Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1670 Hua Yan

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This is only a seed left by the world, and it is true for a few points. In fact, it is still necessary for later people to slowly develop this potential world.

Otherwise, with the strength of the king of the king, I want to give birth to a world, isn't it too simple?

This world is equivalent to a white paper, just see how the later people draw a peerless playing painting on this blank paper.

Thousands of snow, Yany, An An is quiet.

After a conversation, Wang Feng felt some somewhat in the snow.

In fact, the solution is simple.

It is the possibility of making thousands of snow also have the possibility of being universe.

It can be simply simple, want to become a universe life, and there is a universe will.

Self-comprehension, you can find it, you have to have.

But this thing is not so good.

One side of Wang Feng said with thousands of snow, and there is no big thing, and it can be said to be clear.

He is now, there is no secret.

Lianyuan robbed the layout of the king, as well as the world of Douro, and the causality behind himself said.

"You can have now ... I said that most of them are because of the dark devil."

After listening, the snow seems to have returned to the previous look. "Then this is very important to you."

"Trading." Wang Feng Shen said, "she may be a little secret. But for me, it is not important. In addition to , the god of the gods, the relationship between us, more More transactions. "

"How much emotion is doped."

I don't believe in the snow, I don't believe it.

"That moon, is she beautiful?" I asked Qian Xiaoxue.

"This ..." Wang Feng thought about it, said: "That kind? In my heart, still not in my heart?"

"Is there a difference?"

"Yes." Wang Feng said, "In my heart, she is beautiful but I can't get on you. I am not in my heart, she is really more beautiful."

"Huaying". "Thousands of snow pushed Wang Feng.

"Let's talk to my favorite woman, how is it?" Wang Feng said.

Thousands of snow snorted, did not speak.

The ancestral scenery has a good scenery, under the throne of the Thousands of Snow, there is no time.

"Unfortunately." Wang Feng looked at the mountain rises in the ancestral city, "no angry, lack of strong world" origin, and no way to give birth to the treasure, but this world is so huge, the upper limit is very high. The ideal of the king of the king, rebuilding the flood It is not difficult. "

"Anyway, you can't inherit his strength, nor does it need to bear this ideal. For you, it is not better." Thousands of snow said weird.

"Say it is right." Wang Feng thought about it, "I don't have any source of king, I will not have now. And I also have a expectation to this world. Reconstruction of floods, for me, maybe I can think of some ways. "

"Listen to it?" Thousands of snow eyes, "if you can make me surprised, maybe I change my mind."

Wang Feng nodded.

The ancestral is in fact, it is the world's source as a foundation, the rule of the power is fertilizer, and the time as the soil.

If only Wang Feng is alone, he even becomes a life-class life, you want to make the ancestral development, and it is also difficult to imagine.

Simple to this world, it is not difficult. But it is rare to make this world grow up rapidly.

There is no source of fertilizer, it is unable to moisturize this newborn world.

Now I just opened up, the heaven and earth aura seems to be rich, but the ancestral is no world source. As the heavens of the heavens are too weak.

It may not be yet yet yet yet, the world began to enter the end of the aura, and then become a small world of ordinary.

White blind this wide area.

Think about the world's flood world, how strong, giving birth to so many powerful cosmic levels, super universe reincarnation and time.

If you want to reproduce the glory at that time, it is like a panic.

"What I think is, from other worlds to gain rules, and give this world."

Wang Feng simply, "the small world endless, but the belief of life is consistent. The simplest acquisition method of rules is the life belief, life is willing. The god of the gods is to rely on life. Again, as long as you find endless creatures, you will get their belief. At the same time, it is enough to give these small people. "

"As long as there is enough small world, life is willing to endless. The fertilizer of the ancestral fertilizer is enough, and the time is long, it can automatically give birth to a powerful life."

"Like us to create a strong innate life, it also requires the same strength. Just the snow flower only costs our part of the power, the more powerful congenital life, it will consume more power."

Thousands of snow listened to the way, it is very straightforward, and it is effective enough.

"Can you find so many small worlds?" Qianxue asked, "According to the world you said, the light is relying on my universe, even if there is a tolerant life, it is not necessarily Enough. Moreover, our universe, seemingly vast, actually the number of life is not much. Because in our universe, the pursuit is the quality of life rather than the quantity. "

"This is simple." Wang Feng smiled slightly, "Do you know the multi-universe? In the multi-universe, there are countless time long rivers. In the long run, there are countless small worlds. These small and medium worlds, I am familiar, I am not familiar. "

"And as long as it is weak than me, I have given them the power, and they are enough to get huge improvements, thus harvesting life."

"Do you know Blue Star? Your universe has a Blue Star. But in the middle, high yuan, and even the universe, there may be countless Blue Star."

Thousands of snow breathes slightly.

"In the dark devil, The tomb has cultivated and then let them enter the real world. "

" is a very wisdom of guy. But her way, I am not very unimpering me."

Speaking of this, Wang Fenglon suddenly.

Not saying more.

"What do you want to do?" Thousands of snow were embodied.

"Is it interested?" Wang Feng smiled at her.

"Yes ..." Thousands of snow nodded.

"Is that changed?" Wang Feng asked, "If it changed, I will continue."

The old snow is low.

After a while, she said slightly: "I am not saying, you want to want an angel source, I will give you."

This is handed over to Wang Feng.

But Wang Feng is obviously not difficult.

He thought about it, said in the thousands of snow: "Angel stems, I can, but you, I must."

Thousands of snow understand Wang Feng's meaning, she is holding her hands, slightly closing her eyes.

Oh, there is a play.

Wang Feng two words, don't say it, just make up,

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