Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1647, the long river of the god

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Decorating the yin and yang govern this source, Wang Feng is already very experienced.

I know that there is no camera in front of him, it is the long river of the gods.

"On the Star Soul Road, you have already seen the long river of the gods. Shouldn't it be strange?" .

Wang Feng nodded.

Not strange, there is also a sense of familiarity.

"That start, you first practice into the beginning of the round, and then cultivate this source with me."

In the emperor, I suddenly flashed a siki, "Yes, my soul, the long river of this gods."

After that, she disappeared.

"?" Wang Feng brain has a few question marks.

"She means that you need to find her soul in the long river of time, she will cultivate the source of yin and yang."

At this time, a voice came from the soul.

It is the voice of .

"Is this a problem she gave?" Wang Feng asked.

"Calculate it. Siyue is different from me, you are the object I lay out, but not her. She is strict, and there is no obligation to pay too much for you."


Wang Feng thought about it, it also makes sense.

Siyue has a complete day will, and it is only one step away from the universe-level life. Now it is necessary to create this will to create a flesh, which is clearly worth a lot.

"Try to get rid of, the magic day has been working in the world of the gods and the World." Yan Qing's voice is low.

Wang Feng nodded slightly, and immediately turned into a long river that did not have ended time.


Douroard, Wangcheng.

Magic descended, so that the sky of the whole gods from the colorful bright darkness.

It's like a loss of sunshine, only the position of Wangcheng, is slightly a few shots.

"The palm of the lord is not so powerful. This magic day ..."

Tang San stood at the highest end of Wangcheng and believed on the tem of Temple.

Looking at the magic shadings in the distance, there is no worries in your heart.

The belief below the temple.

The gods gathered.

Everyone stands on an evacuation round high platform, and the power is boiling.

Enemy Current.

This time, King Tang San is naturally more experienced than last time.

Most importantly, the days of the gods have got a lot of civilization from the moon technology from the dark devil.

Now, it is a large power conversion array that can be blended with the interstitation of Shen Li.

You can give the gods even a minimum of the power of the enemy, and you can transfer to the King Tang San.

'Dark Devils, although I am the enemy of my god, but I have to admit that the development of them is good ...'

Feel the power of the power, constantly incorporate the strength of your own body, Tang Sanquan rays, the nine colored gods rose from him.

'If it is when the Emperor's Army is attacked, I also have this law, and the palm of the Lord should be easy to connect. '

Tang three shake his head.

So later, it is natural to be a bit ridiculous.

But this also proves the current gods, much stronger than before.

Other more than saying that you can stroner than before.

"Yes, I will have a single seedlings now. It can achieve this level, it is not easy."

On the other hand, boiling on the huge silver dragonback of the half-air, the silver moon smiled and said, "can be comparable to the big lady."

"Hey." Tang San Road.

Yinlong Wang Ben has the source of Long Shen, and it has also been a blood of the dragon, and should have a close relationship with Maple.

It can have the strength, very normal.

"Okay, I have to be integrated with the big lady, otherwise the strength does not play it all."

Silver moon suddenly came up with a face, "But even if so, we can't stop the magic day. Try to be delayed."

After finishing, she will make a silver light and the silver dragon under the foot.

Ang ~!

Yinlongwang was shining, such as light like a fog, and the pounds of the throne rushed.

Tang San is not very clear about the actual relationship between this silver and silver dragon, only knowing that between the two should be, self and my difference.

It is also possible that the silver moon itself is the consciousness of the silver king.

Silver moon's own strength is not strong, but it will produce special integration after integration with the silver dragon.

He can see that the silver of the silver king at this moment is a few more fresh red.

The previous Yin Long Wang is powerful, but it looks calm, indifferent, and there is not much aggression.

At this time, the silver dragon king seems to be full of aggressiveness, and also has a more powerful force.

Tang San looked at the next eye, and the Shura Demon Sword in the half-air suddenly slammed a light.

Running is a little dance, standing next to Tang San.

"Three brothers, this magic day policy is very embarrassing ..."

Xiaoqiu low voice, "The daughter came to say that the Tianrao world was torn out, it seems that the magician policy also appeared. The magicity strategy is in the heart, and it is intended to appear in the World of Douro. God. He is planning to take us on a good breath. "

"But this is bound to make his strength can't be played completely." Tang San thought, "Perhaps, this is also our opportunity ... can block a little longer."

"And, in order to lead to Maple, he should not kill directly in the gods and Douro world."

Xiao Dance is slightly nod, "I sent a group of gods to the world. Now I am closely related to the World of Douro World and Maple, and there are only a few of the souls. There are also a few special children."

"You are Rong Rong and Zhu Qing, there are Mu Bai, Oscar, are they going?" Tang Succession asked.


"It is also good." Tang San smashed his head, "they go yet, after all, they are familiar with the World of Douro ..."

Suddenly, I saw a bending faint and suddenly presented above the sky.

That is the Star River.

It is the vain of the universe star river.

Even if it is just a shadow, an instant, powerful will, and lower it from above.

The Tang San only feels a swing, and the bodies can't move.

At the same time, with a distracted voice:

"You also want to resist this respect for this."


Time in the long river.

Wang Feng's soul swims.

From the initial start.

The soul swims to the original, which is interesting.

Wang Feng saw the birth of the god.

The god circle is created by a universe life, which is the god of the gods.

It is not purely in the universe.

Create the world, don't say the universe-level life, even if it is the devil, the king is all possible.

Just, creating the world's most cost-time.

The formation of the world requires a long time, and finally forms a variety of life, and finally forms civilization.

Of course, as the power in the universe, speed can be accelerated.

Just only need to be slightly in this world, throw some civilized seeds, can speed up the huge degree of risk.

And this gods of the goddess are very lazy.

After he created the gods, he did not manage it.

The five origin seeds that lay the foundation rules of the gods were the top of the five kings.

Wang Feng has seen the first batch of life until the first batch of life in the long run of the goddess, until the five major origins.

Until the current variations.

In this long river, Wang Feng has a smooth tour, and each scene can see very clear.

For example, the scene of the dragon god war, including the dragon god into two major origins, Jin Dragon King and Yinlong Wang.

The experience of the gods is long, and it is actually not a dark devil.

Different, the moon and two heavens.

Because it is created by the strong, the gods have five major origins as the world law.

The dark magic world is the birth of automatic derivatization. It is a lot of weakness. It relies on the heavens of the sky, and cultivates the magic world.

One like a grassroots and slowly rise. A birth is the elite, shouting the golden tablespoons.

The main thing is that the moon is more than the Buddha, even if there is a virtual airspace, and did not want to conquer the proliferation of other world civilizations.

Most of them rely on gentle way and harvest the power of faith.

More outward expansion ...

This and the concept of the dark devil Tian Kong is afraid of big phase.

Drawing Wang Feng, who is the essence of the long river, feels very interesting, these two personality concepts different levels of heaven, how to cooperate?

Before the two god battles, it was obviously no cooperation.

In accordance with the statement of , she and the moon after the two gods, with the same heaven, quite a kind of cherished, so united.

Subsequently, Siyue itself is also more powerful in the gods.

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