Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1668 Creating Life

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"He went to this step, we were already successful."

Yue Yue stood up and looked at the golden turn back to the sea. "Next, he can reconstruct the ancestral world before you rob."

"So, do you want to make your body?" Yan Qing lost his smile, "Then you just call me to indicate that the dream is going to mess, I don't want to go out, thousands of snow will not refuse. Now I am going to say that Due to the words, let people feel soundproof, I don't want to think, I definitely refuse. "

"You know, he is just the last step in the last step."

I looked at her.

"Of course, I won't make my body back." Yue Yue shakes the head, "from me, no, from us to the beginning of the new year, the source of yin and yang, it is impossible to retreat. In the future, the survival of the gods will also It is made on his body. I just, I don't want him to succeed in the source of God. "

"Oh? Why?" Qi Qingxi asked.

For the source of the king, the moon knows that it is much more than she.

"Because ..." Siyue silently took a while, the quiet way: "The universe will of the king of the king is the willing will, inheriting this will, may make him disconnect all emotions, only pure purpose in the heart. The only thing in my heart, Will not be shaken because of any emotions. "

"Source of the king of the Source, the only will of life is to reconstruct the wild, he comprehend the seven origins. According to this other source, I understand this universe will. It is just to have to rebuild the flood in the year."

"He ... is a great existence of lofty ideals. I admire him, but I don't want to be with my people who have a soul of the soul,"


She is not very clear about the universe will of the universe-level life.

"And, this is indeed a very special universe." Yue Yue low voice, "is also very powerful. This will is not like the will of the magic, directly to the endless world. Such will Once you get, the strength will be hundreds of times the predecessor, and it is powerful to ignore any of the waves from other universe will. "

closed his eyes.

For Wang Feng, such as Sai Yue, it is impossible to say that there is no bit of emotion.

However, she said with Wang Feng, she treats Wang Feng's emotions, it is really like now the humanity of the soul of the people.

Slowly cultivate and grow up.

As a system, she witnessed that Wang Feng grows step by step and gives him a pressure, giving him a dangerous situation, so that he will challenge yourself.

Like the Soul Soul of the World of Douro, slowly cultivating his own spiritual soul, watching it step by step ...

However, if one day, Wang Feng is like a king, and there is no emotion.

I feel that I can't accept it.

"He is not a source of king." I thought about it, "He did not necessarily be another source of king," he is Wang Feng. Your worries are reasonable, but I think, he may, We think that it is not the same. "

I didn't talk, just quietly looked back to the sea, reflected the face of all beings ...


At this time, I really have a thousand songs in the ancestors of the ancestors, and they will not know these things.

He didn't know what the universe will of the king of the king, and he is also very simple.

With a complete universe, then become the universe life is inevitable, you can go a big step forward.


"This world is really beautiful."

100 meters high.

The mountains are like a dragon, and the sky is filled. The mountains are in the mountains, and there is a magnificent Sichuan surround, countless singularity, hiding every corner of the earth, waiting for mature blooming.

"Just, there is still no life." Thousands of snow thought about it.

"We can make one." Wang Feng's call.

"..." "Thousands of snow.

"Who wants to make one with you?" Thousands of snow have some angry.

Wang Feng stunned, explained: "No, I said to make one, use life energy ... not that thing. With your current strength, it is not difficult. Similar, I am also very easy. "

Creating life, even the king can do it easily.

But the premise is what life is to create.

For example, those who are gone, the bomb is created.

However, if you want to create a strong congenital spirit in the ancestral, you need a special life.

"So, is it wrong with you?" Thousands of snow glanced at him.

"You are not misunderstood?" Wang Feng has no voice.

Said, Wang Feng suddenly found a look, then his eyes were bright, said: "You look at it."

Wang Feng pointed to one place.

That is a cave that appears in the mountainous forest.

Not very small.

"What?" Qianxue did not understand for a time.

"That cave, like it is a three-thousand years of soul beast in the first three thousand years in the starry forest," Wang Feng said.

Thousands of snow suddenly, memory is like a tide, and it is difficult to say in the heart.

"That night, so good opportunity, I didn't do anything to you." Wang Feng face, "So, I am actually a very serious person. There is no such thing as you think. Nor is it simply inherited The power of the king of the king. "

Thousands of snow silent for a while, said: "Well, what life creates?"

Wang Feng pensive moment.

The ancestral world is actually very special.

But the new life world, there is no power to bless, if you don't care, there is a taste of this powerful world.

It is necessary to create a priority of the spirit, and it is also necessary to build a road to this world, but also make this world slowly born strong civilization, and it needs to spread the road in this world.

And all, you need to have life first.

"Do you like boys or girls?" Wang Feng asked, "or, not a man, floral trees, or stone mountain spring."

Thousands of snow faces are red, always feel some sensitive here.

She thought about it, she said: "Flower."

"What kind of flower?" Wang Feng finished, I saw a thousand snow, "Pure, the angel this symbolizes pure and beautiful. Create a flower that is symbolizing pure and beautiful flowers."

"No." Thousands of snow shakes his head, "I don't need to symbolize life."

Wang Fengli is a little stunned, what does it mean to know the snow?

But still nodded.

The two fell to the forest, and thousands of snow referred to a wildflower on the ground: "Puttong video is in this kind of picture. However, this flower, it only has a chance to bloom, bloom, can appreciate her Beautiful life or watching. That will be her most beautiful time, and have the most powerful power, then it will witnessed. "

Wang Feng: "..."

Too Nima Wenqing.

I didn't expect to have some Wen Qing in the thousands of snow bones.

"No problem." Wang Feng said, "However, the innate creature we created will inevitably be strong, even have the opportunity to touch the world. You have to know this, want to really like ordinary wildflowers, then our nature Can create. "

"I know. Thousands of snow nod, there is some free ...

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