Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1646 Temperature

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Siyue couldn't help but laugh.

Honestly, her smile is beautiful, but let Wang Feng feel not very wonderful.

"What are you laughing?" Wang Feng asked.

"Of course, you can refuse, the price is the goddess."

Siyue snorted, "Yan Qingzhen knows this, only send you here."

"No, let's ... even if you refuse, I can and ..." Wang Feng thought about it.

"Hey, the other two red, knowing the yin and yang, is it? Yes, you will be weaker than your main soul. This is not the most critical, the most critical, they can't help You have the soul of the soul to hit the flesh with it. "

, "There is no flesh as a carrier, you are very difficult to play in the spirit of the gods, which is very likely to be defeated, the gods will fall. The gods fall, although I will not disappear, but Will be silent, fall into the boundless darkness. Waiting for the next moment of chaos. "

"This ..." Wang Feng Si won a few seconds.

I found that Yue Yue said it is true.


"Then you ..." Wang Feng looked at her.

He is actually curious, how to reshape the flesh?

Or is it a flesh that matches the soul when the start is?

I didn't talk, it seems to be in a look.

After a long time, I know that the black spots in the central government in the sea are getting bigger and bigger, and I started spreading around. She couldn't help but open:

"I agree. But you have to promise me a few conditions."

Wang Feng frowned: "Repairing the yin and yang guaning the source, is a mutually beneficial and mutual benefit, why should I promise you a few conditions? You can practice the source of yin and yang, will also enhance your own soul energy, for you Is it help? Refining this source is not unilaterally claimed. Again, this is just a trading. Nothing to dopate. And can transfer the soul of the cultivation, you think of cultivating This source of this source is obstacles to you, you can also transfer it directly ... "

Said, Wang Feng found a little difference in Siyue face.

It is stopped.

"It seems that has not yet told you ..." Yue Yue's light road, "You said it is right, if you just cultivate Yin Yang, the source will help you cultivate the beginning of the wheel. This is not ... The key is to help you recover one With the flesh that matches it. "

Siyue walks two steps, and it is lightly behind, but it is still rippled on the sea.

She looked loudly and picked up a sea water.

The golden sea is like a fat-like finger, from the gap, gradually dripping on the sea, splashing a spray.

"At that year, there was a kind of palace in the long way to go back to the sea. There were Jiudi shackles. The source of the king helped me hit this nine shackles at the gods. I got the universe of the universe in the shackles. Purple gas. "

"You know, I am in the past ... not in appearance now."

, "At the time, the source of the gods is just a conscious. Top more can only ill vitroe. However ..."

She looked at the appearance of the sea in his hand.

"Is the entity really?"


Siyun turned, looked at Wang Feng, "We are the sky, but the sky is a special existence." Although the Qing Dynasty is in the dark devil, he has no real flesh. "

Wen Yan, Wang Feng is stunned.

Is there such a thing?

"Our Tiandao is not in the universe metric, does not belong to any life, naturally it is impossible to have a flesh. Once you have a flesh, become a real life, you will be involved in the universe. What is the day?"

Duan Xue, Wang Feng seems to know what.

"So, these palaces."

"These palaces are gifts, and it is also the test of our palace. The shackles of the palace have the universe, this universe is a special universe. Once aggregated, it will form a complete universe."

"This kind of universe is called the round back to the tires, and it is also known as the birthplace. I feel cultivated, integrated with the power of the world, I can directly give birth to the flesh of the universe-level life. Make the heaven can become a real life, and directly Become a universe life. "

Wang Feng pupil miniature.

"And, once the birth of the child, our soul will never disappear. Will only differentiate into countless fine universe factors, spread in the universe, and finally have the soul will rebirth, the flesh is re-created. This is us The biggest opportunity of the heavens! "

Wang Feng understood.

He suddenly remembered the spirit of the soul that was encountered on the small island of the luus.

At that time, the soul of the demon god, self-explained the magic soul, put a magic soul of the origin called '', made all the human souls on the island, therefore, therefore cultivated a soul crystal nucleus .

At that time, Wang Feng thought that the origin of the original origin is very powerful, it is very close to the way of living in the universe-level life, it should be that the marina devil is learned from the magic.

It turns out that whether it is a round of the universe in the nine shackles of the palace, it is this day.

A powerful will of conjunctive universe life flesh.

"You have a body now, is it successful?" Wang Feng asked.

"Not yet. But too fast ..."


"If I help you condense the flesh, I must use me to practice many years of peace."

The gas was made by the magic day. She cultivated this day of feet is enough, naturally it is impossible to help you condense with the flesh of the beginning of the beginning of the round. "

"Take this problem to me ... I also want to pass the Yin and Yang to give me a water ..."

Speaking of this, Siyue smashed his teeth, "She knows that I have a complete meal will. Now there is a person who is in the crisis of this kind of gods, you are the source of death, I am in the source. The human life of the robbery, can't be! "

"How can I refuse?"


This is deep enough.

Wang Feng's heart in his heart.

"This, don't say so hard ... pull down the water ..." Wang Feng reluctantly said, "I seem to be so bad ..."


The moon turned over a white eye. "I am more familiar with you, you are in the world of Douro, I see clearly. See, I told you to him. You are not bad, just? "

She looked at Wang Feng with a slag man's eyes.

"What conditions do you have, say." Wang Feng did not change color.

Silent molf silence for a long time, I thought about it, I finally shaken my head: "Forget it."


Wang Feng is somewhat unknown.

This woman is such a thing, just also said that there is condition, now there is no?

The whole heart is still not going.


Wang Feng was shocked, looked at the moon, relying on, and high.

"Start it." Yue Yue faint.

"Um ..." Wang Feng did not refuse.

He knows that the magic day at this time has come to the gods.

There is no time to let him hesitate.

Siyue waved, in an instant, when Wang Feng's long river in the goddess of the star soul road, once again appeared in the sky.

It's like a picture that doesn't have a head, floating.

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