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The contact before the heavens, Wang Feng feels unable to say, but it is more powerful to break through the life of the universe, and become more powerful in the cosmic round of robbery.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng sighed.

With the essence of the long-term long-river, he is absorbed by himself. His soul begins to become illusively, and there are countless time symbols. year.

The soul of the beginning of the wheel, then it should be cultivated with the soul of Yue Yue.

Um ... is it right, what about the soul of the moon?

Wang Feng suddenly woke up, her soul was in the long river of time.

I have just swayed through every corner of the long river, and it seems that I didn't find it.

'Almost missed ...' '

Wang Feng immediately stopped in the long river of time and quickly sucked.

However, relying on how he feels, you can't induce the soul of the moon.

'She is a gods, hiding the soul in the long river of the time, even if I can't obviously feel ...'

Wang Feng dark road.

However, if this is the case, then it is too small to look at your own round of soul.

When you start the soul, you have all kinds of mystery. Once cultivated, you can tamper with the trend in the long river, even if it is the same.

Yue Yue hides the soul in the long river, it will definitely cause a subtle change in the long river.

Even if it is a thin change, Wang Feng can also find it.

The shot is condensed, and the soul of the shoe is a clock long needle, and it is rapidly rotated in the long river.

Looking for a subtle change in the long river.

There is a lot of interesting scenes, and about the death of the king of the gods, the time axis of the gods.

He perceive a subtle change! ! !

Moreover, the change is on one of the gods!

Wang Feng knows that the source of the king of the king, turned into two different gods of the gods.

The first one is the emperor, that is, the first six-winged angel of the goddess. After breaking into the god, it is called the 12-wing dark angel, the second is the original six-wing angel god.

But what is interesting, according to Wang Feng, the history of the World of Douro is that the angel God is the strongman of the World of Douro, and the annuality of the angel is self-sufficient.

In other words, the initial angel god does not come from the gods. It comes from the World of Douro.

Like the sea, the self-witness, the flying world.

That isn't this contradiction?

This point of Wang Feng has always had questions. Just because most of the attention is in the emperor's God, he has never thought about it.

At this moment, Wang Feng came to this timeline.

When the start of the wheel, the soul is a light, directly enter this timeline.

In an instant, the radiant radiance is annihilated and finally gathered here.

Wang Feng's soul came to the trend of the gods of the death of the death of God.

Light shadow is intertwined, and the two of the two rushes and the darkness, like yin and yang two gas, forming a huge gas column over this round of sea.

Wang Feng finally saw the soul of the moon.

No, accurately, is the soul of the two Yue.

One, inside the light column. The other, the outside of the light pillar.

Wang Fengyin is about to understand what.

The soul in this gas column is hidden, and when Wang Feng's long-distance river, he did not notice.

At this moment, I was discovered on the time at this time.

Wang Feng walked over.

"Well? I can really find it, my soul is really very powerful."

Siyue suddenly turned around and looked at Wang Feng.

"OK." Wang Feng silently, "inside, is your soul?"

"What are you talking?" Yan Yu is laughing at Wang Feng.

"Is it ..." Wang Feng smashed, "You and Yan Qingxi, the heavenly, the soul entered the angel of the sourcing God, you are also the angel of the gods?"

Thinking of this, Wang Feng suddenly.

At the time of the World of Douro, he helped thousands of snow in the angel illusion.

At that time, the angel God conveyed a lot of information, and also had a short exchange, but also made himself a seven different tests of the angel gods in the angel illusion, thus gaining the special seven angel gods. power.

After that, you can integrate with the seven strengths of the Dark Angel Wuhun, integrated into the source of the king of the king!

At that time, Wang Feng was quite strange. The strength of his dark angel was clearly contrary to the angel God, and the angel god did not kill himself, but also helped himself? Even many of many times, I found a lot of secrets.

At that time, I got the power of the seven angel statues in the angel illusion, and that angel got to fuse these fourteen powers, then condensed the angel source nucleus to achieve the high sediment.

I am recalling now, this is the high of God, is afraid that all the power of the king of the king?

How can an Angel God know so much?

It is necessary to know that when Wang Feng and the five kings are talking, the four gods only say to integrate fourteen species, combined with the new six-wing angel god, can become a source of king.

And the things of the angel sources, the five gods did not say!

Now I recalled, the two sides said that it is obviously different.

Of course, I didn't know so much now, I didn't think it.

Now I saw the soul of the moon in this bright gas column.

"The world of the world has an angel power, is you?" Wang Feng Shen Sheng said. "You at the World of Douro, should it be the source of the source of the king of the king?"

"It seems that you understand." Siyue nodded, "Yes, the last life force of God will become two gods, the original appearance. At the same time, the source of the king divided his own source of power into fourteen Injecting these two life power. In order to make this life quickly adapted to carry the source of the king, I just got the birth of the child, just combined with the use, the soul entered this life, helping to integrate. "

"The best way to integrate, naturally the use experience. After the second God battle, the goddess is empty, I will enter the World of Douro, control this body experience. Finally, the method of self-evidence, will This life is integrated with the seven-way homelets, flying the gods, waiting for the source of the soul of the sources. "

When I heard this, Wang Feng's heart was gone.

"Angel family of the World ..."

"It was I left before I got into the goddess ..." Yue Yue is laughing at Wang Feng.

"Wait ..." Wang Feng stunned, "If you are not in the World of Douro, there is a man?"

"Oh ..." The smile on the moon is unchanged. "Yes, how can I leave inheritance? Can you change it out? So, do you still plan to cultivate the source of yin and yang now?"

"Oh, there is, in other words, thousands of snow is divided into children, you have to call my ancestors."

After that, she looked at Wang Feng.

"..." Wang Feng.

Wang Feng's heart countless Nima collapsed, hey, these days will not be as simple as it!

"Why not?" Wang Feng shouted the moon, "and don't say you as a heaven, there are countless ways can be combined with men in all serves. Even if you really have, what is it with me? We can only be considered, and there is no need to make God. At that time you can hand over the soul of the cultivation. "

"You I didn't have much emotion."

"You use this way to trial me, tell the truth, there is no technical content."

Wang Feng smiled at the moon.

"How do you know that I am experimenting with you?" Yue Yue faint.

"Tiandao, high height. You are still the gods of the heavens. At the time, he also controlled the will of the tires. Can you see a man in the world?" Wang Feng did not hesitate. "I guess, you leave an angel in the World of Douro. Because you know, the soul of the king of the king is going to the world, if you want to get the power of the king, it will eventually combine with the angel you fused. And you are naturally to get out of the angel. of."

"Because you don't know that the source of the king of the king is a man who is a male is a woman. But whether it is a man is a woman, you will not be combined with the gods."

"So, you leave the inheritance of the angel. You can let the future generations of angel power, after countless years, inherit your angel. You can take it out."

After that, Wang Feng looked at her.

In order to get out of the moon of the world, the soul of the soul of the king of the king is unwilling.

Naturally, it is impossible to combine with men in the world.

"Now you are not a general intelligence." Yun Yue shook his head, slowly, "You said yes ... but you don't know. I am in Douro's world ... it is a man's image, and Not a woman. "

Wang Fengyi, this, remembered that the angel of the Hall of the Wushen Hall of the Wushen, is indeed a man.

Siyue smashed his head, looked at Wang Feng:

"We have no men and women, and I found it later, or the woman is better. After returning to the god, the body will condense this body."

Wang Feng: "..."

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