Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1664, you are called the wrong person!

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Ning Rongrong face is red, immediately get up, twisted: "What are you doing, someone!"

Hey, do you know someone?

Wang Feng glanced at her, whispered: "No one will be, don't you say?"

Ning Rongrong, homark, flying to Zhu Zhuqing, who was rushing, said: "I and Zhu Qing are waiting for you in the gods."

Zhu Zhu clearly thought, I just came over, I haven't said two words, you want to pull me to the gods, I don't do it.

Although I think so, I looked around, Zhu Zhuqing said: "That ... we will return to the gods first? Forget, Rong Rong, or we will play this world for a few days?"

Ning Rongrong eyes are slightly bright, "Okay,"

Wang Feng knows that Zhu Ziqing is what you want to create a separate space for another.

She is probably able to guess their ideas.

Said, Ning Rong Rong first pulled the water ice and Zhu Zhuqing first flew away.

"Hey ..." The water is sigh, I haven't said anything.

However, look at this situation, while the ratio is the Emperor, there is a snow emperor, there is a thousand snow, there is not good.

Still calculated.

'He is bored, should I have a chance? 'Yube ice is aimed at Wang Feng, and suddenly I thought about it.

The aramid is not traced.

"Sister, do you still want to stay here?" The Emperor I returned to God, first hoping for four weeks, it seems that I didn't have a dream, I have passed half of the way.

Wang Feng and Magic Sky Ceremony The battle picture, for them, is in a static state.

Both are outside the long river of the neighborhood.

Although it is just an instant, they don't know in detail.

I can only see the energy of the balanced explosion, turned into a beautiful fireworks, and then the magic shadow, there is no.

Only Wang Feng also stayed in the sky, the head is blue, holding the god, the light is full, and the eye is discrete.

"I ... I want to say a few words to him." Xue Emperor, "You go back first."

"I don't, I don't want to leave my sister." Ice emperor snort, "You see, the girl around this man is a beautiful. I have a sister you talk."

"The mouth is in me, I want to say it." Snow Emperor said, "I didn't have a relationship with drifting."

"……"ice King.

It's so reasonable, Idea I think.

Yeah, my sister can be closely related to this stinky man.

Just these women, I have some threats than the East, others are not what!

The Snow Emperor walked to Wang Feng, first looked at it seriously, only said: "Wang Feng! I have seen it."

"What did you see?" Wang Feng stunned.

"See, this world change." The Snow Emperor blooms a beautiful smile, "You first promised my things, really did it. Although I didn't see you this time, but I ice I am very happy when I ended. "

Wang Feng cough a few times. Feeling is something that is not a bit of the East's eyes.

"I know, you still have something. When you are busy, I will come to you again." Snow Emperor whispered.

She knows that she, or said, not only her, the rest of the rest, I can't help Wang Feng too many.

So, just talk about it.

"Good." Wang Feng nodded.

The soul beast is not simple. Like a scorpion, Wang Feng feels not only not simple, it is very understandable to those things.

They are simply, just simple to emotions.

In fact, it is very important than the East and the Snow Emperor.

Of course, because they think that it is hurt the magic, there is no success, so there is nothing to help.

In fact, it is actually helpful.

Snow Emperor is in place, watching Wang Feng, and some light is somewhat ray.

"Sister?" The Emperor I looked at it. It didn't say that Wang Feng was so busy again.

Why don't you go?

Wang Feng thought about it, walked in the past and won the Snow Emperor in his arms.

"Wait for me." He said.

"Well." The Snow Emperor turned, and his face with a little satisfied smile.

The embarrassment of the ice emperor next to it is the same as that of being fed like an awkward.

I don't want to take the snow emperor directly.

People's shadow, Wang Feng looked at the movie to disappear in the line of sight, heart, it seems that Zhu Ziqing is not a ratio.

Not scientific.

"I haven't shadowed." The faint voice came from side.

"No, I am thinking about nothing." Wang Feng face his face.

Bisong, a sudden, suddenly asked: "Big?"

Wang Feng wants to answer it: "Very large ... Wait, east, I don't mean that."

Wang Feng swears himself, these women are getting more and more understanding of their own.


"Hey." Berbee is smirked in the east, "What does I don't know, however, if you don't pay attention, someone should leave."

Wang Fengyi, this is only one side.

I saw a thousand snow in the distance, picked up a small angel from the sea, returning to the throne, then launched the special loop on the throne. In the half-air, a virtual air pool is formed, it seems to lead to another universe world.

"Wait!" Wang Feng a spirit, how can this I have forgotten the most important one.

After all, he is like transient, appearing above the throne.

This king is like a cross-shaped mountain, extremely high. The throne is in the center.

Interior is even like a small city.

"What do you have?" Tian Xiu Wang looked at Wang Feng, faintly in the throne.

"Small snow, do you have to go back?" Wang Feng's face is slightly awkward, "No,?"

"I am a Tianhe Wang. From the angel nebula." She said, "Not a small snow, you are wrong."

Wang Feng looked at her and blinked.

It is a great difference between the thousands of snow, and thousands of snow, and there are great differences.

The appearance is actually almost a glance, but the momentum is too big.

So too much change.

"You have injured, the injury caused by the magicity, Rong Rong should not cure, I can rule." Wang Feng said.

"Don't worry about you." Tian Xiu Wang faded.

Hey, listen to this tone, Wang Feng knows that she is angry.

Perhaps, it is not just angry.

I thought about it, Wang Feng gone.

The closer the two.

"Please stop." Tian Xiu Wang Shen Sheng.

Wang Feng didn't answer back, I walked directly to the throne, with an unprecedented gesture, hugged in the snow.

Tian Xiu Wang Shen suddenly appeared to be a bit flustered, and after a few steps later, the hands were also conscious of Wang Feng.

But obviously, she may not realize that this level of resistance, there is no half of the ovulation at all.

More than a kind of imagination.

Until Wang Feng hugged in his arms, she was stamped with a chance of golden hair, whispered: "Snow, you don't leave, leave a long time. I didn't know how long I thought about it. "

The thousands of snow, the body is in the shoulders of Wang Feng, and the voice has never been at the calm, but a bit of a bit of urgency: "Ghost believes, how long can you think? I have left so long, no See you, I found me! "

I heard this voice, Wang Feng knew that this Nizi really eats this.

Can't help but? That day, the posture of the king can't help it?

Just joke, can run to the World of Douro, how can Wang Feng still don't know what is the heart of the snow?

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