Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1650 Four Sword

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"The flesh is condensed out, how don't you condense a dress?" The man smelled the woman straight.

"Forgot." The woman turned his head and faint.

Wang Feng helplessly shook his head.

The flesh is completely completed.

The woman stands on the sea, but there is some shake desire.

Wang Feng hurriedly walked over, helping the Shoulders of the moon: "You don't say half of the heaven will only delay your time to become the universe-level life, it seems to consume a big look ..."

"You still think about how to solve the magicity of the gods!"

Wang Feng looked at it, closed his eyes, and she didn't seem to think about anything.

"Also, the magic day at this time also appeared in the World of Douro."

Shiyue reminded.

However, Wang Feng is laughing.

"That's not just?" Wang Feng smiled, "The magic day is not true, he is a consciousness, and now it will also consciously become three. I don't have to swear him!"

Say, Wang Feng is in the hands of the light.

It is Pangu ax.


Wang Fengkou has a clear drink.

In an instant, I saw that the ancient ax rays change, ax back made a certain chaotic clock, flying to endless void.

And the ax is also quietly changing, and it is turned into four ways to rush to the gods.

"go with!"

Wang Feng followed the four light, the flesh also flew to the gods, and the eyes were flashing.

Magic Tian Ce, you haven't come true, but this time you must let you fall to the universe life!

Let's take a look at the power of this !

at the same time.

Spirit world!

The sky is cracking, it seems like a huge glass being fried.

The magician strategy is standing above Wangcheng, looking at it.


Tang Sanyu, the smell of the monarch swordsserted on the ground and barely supported.

The big mouth gasped, the god blood continued to flour out from all over the body.

On the other side, a huge silver dragon in the body is also lying on the land of the rupture.

"Ten tricks have not passed, the ant ants are the ants."

The magic is slightly shaken.

Even just just a sense.

The huge gap between life level is not a quantity.

The gap is too big.

Tang Shuanghuang is slightly collapsed, and there is a few points.

He felt a more powerful force.

That kind of suppression is too exaggerated.

It is the force that exceeds the source.

Before he faintly had a sluggish touch, but now I found out that the distance is too far away.

Even, this magic day, just a consciousness.

The star river hanging on his head is also like the sea of ​​sails, and it can have a force that is sufficient to suppress hundreds of millions of life.

Even if he is a king, it is impossible to get rid of any.

Jie hands with Yinlong Wang, but only with the magic day.

Ten tricks, actually there are many.

However, for Tang San, some can't accept it.

It is important to know that he is different from the time to make a trip to the Lord.

He is a moment of gods in the moment, is the best moment!

Teach your hand to pass ten strokes.

That is to be the magic day, the body is getting, the gods are estimated to collapse in an instant.

Where did they have a chance?

Close your eyes.

That is the power of the god, the power of the universe.

"Not in the gods. It seems that you first let the people who have a relationship with Wang Feng."

The magic day made an eye, and the eyes were like the imaginary.

He turned into a blink of a silver king, "But you and Tang San, but also have a few special relationships with Wang Feng, and the causality between you is not small. Come, catch you back, just."

Said, he is going to work.

At this time, in the temple of the faith, suddenly burst out a blood, a very arrogant voice sounded:

"Let's stay! Without my dragon evil, my boss and brothers, is it your slag?"

The voice falls.

A few cracked beliefs, suddenly violently slamming the dragon shadow, like the clouds, and finally turned into a bloody shadow.

He wore a bloody armor, the armor shot all kinds of ghosts, and at first glance.

"Well? Where is the reptile?"

The magic day is slightly frowned, and it is worth a mistake. "" It is very arrogant to be so arrogant ... Unfortunately, if you are a complete cosmic evil, condensed out the Wan Evil Forester, this consciousness It's really not your opponent. "

"However, you can't fight the Eight poles of Wanjie Dragon, let alone just half the universe evil spirits ..."

Word, I saw the magic day.

In an instant, the star river showing the vivid shadow flows.

The boundless will cover is pressed.

The dragon evil spirits, the informed evil makes him look like a evil at the moment.

The momentum is a strong bit more than the Tang San. But is the magician policy?

The willfulness of exactly unreasonable transcendence is crushing, nature is not he resistant.

Body armor inch cracks.

Dragon evil is very unhappy, he doesn't know who this dog is more than something.

It's hard to practice in the banned domain, I have something to have something, I just want to come out, but I have never thought of such a strong guy.

"I can't come out again, I can't help it! Give me a burst!"

Dragon evil roar.

Double boxing, staring at this pressure, upset.


At the same time, the low voice is long.

It is also in the ban on the ban, and a white color is suddenly sounded.

Yin Long Wang did not know, Long Xie entered the ban in the banned domain, in fact, there was also a cultivation.

Different, the dragon evil into the absorption. And the ice hm lin will go in the practice, it is to temper itself.

In the boundless evil spirits, you will be frozen in it, and you will always suffer from evil spirits, making yourself more powerful, soul sublimation. Drive the strength to achieve a higher level.

Of course, I may not directly absorb the evil spirits of evil thinking, but it is not bad, and it is more difficult.

Along with this ice color, strong local power and dragon evil spirits gathered two horrible local light columns, and went towards the magic.

The magic day strategy is slightly frown.

I didn't expect to solve a Tang San and Yinlong Wang, and there are two guys in the gods.

That Wang Feng is not bad.

"Fearless struggle."

The magic day is indifferent, the fingertips are a bit. At random from Najahe's will, the origin is pulled out, and it is hitting the alley.

The dramatic rays cover the sky of the whole god.

After a long time, it slowly recovered.

"Hey, the old brother, this dog is too strong ..."

Long evil has become a pure blood color, vaguely flashing, "I have been hit back, you don't seem to take it better than I am."

"..." .

I didn't expect that I met this strong enemy just came out.

I have to silence.

"Can you struggle in your god?"

The magic day cacked and shook his head: "It seems that there is no ..."

at this time.

Four Changhong matches, carrying the unilateral momentum, suddenly falling from the sky.

Falling in four orientation, exudes the fierceness of nothing.

The horizontal cracks, the golden light is lowered.

The calm sound is accompanied by a movie, lowered from Jin Guang:

"Is it?"

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