Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1649 Strange Issues

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These secrets said by the moon, tell the truth, let Wang Feng are shocked.

Because some Wang Feng can notice, there is no association to the moon.

"These secrets, why do you want to tell me?" Wang Feng hesitated or asked, "Just try to test me?"

In fact, these secrets are comparable to the secret of privilege, and they are very deep.

I am afraid that I have a long river in the long run, it is difficult to know.

Siyue did not have the need to say these things because they used them to test themselves.

"I am watching you all the way." Yue Yue faintly said, "I know very clearly, but you are not enough to give me the source. Since it is necessary to cultivate the soul, the two sides are more a thoroughness. "

Wang Feng nodded, and he understood this reason for the moon.

However, this is the relationship between this month and thousands of snow, Wang Feng has not been thought of.

Ancestry ...


"let's start."

When the moon closed his eyes, "Don't delay it, when repairing the yin and yang, I will pass the feet will be sent to you, help you condense the flesh."

Wang Feng nodded.

This time this time I cultivated the yin and yang governance.

It is much better than the Qi Qingxi.

Just like this, the two sides are very understandable, there is no secret.

In addition to Wang Feng, there is an experience of He Yan Qingxi, driving the soul of the moon to cultivate, between the two, but the water, the soul does not touch anything, the power of the soul can give the source of yin and yang. Decorating the soul and the soul.

And the cultivation speed is very fast.

I am so surprised to let Wang Feng.

"I said, I have been very curious."

In the cultivation, the soul of the moon suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Wang Feng.


This time, I suddenly questioned, I was inexplicably, and I had several unwanted hidden feelings.

If you don't, you will listen to the moon:

"You are in the World of Douro, I am very curious, what is your favorite ...?"

Asked the month.

"..." Wang Feng.

Look, this is this kind of proposition.

With Wang Feng's slag male experience, I know that I can't answer at this time.

Otherwise, this tribunal will be, it must be an all over.

I didn't ask this month, I didn't ask, I asked at this time, if I didn't think I thought, I killed Wang Feng.

After a moment, Wang Feng said: "It depends on what you asked is the original Wang Feng, or the current Wang Feng."

"Well?" , "What is the difference?"

"The original Wang Feng is a man who has never lived. Who is more likely," Wang Feng said.

"Oh, then now." Siyue smiled, probably this answer allowed her to be a little familiar.

"The current Wang Feng ..." Wang Feng sinking, "After the world, it is natural who is more beautiful and more."

"Oh ... It's shameless." Yue Yuezhi, "You have never been competed after this, but it will be great."

"Not also." Wang Feng shook his head, "the big, there is a poor. But beautiful, but endless. And my heart is getting more beautiful."

"It's some meaning." Siyue thought about it, "You answer, although it is very perfunctory ... Well?"

Siyue suddenly looked to Wang Feng, smiled: "Didn't see it, you really have a little more deeply ..."

Wang Feng seems to not understand: "What does this mean?"

"Oh, Wang Feng, do you be a stupid?" , "I have a body, it is uncomfortable with the peace of the tire, and I don't politely say that the degree of beauty is compared to any one in your heart. Both, you have to be beautiful. You said this, nothing more than saying it to me. "

"Your man's mouth is credible."

Wang Feng did not talk.

"Then you ask me this question, don't you want to get a answer about your own you want?" Wang Feng also couldn't help but laugh, "Otherwise, you don't ask, don't ask, is in the critical moment of cultivation Q. If I don't say some nice, I will listen to you, your soul is shocked, but also repaired? "

"Your woman is also a heart, the man said in the mouth is not good, isn't you enjoyed in your heart?"

"You ..." Siyue said no words, it seems to be a bit beyond, "I know but you!"

Wang Feng said so that there is a head.

Because he found that he had just said this, the soul of both sides took a few points.

You see, the answer is obviously the heart of the moon in the dark stamp.

Tiandao, how about it, as long as it is life, there is also a flesh, it will definitely produce emotions.

Even very light.

But as long as you do a trace, it is enough.

Wang Feng sighed and became more and more proficient, this is not very good.

As the origin is cultivated, the soul is slow slowly, and Wang Feng is gradually flying.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Start condense the flesh." Siyue Shen said, "I will give you the peaceful will, and help you condensed the flesh."

"Auxiliary?" Wang Feng thought about it, "Would you like myself?"

"You come by yourself? The birth of the tire is a kind of universe, although it is not very strong, but you will understand that not exactly, I know you have special Hong Meng, but you can't use your current soul. Using Hongmeng Benyuan to analyze the will of the universe. If you are not guided, you can't make it difficult to mobilize the strength of the child's abilities. "Yue Moon took the Wang Feng.

"Um ... then I can ask for a request." Wang Feng asked.

"What is the requirements for your flesh?"

"..." Wang Feng passed a few tones against the moon.

"You!" Yue Yue first is a one, then there is a lot of tone, "all the realm of this realm, but also remember those things ..."

"I just follow my own look. What are you so excited? What is me? What is the matter?" Wang Feng no vague.

"You think that your mind, I don't understand it?" Siyue snorted.

But did not refuse Wang Feng's request.

It is very interesting to have a child.

It is a way to construct the body in chaos, waiting for chaotic to break, flesh condense.

In the will of the heaven, countless energy will enter it through chaotic obstruction, and it is gradually condensed by the flesh and finally born.

Have such a will, want to plastic, and drink it as simple as eating.

Of course, this is the same, although it is equally strong, but there will be no very strong special ability.

But no matter what, there is also a medium that has a medium that is capable of presenting the power of the present source. It is also a premise that the ancient ax is true.

I do not know how long it has been.

As a slight break, there is no boundless.

On top of the sea, the rushing sea is boiling.

The long river in the sea is slim, the long river is full of hundreds of millions of light.

Not much time, the two people flew out from the inside, a man and a woman.

The woman's face is peerless, male ... handsome is extremely, than the woman is not bad, but there is no clothes, it seems to fall on the sea.

Just on the sea, the male waved, and suddenly, the long river suddenly condensed a mountain river, covering the man's body.

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