Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1677, the ground, see Snow Emperor

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Bloody screaming: "In fact, I am doing ice brother and iron brother. But I feel that my speed is very slow."

I heard this, cautious ice and Iron fox gathered.

There is no fart relationship before and after these two sentences, I have to listen to some somewhat uncomfortable.

Wang Feng haha ​​laughed.

In any case, these guys have their own circumstances.

Subsequently, Wang Feng was simply with them to exchange a progenitor, and then left.

Of course, Wang Feng did not go to the dark devil.

Before the three souls were combined, Wang Feng had to see the Snow Emperor first.

Return to the World of Douro, breathing the world's air.

The rich energy, let Wang Feng feel that this place will soon become another god.

Of course, the premise is that there is a heaven, there is a birth of a king.

"Don't take a long time, this world, I don't know what extent. What extent?"

There is a slight movement in Wang Feng's heart.

Just as I have a seed for ten years ago. After ten years, when I came back, I had a bit of expectation and curiosity, and excited.

Of course, Wang Feng is first going to go, or the place of the north, first find the Snow Emperor.

From the half-air, Wang Feng actually returned to the feelings of the past.

Because in these hundreds of years, the Sun and Month Empire has been into the Wushu Alliance in that war.

Soul Gui Technology, really became a scientific tree of the league.

Let Wang Feng is pleased that he has seen countless soul beasts, but also appears in major human cities.

There are many quantities, and the body size is available.

Even in half of the air, you can see a lot of soul beasts, carrying the soul, and travel around.

"And my statue ..."

Wang Feng deep sucking.

For the first time, I returned to the World, I didn't know it for a moment.

On the statue of the respect, gathered a great faith.

That is a few hundred years, countless spiritual martial arts, belief in this profession, beliefs his founder of this Soul.

"In this year, because of this faith, I condensed the first god ring in the gods ... Today, the world's beliefs can be replenished, as long as I use it, I can become the first nutrient in the ancestral world."

"The batch is still in the ancestral reincarnation space, you can have a pure congenital soul by yourself with unrealistic source, through the reincarnation system of the ancestral world, born into the borders of the ancestral ..."

Wang Feng is full of emotions.

Of course, these beliefs are not sufficient, and can only be used as a startup capital of rebuilding floods.

However, with the development of the World of Douro, this faith will not disconnect, and will accompany the more and more life of the World, as well as the spirit of the soul, will be continuously generated.

I look at it while thinking.

Wang Feng came to the sky of the north.

At this time, a huge dragon-shaped soul of the body is suddenly flying next to the side.

Wang Feng can see that this soul beast should be a new soul beast, and he has not appeared in his memory.

But did not appear, do not have a secret for Wang Feng.

"Double wing ice dragon, , or the blood variant of the ice royal lizard, and a true Long Wei."

Hongmeng Benyuan sweeps, his eyes flashing, almost all the powerful 100,000-year-old soul of the beast, all parsed in a clear.

Even the birth time of this soul beast, knows the incomparable clear.

On the ice dragon, standing with a neighborhood white man, there is a group of students who are exciting to communicate.

"Children, when you enroll, the first Soul beast volunteer to choose the water ice class. Today, I will take you to this extremely North. In this place, the soul of this place cultivated the base, giving you the respective hearts. The soul beast. "

The man turned around and smiled and looked at the children who were excited behind.

These children are only six years old.

"Six years old." Wang Feng's heart moved slightly.

Six years old, in the original world, generally just awake Wu Soul.

Nowadays, I will pick the first spirituality.

However, the first spiritual soul beast is critical.

Looking at the faces of these children, Wang Feng is a kind of feeling that returns to the year.

The Soul Soul is a change in the world.

"If you have a descendant, you must let him come to this world." Wang Feng has an idea in his heart.

Because Wang Feng found that the potential of the ancestral world is endless.

But the time required to develop, too long.

However, today's Douro world, everything is perfect, it is indeed very suitable for human experience.

"This friend, you are alone, there is no soul beast, fly in half air, is there a good battle with me?"

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly looked at Wang Feng in the distance, "But if there is something to find me?"

Wang Feng did not deliberately hide himself.

He is indeed following the side and observed a while. See this, I can't help but laugh: "It's time to go, I also want to go to the north. However, I saw that this soul beast around you was more curious, I watched two eyes."

The middle-aged man immediately controlled the ice dragon.

He looked at Wang Feng and felt a bit more familiar. There is an inexplicable feeling in my heart. It is probably that this man is very difficult to make people feel that people feel like.

Too handsome ...

"It turns out." Middle-aged man suddenly said, "Since this, can you go? I'm only six years old, and they have never seen too much soul."

"Is it going to let them choose the first spiritual soul beast?" Wang Feng asked casually.

"Yeah, six years old. Their martial arts are awakened, most of the qualifications are not very good." Middle-aged man sighed and said, then the face was excited again, "but there is life spirit, these qualifications are not Children, still have a chance to become a strong soul. "

Wang Feng looked at the children.

Six years old, the congenital soul level is only 7 levels.

If you put on the World of Doura, you will be low in the world of thousands of years.

But if this is now in this world, the qualifications of seven levels have been very low.

Because now the feature is full of soul, it is no ten level, but the 20th level.

Energy changes, human evolution, and so on, all kinds of factors are changing.

Therefore, in this environment.

The Soul level of the congenital seven level is very low.

"If you put it without life soul, they may only become ordinary souls." Middle-aged man said, "We have helped many children to wake up with the soul. But I think, only me This generation is the luckiest thing. Because they can change their fate. "

His face is full of feelings.

Wang Feng's heart moved, asked: "What is your name?"

"I?" Middle-aged man stunned, replied, "Su Yunhai."

Wang Feng: "..."

Wang Feng asked: "The ancestors of this pulse, but it is called Su Yun Tao?"

"You also know that we have a pulse?" The middle-aged man looked at Wang Feng and nodded.

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