Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1674 Wang 5 is my friend

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You know, in the era of sacred Caesar, the void substances have been studied for so many years, but they succeed in armed the angel warrior of the three-four bio engine.

"I use Hongmeng's own source to quickly study the void engine, through the unrealistic source, you can get endless voids."

Wang Feng said that he said, "As long as I can even change any of all the angel warriors, I can evolve the fourth generation of villain, armed the most powerful void engines."

This is the basic means of Wang Feng now.

His Hongmeng's origin is much stronger than the power of the Galaxy.

As a parsing of the local source model, even the universe will be parsed.

For him, the angel of the universe in the snow is not too advanced.

The rules of the universe are not complicated.

"and so…"

Wang Feng pointed to the angel yang, "I said, this is just a meeting."

The thousands of snow were suddenly realized.

Yeah, this is still nothing to meet?

The antennas were fascinated.


It seems that my body is upgraded?

The body is upgraded!

This is the treatment and honor of several guard angels around the king!

Is it so easy to have?

Immediately, the angel Yue looked at Wang Feng's eyes, there was a huge change!

From the confused to shock, I can't believe it, and finally became excitement.

Some of the somewhat in the heart of thousands of snow.

This little angel will only expose this eye to her.

How long?

This child just woke up for a few minutes, even the faith changed!

I don't want to face! Change this fast!


The thousands of snow glanced at Wang Feng.

I know that this guy is uneasy.

"Even our angel civilization is so simple to you ..."

Thousands of snow.

"It is actually very complicated. I used it for a lot of time, I spent a lot of power." Wang Fengzhao budget, "Before and afterwards."

Thousands of snow, I have a slap in the waist of Wang Feng, and I really owe it.

Although Wang Feng doesn't hurt, but in order to cater to thousands of snow, it is very painful to be very painful. Let the thousands of snow cheeks slightly soothing, the mouth also hooks.

After all, the taste between men and women is here ...

"Wang, what should I call him in the future?" This is, the angel Yushu asked.

Thousands of snow started their hands and snorted.

Yes, what should I call this guy?

It is always impossible to turn him into the king of angels?

This is not suitable.

For a time, I didn't expect a suitable title.

"Is this not simple?" Wang Feng intentionally went on the throne, said calmly: "Just call, 'King'."


Thousands of snow first, it seems that what I thought, and the face was immediately red.

"Wang Zhi ..." Angel Yu farewell to this is some of the Tianshu Wang?

However, I thought I had just rumored the third generation of peaks, this is no respected in the angel, I will fly immediately.

In fact, it is very suitable!

Just then, a clear and cold voice suddenly sounded from the other end:

"That king, are you free now? The main soul of your dark devil is still a flesh, how do you intend to condense? Three souls and gather, you can't get it, you have no big. No big How can you share more to play? Are you saying? "

This sound is the sound of the ratio.

In the middle of the distant, a shadow of a graceful look is faint.

Thousands of snow faces change, and the next consciousness pushed Wang Feng with his intimate embodies.

That little action is like doing want others to know her little daughter's gesture.

"Bold! It is you! How do you dare to speak with the king?"

The angel Yogu This little angel, just turned into Wang Feng's hi, immediately a pair of postures.

Angel civilization is this. Belief will not change easily, unless ... it is too much.

Of course, the premise is that the man of Tian Xiu Wang is heavy.

"Oh?" Biye swept this little angel, and smiled and laughed to watch Wang Feng. "This is still not long time? Snow, are you a rebellion?"

Thousands of snow frowns.

"I didn't have a rebellion!" Angel Yuzheng was reversed. "Our king has become his guardian angel. He is the king of my angel nebula, and then said. You don't have to fight with Tian Xiu Wang just fight together. The comrades dare to be so disrespectful! "

"Xiaoyu!" Tian Xiu Wang dribs an angel yoghu, then shook his head, indicating that she didn't talk.

"Wang, what is she?" Angel Yu Yusheng asked.

"Don't ask more." "Thousands of snow did not express the expression.

Wang Feng also has embarrassed, but I thought about it, and I know how to cope with the situation.

In fact, from the two people now the relationship between the blood, thousands of snow is not a daughter than the East.

After all, the snow is the past.

However, ... the soul is unable to change.

"How, Snow, Are you not going to recognize me this mother?" Bibi also laughed and smiled and looked at thousands of snow. "Also, you have been to become another universe, it is indeed with me. There is no major relationship. "

Mother ...

The angel is dumb.

Tian Xiu Wang did not heard that there is a mother.

Angel This life does not need to make a proceducial procedural by usual human breeding.

They have a unique business system.

So, for the angel, abstinence is a very simple and there is no burden.

"I didn't." Thousands of snow shook his head.

It's falling in the past, said: "You don't think it. I am here, just remind you of this king around you."

"The soul is not anxious." Wang Feng said, "East, since it is here, now the ancestral look, the way, help me, refer to the reference,"

"Well? What do you call me?" Bi Bi East Eye flashed a shower, "Angel Xingyun's king, pay attention to your words. The king around you is my daughter."

It seems that I wore Wang Feng's mind.

Angel Yuzhi sees the Tian Xiu Wang has not refuted, that means it is true.

In other words, this woman is the mother of Wang's goal.

Wang Feng said: "What is it?"

"What is your heart clearly." It snorted in the east.

"Wang's mother, then I can't call you Wang mother?" Wang Feng smiled.

Bisong immediately calved Wang Feng at a glance.

Thousands of snow also looked at Wang Feng.

Angel Yu is a sucking: "Wang, according to the relationship between human clan civilization, you should call Wang's mother, for his mother-in-law, you are her son-in-law. My angel nebula civilization also uses this set."

She seems to have thought that Wang Feng is not clear.

"Oh." Wang Feng suddenly, looked at Wang Feng. "" Mother-in-law adult, can you stay in the ancestral ancestor, by the way, your mother and daughter have not seen it for thousands of years, and I can narrate Old ... "

He said, he said, there is no place to be in a place.

Angel Yu is very normal.

However, it is very embarracted than the east face, and it is a bit shameful: "Wang Wu, I am talking about you with you! Give me the idea of ​​your heart. Also, no Call me ... Mother! What should you know! "

These two words seem to make it ashamed to exports than the East.

Angel is confused, who is Wang 5?

The man of Tian Xiu Wang, but Wang Feng is called Wang Feng.

The mother of this king is so strange.

She looked at thousands of snow asked: "Wang, who is this Wang 5 in your mother?"

Thousands of snow faces are also a bit hot, and they glanced at Wang Feng, and I am angry: "I don't know!"

It seems that the Tian Xiu Wang is angry, and the angel is still afraid to ask.

"Wang Wu is my friend." Wang Feng said with a smile, "He, he is my mother-in-law man. Oh ..."

Said, Wang Feng also looked at thousands of snow, said: "It is also the father of your king."

The thousands of snow is not only hot, but it is even more irritating, but it is not good to say.

On the other side, there is still anger anger, and it is an angry, and it is a bit not too different ...

Angel Yu is a real look, oh ~ It turns out.

"What is she calls you to Wang 5?" Angel Yu is like a curious baby.

"Because I and my friends, I have a very similarity." Wang Feng looked at the sky, Shen Gao, "this king is not a good thing, not only provoked her mother-in-law, but also provoke other women. Mother-in-law saw me I thought of the king, my heart was naturally very angry. The next consciousness as him, and I'm awkward. "

"Ah!" The angel Yue suddenly understood it, looked at Wang Feng, a sadness: "That king is really wronged."

"It's okay, as long as you can let the mother-in-law are exhausted, this is nothing wrong with it." Wang Feng swayed his face.

When the angel is done, it is a good man in sighing in his heart.

On the side, it is like the eastern gas.

But good words make this mixed ball, she didn't know what to say ... my heart is angry and funny.

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