Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1666 frankly from the width, the old vinegar of thousands of years

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It is quiet in the air.

Wang Feng: "..."

This dismantling is also too embarrassed.

No, yin and yang strange vinegar, let Wang Feng can't touch it.

This can be an old vinegar that has a bottle of thousands of years, usually covering, Wang Feng has not seen it.

I didn't expect, a good guy, this person came out and broke out.


Wang Feng looked at thousands of snow.

Sure enough, it is very difficult to look at the snow, as if returned to the same appearance.

No, it is colder than just now.

Wang Fengxin, Mad, but fortunately, they still don't know, they and , Yue Yue, have been cultivated by the soul to cultivate the source of yin and yang.

This is a matter of knowing, the quality of the happy life will be greatly reduced.

"What she said is true?" Thousands of snow stared at Wang Feng and cold.

"Really." Wang Feng bluntly said.

Frank from wide resistance to strictness.

"You ...!" Thousands of snow looking at Wang Feng.

As soon as I confirmed?

In the past few years, although she didn't know what Wang Feng was thinking, I thought about it every moment.

This is true.

It's just a breath in your heart.

However, now ...

"What is true?" Wang Feng said straight, "This changed, I have never forgotten you. I have a hair. I have done a promise for others? Nothing? This is good? This is a personal excellent Quality! "

"As for the heart of other girls, this will not blame me."

"I have never thought about it. But there is no way, it may be that I am too good, I don't know, those girls are attracted by my charm."

"What can I have? I can't help!"

"I have been refreshing for them. As for the silver king ... At the beginning, it is mainly companion, and later because of some of the opportunity, there is no way."

It is said that Wang Feng is so straightforward than the East and Qianxun.

It took a long time.

Then I didn't get together.

"Why are you still so don't want to face!" Bibi was laughed.

Thousands of snow is also shameless, and it is impossible to get rolling. It is about a thousand years without hearing this possibility that Wang Feng can say.

But this kind of words, I am inexplicably let her have some intimate feelings.

This feeling makes thousands of snow somewhat thinking that they are magic.

It is silent in a time.

Wang Feng looked at it, he knew, huh, look, frankly, you see, and you will have.

Although I don't talk, it is obvious that Wang Feng feels that there is no gas in the heart.

As for the ratio, there is no from the beginning.

Every sentence of her, Wang Feng knows that it is to have a thousand snow, do not want to make yourself so easy to get a group.

As for the reason, it is because the thousands of snow is her daughter, or because of the snow ... is a love.

This may know that she knows himself.

"Ok, don't make trouble, I still have a matter."

Wang Feng cough two.

Have yourself in the east.

She knows what is.

She is aware of the king of the king.

She just didn't know what he was.

"What?" "Thousands of snow silent, or asked," Can I help you? "

"You can help me." Wang Feng nodded, "and, only you can help me."

Thousands of snow, what is it? Is this key?

Can you help him?

However, it is also very good.

Although I feel some is not very strong, I heard Wang Feng said so, there is still a sweet meaning in the heart of thousands of snow.

"I still remember what happened in the angel illusion?" Wang Feng said.

Thousands of snow body, as if it will be together, the cheeks have a flourishing.

"Remember, what happened?"

"I was in the angel illusion, and I also encountered the angel God inherited your gods." Wang Feng did not say this angel God, it was Yue Yue.

"I know." Thousands of snow nodded.

"What about the king? Do you know?"

"Of course, I stayed in the gods, you didn't because of this, the seal was about to inherit the power of the source of the king?"

"Well ..." Wang Feng thought about it. "I am now the power of the source of the king, the last step is the last step. This step, only you can help me."

"What is something, as long as I can do it." Thousands of snow nodded very seriously.

"You should know that the angel god is one of the powers of the death of the gods." Wang Feng Shen said, "You have the source of the king of the king, the angel source nucleus. Need ... need ..."

"what do you need?"

"Need, pass through both, the angel source nucleus in your body is integrated with the seven local origins I inherit."

"Hand ... all ...?" Thousands of snow somewhat embarrassing.

Looking at Wang Feng.

It seems that the brain thinks these two words, what mean.

When Douro's world, it is okay, but in the angel nebula, forgetting for thousands of years, I have long forgotten that.


Wang Feng nodded, "very pure, the kind of hand."

Thousands of snow faces a red white, delicate, said, "Do you be a three-year-old child?"

After finishing, she is silent.

Wang Fengxin is very pure, he is now cultivating the source of yin and yang, can cultivate with thousands of snow.

Even if you don't need it, you can pick up her angels.

Wang Feng said in advance, nature is to prepare for first.

If you can't accept it for a temporary, it will be used directly with the yin and yang.

If it can be accepted, it is naturally good.

Wang Feng did not want to force.

Some said that before the God battle, the feelings were already water to the streak.

For these years, Wang Feng will naturally not disappear to Qianxue. Similarly, thousands of snow have their own feelings, not only do not disappear, maybe be deep than Wang Feng imagined.

Otherwise, there is a long time to see it, and it will not be halfway.

Perhaps there is a little bit in the initial time, but under your own speech, it will soon disappear.

"Nothing, if you are still angry, it is temporary." Wang Feng thought about it.

Because I will have three souls immediately. At this time, I will directly get the universe of the king of the king, then he has a large extent to be directly a universe life.

Even if it is still a fire, you can just have the will of the universe, then the next life is the crucifix of the cosmic level.

Today, the magic day is definitely cultivated, and if you want to count, it is impossible.

Anyway, there is time.

By the way, it is retired.

Thousands of snow opened their mouths, flashing a rare shy, just to open.

At this time, a light wall suddenly emerged in the half air.

Wei Meng's figure was fluttered, and said Wang Feng said:

"Hey, finished, the owner, the yin and yang gave this source, I still didn't understand it, do you want to cultivate with the slave ..."

After saying, the dreams of the dream are close to Wang Feng, the face is shy, the heart, oh, it seems that it is not time?

"Yin and Yang Gangsheng Order?" Thousands of snow faces began a sharp change.

Listen to this name ... is not too strong?

"Wang Feng, how many things do you have? We! What is the source of Yin and Yang?" Thousands of snow said loudly.

"Who is you still cultivated?"

Wang Feng: "..."

The ratio of the ratio is like a smile and laughing, watching Wang Feng ... this matter, she doesn't know.

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