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Wang Feng did actually perceive the Thousands of Snow.

She wants to create this kind of words, actually is a sense of sorrow.

Thousands of snow boat, accompanied by a breeze, her bunch is slightly floating.

A grain of a dust-like spot, condensed in her palm.

Wang Feng placed the palm of her hand and also condensed another spot.

The energy of life is in it.

It seems that the heart of both sides seems to be able to communicate.

"When I am in the hill, every few hundred years, you are all living, continue to talk to me."

Wang Feng suddenly said, "But later you have not appeared, I will know that you will definitely leave. Moreover, it is never because you have conflict with your mother. I think, with your heart is arrogant, go After the gods, I definitely don't want to be only in the god. Because the upper limit of the gods is seen. "

"You have a strong person."

Wang Feng sighed, "You have to be stronger than your mother. But in fact, when you were in the World of Douro, I said with me. In fact, you don't like being controlled by people. It is not just simple to be strong ... you I don't want to be controlled by me, maybe you think that there is such a relationship between you. "

"You are not willing, it is not that thing that is doing me. But in a sorrow, if you give me a source of angels in your body, will you become an ordinary angel?"

"Because you know, you have become an angel of the angel of the angel, and the strength of the angel is still in order to make you become more powerful in the angel nebula."

Thousands of snow, no mouth, don't talk.

"And, you are more careful, not you can't accept a normal angel. But you can't accept, an ordinary angel, for me, there will be no help. I feel the only role, probably I am I will be pleased with me. "

"This is what you are most unacceptable."

"You want to create this flower, you want to metaphor yourself."

"is not it?"

Wang Feng asked with thousands of snow.

The angel sources in the thousands of snow, and the half of the popular tears of Zhu Ziqing can be different.

The angel source nuclear is the source of the source of the king, and once lost, then thousands of snow will inevitably lose strength.

Just, she has a tempering in the angel nebula, and there will be no significant changes in a short time in a short time.

But the time is long, the strength will be slowly dropped.

She is hard to practice so long, will be turned into a black.

And, this is not her unacceptable.

What she can't accept her heart is a weaken I'm, I don't want to turn into a vassal that will only be spoiled by Wang Feng.

"What is it."

Thousands of snow palms.

Two palms are relatively, two, such as dust-like, endless, endless, with the control of thousands of snow, gradually become a strange flower energy, seems to be in gestation.

Wang Feng Zhang Zhang did not speak.

Thousands of snow said first:

"You may say that you will not have any changes to my emotions. I am still snowing."

"Yes, there will be change in a short time. But a long time? I am weak, you are stronger. There is a gap between us. The emotion will not change? Wang Feng, you Not a special man, you have a lot of girls. And, even those who have a gift, the bigger the gap between the two, the final result is indifferent and then separated. "

"The time is the biggest enemy of all the life between the universe. Even if there is a strong life, you can't resist the decay of time. You can go beyond the time, but I can't, I don't have an angel, I can't do it. Even forever. The nebula, I will decline quickly. "

"Our angels study genetic secret code, can only be relatively eternal. But the time between the universe is in the recession ..."

"I can give you an angel source core, but can get off your long river, can you do it forever? Even if you do, reality will not let you do it."

The more excited, the more excited.

She takes her now to surpass the strength of the sacred Caesar, in the universe in the angel nebula, is already the strongest existence.

But Wang Feng knows that the universe has a separate. The universe where you are in the snow belongs to the universe.

The universe is only a million years of history. The yuan is another name of the beginning of the wheel.

The Yuan it is also the initial meaning, meaning that the low-yuan universe has not experienced the turmoil. Because the life level of the universe has not reached the existence of the universe-level life that can transcend the long river.

Therefore, it is impossible to pursue the beginning of the universe.

This universe, only one of the long rivers, there is only one historical line.

So the time is recession.

The life of the universe, the strongest, such as the sacred Casa, thousands of snow, can do the eternal relative to the long run.

Unfortunately, the decline of the universe is unreasonable.

Once there is another universe-level life, the long river in their universe is broken. The universe where you are in the snow will face collapses.

She can't jump, the final result, only death.

In addition to the low-grade universe, there is a medium yuan, high yuan ...

And the multi-universe has countless time long, history lines are more infinite, even if a long river disappears.

The universe will not be destroyed, and the internal born cosmic life is theoretically, it can really get eternal.

Moreover, once the Snow has lost an angel source, it means that her upper limit may be killed.

Wang Feng was silent.

He can't answer thousands of snow.

Thousands of snow are basically finished.

Wang Feng has never thought of that the angel source nuclei that I have to get is very easy to get it.

'Perhaps, it is your own consciousness, regards thousands of snow as your own thing ... think her things, there is no reason not to give yourself. 'Sigh in the heart of Wang Feng.

'Maybe we think we have previously emotions, there will be no existence ...'

But in fact, thousands of snow is not a tool.

"If, I really want to ask you?" Wang Feng asked, "Do you give me the angel source?"

Thousands of snow silent for a moment.

She still nodded, whispered: "I will give it."

"Then I don't want it." Wang Feng lightly said, "This flower is better. Do you want a good name?"

"Snow flower." Thousands of snow.

Along with the live energy in the hands, the relative light group in both sides is like a flower, slowly dropped on the ground.

However, for a moment, it was struggled from the soil and smashed a new bud.

Then quickly absorb the aura between the world.

"This flower requires a lot of power to gestate, and the light is relying on the energy of this world, or is not enough."

The birth time of the ancestral world is not long.

Too much tender.

Moreover, the ancestral world is like the world of floods, after opening up, there are countless innate to treasures, and the birth is born.

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