Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1675 Chapter another time online

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"It's enough!"

Thousands of snow whispered in Wang Feng's ear.

She actually knows why Bibi has now appeared, and the reason is very simple.

Just want to destroy the current temperature of the two now.

For your own mother, thousands of snow feel that from a woman's perspective, you may know more than you want.

She is not a large woman. Especially between the two people mixing this layer of complex relationships.

"It's hard, you really want me to go now?" Wang Feng replied.

Thousands of snow opened their mouths, of course, didn't want it.

When the two are just in the eyes of affection, those who have a honeymoon will have a month.

How long?

There is no longer two days.

"The big thing is tight." Thousands of snow thought helpless.

Speaking of a big event, compared to the Snow Angels, is obviously more important.

But, Wang Feng doesn't want, thousands of snow will not give it.

"In fact, she came here, there is other things, not simple to urge me to return to the dark devil world." Wang Feng couldn't help but smile, "You may think that your mother doesn't want us to stay together, want to destroy us The current atmosphere. In fact. She can not be so narrow. You have been over there for thousands of years, and she is actually in the dark devil. "

Thousands of snow silent for a moment.

"That's why?" Thousands of snow glanced than in the East, in the meantime, I didn't think she was strange.

Yes, then she urged Wang Feng back to the dark devil world?

"Stupid." Wang Feng sighed, "Of course you! She wants to talk to you alone. You have to know, except for me, you are the only loved ones between her universe."

I heard this, and the snow was shocked.

A soreness suddenly flooded to the heart.

How do you forget this?

"You are back. She saw you, I may be happy than me. You are her only daughter."

When Wang Feng said, he said on the bisadong in half of the air: "Ok, then obey the mother-in-law, I will return to the dark devil. This is the time?"

Subsequently, Wang Feng facing the little angel: "Little girl, go to the ancestral to help me find a few guys, let them see me."

Angel Yue realized that he saw a thousand snow and waited until the snow, but also fidken with Wang Feng.

Waiting for Wang Feng to leave with angel yang.

On the throne of this hundred feet, there is only a thousand snow and the ratio of two.

"He also knows you than I." Thousands of snow glanced complicated, "You should be more important than I am in her heart."

Bisong slightly, suddenly lost his laugh: "Silly children, you all become a civilized domination. How will there be this idea? He knows me, you are the most pro-person outside him, but this In the world, I know my most, but he is. "

"Even for so many years, he can easily see the camouflage of me in the dark devil. But this does not mean what."

The Bibi fell from the air.

The ratio has returned to her appearance in the gods at this time, and a black long dress, a high plate, and a noble temperament.

The black is added to her, adding a bit of cold and loneliness, such as walking in the dark.

There are two extreme feelings with the thousands of snow that exudes rays.

The two stood together, more like a sister.

"Anyway, I think so." Thousands of snow voice as always.

Bi Bi East shakes: "In his heart, the most important thing is not me. But ... we. Forget it, talk to you is not interesting. He left, I want to talk separately."

Thousands of snow nodded gently.

Two women sitting, talking about their own experiences.

The ancestral born, there is no sunshine, from the universe, the ancestral world is not a simple planet.

After all, the ancestral world did not live in the world.

Everything is not.

It is just that Wang Feng simmers the chaotic world that Wang Feng simple single use disk.

Otherwise, don't say that it is necessary to rebuild the world of floods.

There is no sun, the time is a straight line.

The two don't know how long it takes.

The ratio of Handong tells her in the dark devil.

Thousands of snow, said she is in the universe of the angel star field, and has achieved the current status in countless battles.

Even if you say it, the story is actually very long.

"Now, do you still want to adhere to the original idea?" Suddenly, I asked in the east.

It's silent in a snow.

The birth of the birth, she is now actually with Wang Feng ... As for the beginning of the original, I don't want to be a little woman around Wang Feng.

"Never change." Thousands of snow seriously thought, "I haven't been the original snow. Even if I think, I can't become a little woman around Wang Feng. That little woman, I think there is a Ning Rong Rong is enough. "

"I am thousands of snow, but I am also a day of repair. I still carry more responsibility now. I can't be only by Wang Feng."

Bi Bi east laughed.

Smile, meaning deep.

Let the thousands of snow understand.

"Your my daughter, I am very proud." Bibi walked in the past and gently holding thousands of snow, "But I know, in your heart, do you want to be with him more? But you understand your current situation and Identity, thousands of years, you grow too much. "

There is a little faint and happy in the heart of thousands of snow.

This kind of praise is completely nothing.

"What about you?" Qian Xue Xue asked whispered.

"You are not around you." By the Eastern eyes blink, "Of course, there is a person to beside him. Otherwise, what should he be more and more?"

Thousands of snow frowns, some are not very right in your heart: "So?"

"As your mother." Biby smile, "I have a good time to help you look at him! From now time!"

"..." "Thousands of snow.


be cheated!

Thousands of snow brains suddenly reacted.

Older gingers are more spicy.

"So, have you been around him later?" Thousands of snow bite the jam.

"Yeah, help you look at him."


This awkward woman!

Thousands of snow glanced look at the ratio.

Said so much, she is trying to do big.

What help me look at him!

This ghost, she will not believe in a word in the snow!

Thousands of snow thinking about the teeth, it seems to think of something suddenly:

"He has now become the king of my angel nebula, and he said that he can help angel nebula becomes more powerful. And I have become his guardian angel, which means that I can always be around him!"

After saying, thousands of snow look at the ratio, "You didn't think it?"

"You really believe it?" Suddenly said that a smile looked at thousands of snow, "You have this child, you think he is so fast, if it is just around him, sooner or later sooner Far."

It is better than to look forward to the ancestral world.

Thousands of snow, then silent.

That's it.

"However, ..." than the world, "" This place, will be his main battlefield. It is his future, with his current strength, in fact, we don't need to always be around him. Because as long as he thinks, He can see us at any time, even see us at the same time ... "

"Small snow, I said so much, actually I want to tell you." Bis looked at thousands of snow, "You don't think of me as an enemy. Your enemy, there are a lot of many ... such as, before the snow emperor You are too important to my hostility, even if I come here to talk to you, you think that I want to destroy your atmosphere at the moment. "

Thousands of snow faces slightly red.

Know the female Mo Ruo.

"Is it so exaggerated?" Qian Xia Xue asked.

"Not only is Snow Emperor." Bi Bi East sighs, "Snow Emo is actually good, I chat with her, she is the innate spirit of the World of Douro, the heart is pure, and the character is simple. There is no battle heart. However, the moon in the goddess, there is also the devil of the devil world. If you want him to say with you? "

Thousands of snow noddles.

Naturally, it is said.

"These two are not simple." Bisong slightly glanced, "If Wang Feng said with you, you should know. Wang Feng can have now, completely inseparable from these two help. In other words, there is no Two help, Wang Feng can't go now. I can't even meet us. "

"Do you know the multi-universe?" Asked Bisen.

"Know." Thousands of snow said.

"The Lord, that is, the spirit of the soul of the devil, the heavens. She once travels, of course, all the changing the battle of all the days,"

"And our universe, from a certain extent, is a multi-universe countless time line."

Bybe East Eye Glittering with a weird ray.

"You know, in the multi-universe, another time without Wang Feng's timeline, what is the result?" It is like East.

Thousands of snow hearts.

"The Lord said with me, she knows everything. Wang Feng's origin, he is clear. You can guess?"

Thousands of snow hesitated, recall the original, if there is no Wang Feng ...

Does your mother will let the entire Douro world fall into the dark?

No, there is still a very special person in the World of Douro, which is the Tang San ...

He and his mother are dead, and he can become the king of the double god. Now the first, the potential is naturally not to say.

I am afraid…

"I will die." Better than the east, " , I will die. You will die. You will not die, but you can't get an angel. God will be destroyed, and finally Lonely life. The mainland is still constant, it is difficult to unify. "

Thousands of snow is shocked.

This result she didn't think of it.

Is this exaggerated?

Mother will die?

Who killed?

Also, in the state of the mother, it will definitely fall into the extreme evil, and should do things for many injuries.

No one can save her.

However, the thousands of snow did not expect that there is no god of gods ... because of the lonely life?

Too fun ... How is this possible?

Take the sight of the people, before, I'm thinking that this is impossible.

But than the East will naturally not lie to yourself.

"Now Wang Feng's appearance has changed everything, so everything on the timeline will not exist."

Pull, "So, in a sense, there is no now, there is no current to me. Don't now you. Do you think that you can achieve everything now, you are working in angels for thousands of years the result of."

"However, you have thought about it, if there is no Wang Feng. You don't even have any chance to go to the angel nebula."

"You don't want to rely on him, but in meditation, I have already gained everything."

The last sentence in Bibi East is some.

Let the thousands of snow are somewhat embarrassed.

"All the source of this, the beginning of the birth of the death, the king of the king, is the lord and the moon. They have created Wang Feng, and Wang Feng changed everything."

Beri slowly, "So, you can know that the two people in the Lord and Siyue means what to do for Wang Feng? It is not a pure cooperative relationship between them ..."


The palm is on the neck of Chen Wuji.

Black people are fixed to Chen Wuyi, waiting for the latter in comments.

1, 2, 3 ... 10 ...


The black man stunned, why didn't he have not?

"You this person, since I want me to help you, how can I still hit me?"

Chen did not immediately twisted his neck and made a burst of sound.

The magic light is now in the eyes.

In an instant, the black man only felt the ice, cold, cold.

Almost want to turn around to escape.

"What is it?"

Chen has no pole and lightly, it seems that it seems that it is soft, but it is used to use the turbidity. This is one of the seven evil door martial arts recorded by the heavens and the earth.

The seemingly soft palm contains extremely horrible explosive power, which is easy to corruption to destroy the softness of the madness and internal organs, so that it will lose its combat power, and even lose the air.

I was printed, the black man fled out of ten meters and hit the wall of the hall.

He spit out of the blood, and the heart was shocked.

Such a palm can make him suffer from such serious injuries ... and the other magical power is extremely strange, he is not recognized.

It is possible to do this, you must be the top magic master of the Tiandou.

If the other party is not a man, there is no red dress, he even suspected that it would be the magic oriental old ancestors.

However, at this moment he is not too much to think, can only force the real gas, jump out of the window, with a superbright, change in the line of sight.

Chen has no extreme, because the other party is not dead.

He still counted, because of the seven martial arts of the big sadness, he has not cultivated.

Just sweeping the big sadness in Wu Xue Pavilion.

"When I came in, listening to this black man said it seems to be looking for a secret ..."

Chen has a movement.

Could it, this day, there is a special location, there is no sign-in?

Can you let go!

Thinking, Chen Wu is looking for it immediately.

The black man has basically found a hall.

He didn't find it, Chen Wuji found a circle and did not find it.

Just when he wants to leave, suddenly found that below the lanterns in the upper left corner of the temple, there is a very special cyan cloth.

It's like being blown down.

There is a lot of dust, which is generally difficult to find.

"This place has organ ..."

Chen has a pre-feelings.

Sure enough, he knocked on the east, and the West knocked on, and finally touched the organs in some place.

It is an underground math.

Chen Wuji is happy, and immediately goes in.

Authentic seems to be repaired all year round, the smoke is extremely heavy. Interestingly, Wang Feng saw a footprint from the ground!

It means that some people may have come.

After the body of the body, Chen Wuji steeshed without trace, step in front of the ground.

If you look carefully, Chen Wuyi's foot is almost separated from the ground.

I don't hurry, I walked half an hour.

He smelled a fragrance.

"It seems that it is still a woman."

Chen has a secret in the heart.

Moreover, it should be close.

Oh, Chen has stopped.

The triad appeared, it was a door.

The gate is open, and there is a slight movement that seems to be in cultivating some kind of shatter.

Is the sound of swords!

In cultivating some kind of sword!

Will n't it be a priest? Chen Wuji is not touched.

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