Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1676 Changes

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As yourself for so many years.

Wang Feng can certainly can't treat it.

He has already thought about how to arrange it.

Don't say that you have cultivated yourself ... Well, in fact, I didn't cultivate it.

But the potential of these guys is definitely one.

It's just a saying that Wang Feng will let them cultivate into the realm of the dragon god, and then beyond.

Qingqing blinks and understands what Wang Feng is going to say.

"Do you want this, give us?" Qingqing reached out and referred to chaotic green lotus in the center of Wang Feng.

Wang Feng nodded.

Chaos Youth Lotus has at least more than ten kinds of treasures, waiting for him to become the life of the universe, master the will of the universe, and chaotic green lotus is relatively small.

On the contrary, if it is a lot of innate to treasure, it will be gone to the Qingqing these guys, they will have a leap.

As the first batch of congenital creatures, it must be strong enough, and the potential should be deep enough.

Future can be farther away.

"What about yourself?" Qing Qing asked.

"I certainly don't need it." Wang Feng smiled.

"How is it?" Qing Qing looked at Wang Feng.

"Just, that is, the boss, we have not help you, you now give us the most important to the treasure. I don't agree, I don't."

The sound of the homes from the home is far away.

The distance from last time, there may be only few months in the gods, and there is only a few hundred years in the World of Douro.

The homes change is not very big, and the tone is still familiar.

At his side, he also followed his companion, a mystery of mystery.

The rest, such as cautious ice, iron fox, , blood, whale shark, come.

"You can't help me now." Wang Feng smiled slightly, "But as long as I gave you this point, you can help me. This world needs more powerful birthplace to be born. This world makes it more powerful. "

Wang Feng is not a word.

Once the Wang Feng is a congenital spirit of the ancestral, it also gave the innate to treasure of chaotic green lotus.

Their potential is endless.

But not just just as a beast.

There is also a dragon evil and ice herbs.

"Moreover, you are strong, this matter will slowly reduce my role." Wang Feng swept a few of them, "Give you, I hope you can continue to play its strength."

The young brother did not talk.

Wang Feng's attitude is obvious, this is his decision.

"I am now just telling this decision, waiting for you to condense this matter with beliefs, you will be prepared."

Wang Feng said seriously.

This will be very fast.

Because there is thousands of snow, as he makes the status of the nebula king today, the first wave of beliefs will soon condense from the universe of the angel nebula.

As long as Wang Feng is going to a trip, give strength.

Next, Wang Feng continued to talk about what happened in these years.

The homes and mysterious crocodans have their own children.

However, the home guy is very casual, and the son is directly thrown in the World of Douro, and the name of the United States: Let the son experience some animal life.

As long as there is no life danger.

In fact, it is obvious that these two guys don't want to teach.

Excellent ice is still alone, he is more demanding, tireless.

The strength is in each of them, belongs to the top.

A pair of squats and whale sharks were the two degrees of Meikai. After gave birth to the small shark of the same year, I added a sister to the small shark.

Just, like the sons of the household, they are placed in the World of Douro, let them experience themselves.

Xiao Yan Shark became the soul of Wang Feng, was cultivated for a while. After entering the gods, we cultivate with Dragon Evil in the gods.

Nowadays, the strength may have already surpassed and whale sharks.

Like Iron Foxs, the inspirational must become a more powerful soul.

It is not like looking for a partner, I think that it will delay their cultivation ... For this point, Wang Feng wants to refute, but think about it, it feels active.

There is no more asking.

Blood, this child's upper limit is not high, it is more straightforward, but it is the kind of silly child.

After the beginning of Wang Feng left the World of Douro, the World Wushu federation and another mainland the empire of the Empire, combined with the soul beast, formed a huge human soul army of the Soul. And the soul of the invasion of the World, launched a longer war.

Finally finally victory.

Because Wang Feng went to the gods and dark devils, hindering the programs of the Devil World War, plus itself, but only the Yunqing and Yue Yue show, no follow-up. Those soul demon in the invasion of the Dark Devils, there is no subsequent force, naturally impossible to destroy the world of Douro.

And this, the blood is very unfortunately in a certain war, is seriously injured in the battle with the soul demon.

They were in another battlefield at that time.

Just as the death of death, it happened to be in the energy light of the special eleven soul manneps of the Sun Moon Empire.

Specialty is that the blood is not only dead, but the head is greatly changed because of this super soul mannepon.

The spiritual power is rising, and even the special spiritual soul is even.

Although his flesh was destroyed, the soul did not disappear, but it became very powerful.

When you discover, you will find it.

Later, I found out. It turned out that blood was seriously injured because of the soul of the soul. Also swallowed a few soul of the demon.

How can the blood scorpion know that the memory is the soul of the soul, which contains a huge soul energy.

However, his mental strength is not enough to support so many memory magic cores, so the soul is almost fried, almost lost themselves.

As a result, the energy cannon, just destroyed all memorial nuclear nucleus, and turned into a countless soul energy, directly by the soul of blood.

Therefore, his flesh disappeared, but the soul is more powerful.

Become a truly undeaded soul.

Wang Feng listened to it, and this guy is really blessing.

Invading the soul of the World of Douro, although it is the cannon gray of the dark devil, most of them belong to the kind of soul demon.

But for the World of Douro, it is the top.

Energy to swallow up so many souls, basically allow blood to easily praise the gods of the gods, becoming the existence of true meaning transcendence.

Even if it is the soul, it wants to condense the flesh, but it is very simple.

If there is no 11th level of soul, it is just hit him. He is estimated to stand here at the moment.

"To say that he has more fast, he is not fast." Qingqing didn't look at the bloody, "Guo Bing and Iron Fox have been cultivating the day, the result is coming, but also did not take care of the cultivation every day. , Leisurely coming. "

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