the anti-ax ax automatically dropped.

The opposite has not become blurred, but it is more condensed, it looks completely like a soul.

Instead, it is true.

She is involved in a strong source of origins, surrounded by themselves, and there is no feeling with their own soul.

This is the effect of cultivating the yin and yang governance.

But then, Wang Feng felt that this yin and yang gave this source. If you let yourself and a few red knowledge, the effect should be better.

Because, you can truly integrate ...

"According to the moon, you are really like the sources of killing."

suddenly opens.


Wang Fengyi eyebrows, "Where is it?"

"It's very spent, very slag. Different, the source of the king belongs to the verge of romance, saying that you are only ignorant."

, I have never changed it. "

"Say interesting, usually meet this level, basically 99 times the first pass, will find that it is not myself."

"But you still."

"Your heart is very firm."

Wang Feng cough a few sounds, and I don't know if I am boasting.

"You said this, then I just want to praise me." Wang Feng said.

"..." .

"Flash, I will help you get this remaining five shackles." Wang Feng took the ancient ax, and walked in the door of the front palace.


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