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"I found it." Wang Feng said.

"Oh." Thousands of snow smiled, faint: "I don't know if I have forgotten it."

"How?" Wang Feng got up, looked at thousands of snow, "I really found you. And, even if you don't come back. I will also go to the angel neoon to find you."

The face of the two is not more than ten cm.

Thousands of snow faces, slightly, the side, and the face does not believe.

"You still don't believe it." Wang Feng said, "I not only find you, I don't even know what you have experienced in the angel Xingyun, you have created a dark order in the angel nebula, but also built a light and dark universe. There are still many things, I know. "

Thousands of snow, these things, in the angel nebula is not a secret.

But how did Wang Feng know?

"There are still many things, I am clear." Wang Feng said, "I can, I will listen to you one by one."

When I heard this, the color of the thousands of snow did not have a change.

Does he really are looking for me?

Wang Feng's heart is lucky. Before looking at the road in the dark magic world, Wang Feng passed the angel of the angel, and the soul of the rest of the angel, learned a lot about Tian Xiu Wang.

Basically, there is no giant, most of the thousands of snow in the angel nebula experience, know.

Otherwise, Wang Feng feels that it may be a face.

Even the moon tells himself, thousands of snow went to the angel nebula, but the moon couldn't know what happened in the angel nebula.

Said, Wang Feng will be in the experience of learning, I will say it.

"You have become an angel of an angel of the angel, and then follow the sacred Kaza's North War in the universe. After thousands of years, after the belief is different, you leave the angel nebula, travel the universe. Make a lot of ways Planet, over-numbered demon, are all prepared for you to build a light dark space alliance, and create dark order. "

Wang Feng said: "Later, the angel nebula changed, you returned to the nebula to retreat the leader of the old Tiangong order, and reopened the angel nebula, then create the dark order, so that the angel nebula has a huge change ..."

As Wang Feng said one by one, the Snow was moved from the beginning and then went to a face.

He knows too detailed?

Even if the Dark Devils have had enough war with the angel nebula, but the dark devil is not so understandable.

Because your own dear is dead in the war. I can't learn a lot of deeds.

As you can visit the universe, he knows.

"However, there are some people who are not very clear." Wang Feng saw a flashing in the snowy eyes, said, "What is the sacred Caisa dead, how old you create a dark order, how to place it? Angel of the original belief justice order ... "

"Hey, these things, how can you know!" Thousands of snow thinking, this is the secret of angel nebula.

If he all knows, it is too abnormal.

Unless it is entered into the interior of the angel nebula.

"I said." Wang Feng said, "I found you."

The sound of thousands of snow is, and there is a sense of satisfaction.

"Inverse it is you!" Wang Feng voice is turned, "I didn't have it in the past. I didn't leave. What news didn't leave. These years, how did you know how I came over? You have experienced these years, What is it? "

The thousands of snow, I didn't talk.

She is low, and her face is slightly embarrassed.

I was in the beginning because of her mother's concept, my heart is proud of her, I don't want to be a little woman, so I will leave the gods and want to be a stronger existence.

Later, in the angel nebula, I had a painfulness, but in order to become more powerful, she never returned the god.

Accurately, it is not enough, because the strength is insufficient, the two different universe are separated, and it is not easy to shuttle back.

Moreover, the location is also not found.

Later, because the dark devil attacked the blue star of their universe through the wormhole, it was positioned to the dark devil, which found the universe coordinates of the Douro. After the end of the war, she can't wait to come back.

Indeed, what happened to him, what happened to him? I really don't know.

"But ... but I have been there ... I miss you." Thousands of snow red face, the sound is, the lower it. "

Wang Feng listened, it is from being exhausted.

However, he is now going to visit.

"Who knows?" Wang Feng shrugged, "I heard that your angels, one angel will only guard a person ..."

"No." Thousands of snow shakes the head.

"I don't believe it." Wang Feng said.

Thousands of snow faintly felt something wrong, but I couldn't say it. I had to look at Wang Feng helpless: "I use your name, come to do my walk in the name of the angel of the angel, how can I believe in justice order What is the set? "

"Oh." Wang Feng was unfolded, and he said: "That is coming back, you haven't known my experience in me these years. ..."

He is not watching the snow, but looks at the sky in the distance, it is very sad.

"You ..." Thousands of snow glanced at Wang Feng, snort, "What do you want?"

Wang Feng thought about it, look at the throne, and he looked at thousands of snow, said: "You took the initiative to kiss me, I chose to suffer."

Thousands of snow thought, nodded gently.

Just as she is going to respond.

There is a voice from the eastern place:

"My good daughter, a few words were smashed by him, and I didn't know the north and south. He knew your experience, that is because your angels have a dead angel, all in the soul of the dark devil, he I am self-explosion. The soul enters the soul domain, there is a big adventure, Jiu Chengjiu encountered your soul of the angel, and then did not expect it. "

"You really think that how long does it cost to find you?"

This long voice allows Wang Feng in his heart.

Is there such a tutorial?

Too much!

Wang Feng's black line looks at the ratio of the distance.

Thousands of snow faces, and the lips have not touched Wang Feng, the whole person is stiff.

"As for the experience of these years, oh, then it is said?" Bi Bi east smiled, "from Shenshan, there is no first time to come to the gods. Instead, it is a long time to stay in the World of Douro, the name: If you want to simply take a look at the world after thousands of years, then in order to complete the commitment to a woman, create a spiritual spirit teacher, spread the continent, so that the world of Douro has already changed its daytime. "

"Bible, I turned a few people who could call him a ancestor. Then put the falling flowers unintentionally, the water is ruthless, and I ran to the gods, I also traveled the silver king of the gods."

"Oh, this silver king said, saying that it can be sleeping in the starry big forest in Douro mainland. He, just in the starry big forest seal 10,000 years. You said, 10,000 years, he Still your mind you? "

"People, they are running to the dark devil."

"Everything is all, I have nothing to do with you."

"Your news, that is, he will listen to it, just all he heard."

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