Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1641 side effects, chaos water

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Wang Feng stood outside the gate of the palace gate in this foot.

Each shackle looks like a horizontal peak.

Wang Feng took the anx ax, and it seems that I thought about it. Suddenly I asked in a curious:

"This nine shackles, three shackles are the magic day. With the strength of the magic day, can he break the three shackles? His time, should it be just a devil?"

"I have given him a lot of things. At that time, he is generally with you, there is strength to be able to challenge the challenge." Yan Qingyi explained, "Although it is an Devil, but the actual combat power is far more than. Even a spike. More, I Can be selected as the soul demon of the integrated dark devil, and he is naturally very outstanding. "

Wang Feng nodded.

Magic Tianzhi This opponent, is the most powerful one since Wang Feng memory.

Otherwise, he will not suspect that this guy is hanging.

Wang Fengzhen's ancient ank, pulling it, and the ancient ax in the moment is like an entity, and there is a god of light.

His soul is both glanced, and it is equally colorful.

Pei Ran is like the soul of the sea, accompanied this ax, stimulates at least 70% of the ancient ax-ax-axle, and turning the way to block the sky, from the palace Herne!

The fifth shackle, there is almost no resistance, and the ax is directly smashed.

The remaining fourth road, the third, slightly resistant, but still do not block how long.

Until the second, the ax is like a cutter, the shackles of at least a lifting hundreds of feet are quickly cut from top to bottom.

In the cutting gap, countless ripple symbols are accompanied by black magic floating, and they are directly absorbed by the Qing Qingxi.

The second shackle is time-consuming time, which is longer than the previous way.

At this time, the ax is too much.

Wang Feng returned to the ancient ax, looked at the last shackles, and the heart is in the absence of it.

In the extent to which the ancient ax repaired, I went to the four shackles.

And it also exhausted most of his soul energy.

"Some slow ... The remaining shackles, and so on will try again." Wang Feng did not help but regret.

"Slow?" Absorbing the four magic of the Qing Dynasty, a strange look at Wang Feng. "Do you know how long is the first three-way shackles?"

"how long?"

"It took at least half a year before and after before and after. He has no way, but it is intended to have three magic to run. This nine shackles are closer to the following, the stronger the will of the universe The harder it is, the harder it ... "

"For half a year? So long, why didn't you find it?" Wang Feng asked.

"I was in other worlds, I didn't pay attention to the magic day. Because at that time, he still had my trust." , "At that time, I was in a relatively special planet, called God Gang Star. I plan to create a powerful weapon to the magic day, let him get a few layers. I was waiting for me to return to another ... "

Yan Qing looked at the gate of promotion of a palace. "Fortunately, if it is really successful, he may not only be three magical, but at least four magic."

"So, how long have you been using, just a shackle. The magic day of the year is more than yours, it is already a cloud."

It turned out that the magic day of the year was so spicy chicken. Wang Fengxin thought, no, it is not a magic day, spicy chicken.

Instead, I now have ancient ax being too strong.

"Take a break."

Yan Qingxi walked to Wang Feng, reach out of his hands, showing the soul vortex in the eyes.

A huge soul energy, from her, the source of giving, to Wang Feng.

"This is ..." Wang Feng felt this soul energy, the soul touched the yin and yang guaning the source of the source.

"You will repair the yin and yang, the source, the soul can be exchanged at any time, repair any soul trauma, and improve the soul to repair. You are the source of the soul, I am the source of the soul. As long as you, I am, even if the universe life is unable It is easy to destroy our soul. "

Yan Qingxi said, "As the main source of yin and yang's will, don't read this source, the source avenue is 10,000, this yin and yang is entitled to the source, it is the upper number of energy."

If Yan Qingzhao said.

"Moreover, your starting spirit is the essence of the long-distance in the long run of the world, and the time in the long river in any world is extremely large, the yin and yang gave this source to cultivate this soul, and there is also a deterioration. Even the soul of this The energy is not abundant, you can rely on me from the long-term source of the long river from the dark devil. "

"So I am not always the ancient ax?" Wang Feng thought about it, "that is actually invincible."

The ancient ax consumed before, and it didn't have a few ax.

Now the ancient ax is more powerful, but also has an open will, an ax, consume more exaggeration, still can't use a few ax.

And now ...

"There is a interval, and I have to be by your side, and in the dark devil world." Yan Qing said that he said.

"Is your soul not already mixed with the ancient ax? How are you thinking about half an anthart?" Wang Feng Sso, "Isn't it always around me?"

has no refutation, it seems to be the default.

"But in the dark devil world, this condition is very harsh."

Wang Feng shook his head.

"Actually ... there is a way, you can let you use the ancient ax in any world."

suddenly said.

"What kind of means? Wait ..." Wang Feng just wants to ask, but it seems to think about what, "You said, I am in other worlds ..."

"You think it's right." , "If the heavens and other worlds are also cultivated, they can also learn the essentials of the world, and they will be completed, and cultivate."

"This yin and yang is entitled to this source ... isn't it only two cultivation?" Wang Feng doubtfully, "more ... Will n't there yin and yang disappointment?"

He has already cultivated this source now, and it has a certain degree of understanding.

The yin and yang govern the origin, it is a soul of the two sides, the source of the soul, the same as the source of the soul, while running.

If there is more than a melodic source ... Basically, it is difficult to succeed.

"It was originally like this."

, "But your starting wheel is too special, too special, integrated with time. There is an endless change, and you still have a complete single three clear this isometric. Once it is combined with this gasification, you can practice in different times, it means that you can practice the yin and yang in different worlds, and the different yin soul. "

Wang Feng took a breath.

Lying in the trough.

This doesn't mean that you can really cultivate with your own yourself?

Is this that Hongmeng Benyuan booted out, is it best for you to practice?

This is really incomparable to yourself ...

"Is there a side effect?" Wang Feng was cautious, or asked.

In the eyes of Yan Qing, it flasmed the light, and then she shook his head: "No."

"Nothing is good." Wang Feng is big.

This has no side effects.

At this moment, Wang Feng is extremely comfortable, and immediately waits the ancient ax to struggle with a shackle.

The last shackle is extremely sturdy, and an ax is still not open, and the second ax is calm.

With the last shackle, Wang Feng suddenly felt the soul.

He looked up at this palace and found that the palace has begun to disappear.

Looking back, Wang Feng looked at the Qing Qing, she was absorbing the magic in the last shackle.

As the palace disappears, the wheel back well really appears in the line of sight.

The model of the wheel back well is larger than the imagination.

In the case of the diameter, at least a thousand meters, there is a few trendy to go back to the well, and it should be the foreign soul of the outside world.

"Right, you haven't talked now, who is this palace?"

Wang Feng suddenly asked, "I don't seem to find information about this palace. Use the universe, put the wheel back to the well, don't let you take the turn to the well, it sounds strange."

opened his eyes, hesitated for a while, she said: "This is actually a test ... is the test of the universe-level life for our world's heaven, it is very complicated, there will be time to say it."

"Is it a relationship with the front of you before you?" Wang Feng said.

, silent, then nodded.

It's really ... Wang Fengxin.

This is estimated to be the only secret of .

Wang Feng is not very interested, it is time to take a look at the wheel back well, but it is ready to return to the real world.

"Round returning is a magic well of the birth of the dark magic world, its well water is the water of chaos, and it has been cleared to any soul. It has the effect of complete dust, and reshape the soul. And, only well water The baptism, the soul can return to the original world. "

"The previous wheel is limited, I can't control ... I can't mobilize the well water inside." Yan Qing pointed to the gine in front.

From a distance, like a giant pit.

"Otherwise, the magic soul of the dark devil enters this well, will get a lot of bonus. Now the magic soul enters the ring back to the well, will only have evil changes. It may be transformed into other life varieties, the harmfulness of other worlds "

, "In the past, he did not say the change in other worlds, the soul of the dark devil will be a generation."

"So, don't let those magic souls enter the ring back, is this reason?" Wang Feng understood.

"Just one one." Yan Qingzhen said softly, "In addition, I want to look at the days to go back to the well in myself, let these magic souls compete, it is best to have the devil. This can explain. The potential of the devil is endless. "


Is it not a raising?

Sure enough, these heaven is not a good role.

"You will follow the well water of the wheel, practice three clear. You have already got a full version of the three-clear three clear. If you can directly cultivate another two pure souls in the ring, go to other The world's time is cultivated in the long river to become the beginning of the round, the three souls, and deal with the magical day. "

Wang Feng nodded.

"Speaking, this is a three clear, do you have no cultivation?" Wang Feng suddenly asked.

"I can't cultivate ... I am Tiandao, this is from the universe-level life of your flood world. From a certain extent, it is a kind of wild inheritance, not to cultivate."

Wang Feng looked down to the bottom of the ring, meditation, and then jumped.

also followed.

The soul is not an entity, but the moment of falling into the well, there is also a sound of thud.

A extremely special energy, immediately wrap the Wang Feng soul whole body.

This is not a soul energy, but a kind of energy that Wang Feng can't say.

"The water of chaotic, this is chaotic energy. Chaos energy can be any energy, soul, the flesh can be cultivated. It doesn't have any boundaries. In the dark devil, there are few years, I will care for you, you Cultivate it. "

The voice of Yan Qingxi sounded in the soul.

Wang Feng no longer hesitated, and immediately cultivated the complete one.

Time, slowly lost.

The water level of the wheel is slowly declining.


Wang Feng's soul is sitting in the center of the well, sitting on the legs, and the whole body exudes a kind of profit god.

Every inch is brilliant, it is like gathering countless stars.

The strange thing is that it seems to be a little.

It seems that he is not here.

know, this is the effect of the beginning of the round.

Look at the soul, it is actually a soul that is integrated with time, it is difficult to notice.

Close your eyes and perceived, and Yan Qingyi even felt that Wang Feng was in the ring.

Along with the water level drop.

The well water of the wheel is started to start.

, the well water of the round is not endless.

Well water is the water of chaos, in theory, only consumption, unable to supplement.

But the dark devil came for so many years, and the well water has almost all used.

So that the well water spills the outside, forming a shocked sea and the river.

It can be seen in the eyes of Wang Feng's absorption and cultivation. He will have a little worry, he will not complete this well water.

However, the wheel back well contains the heavens law of the dark devil, theory, although this well water cannot be supplemented.

However, in fact, there is only one set of rules in the wheel back, as long as there is such a chaotic water in the well, it can always be generated with a trace speed.

Therefore, she said that it is endless.

The premise is that well water will not be absorbed.

Fortunately, it is excessive, and after the 10th, the well water has dropped at least one quarter.

She finally saw Wang Fenghua out the second pure soul.

Next, almost every time the well is one-quarter, Wang Feng will make a pure soul.

Although these souls are Wang Fenghua, it is still not the beginning of the round, but it is still a powerful soul energy, and there is no one to Wang Feng.

Three of the three looks like Wang Feng, sit in the triangle gesture.

The main soul is the beginning of the round, it looks at a glance.

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