Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1678 Soul Cultivation Base

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Where is it to know?

Wang Fengxin said, I didn't expect to meet the future of Su Yun Tao here.

However, it is now become a child who gave a deeds got to wake up Wu's soul.

"Say, my old ancestors have the most popular Yaozu's things ..." Su Yunhai faces a lot of pride, "It is to wake up with the legendary people in the mainland. Among them, it also includes the founding spirit teacher, with a self The force change the ancestors of the entire Douro world. "

Wang Feng: "..."

Just finished, there is a child behind him: "Yunhai teacher, you don't brag. Your old ancestors are at least a person who is 10 years ago. You can create a spirit of the spiritual spirit, that is A peerless genius in a hundred years ago. I didn't know how far. "

Su Yunhai's proud expression is immediately black.

He turned and glared at the child who looked more naughty.

Wang Feng thought in the side, and his own identity is a secret.

"I laughed." Su Yunhai shook his head helpless Wang Feng, "Now these children, one is jumped than a machine. Don't look at them is low. But now this world, no one can say what they can grow? Noji, I can't make a soul teacher, and I can transfer the soul of academic knowledge and develop it to this way. "

"Where is the previous, the soul is low, and the most of the soul is killed."

Wang Feng looked at these children.

Such as Su Yun Tao said, even if their soul level is low, but there is not much frustrating on his face.

On the contrary, it is full of expectations for future, have been desirable to the soul of the soul.

If you choose to change, you will naturally, these children will not lose their desire for the future because of the low level of the district.

The world has changed great, and Wang Feng is in the heart.

"It is necessary to go to the soul of the north." At this time, Su Yunhai suddenly took loudly on the children behind, "sat firmly, and it will immediately land in the North Bing Soul Cultivation Base." The north of the north is currently only established in this cultivation base. Come and pick the children of the soul beast, not only you have, but also the children who have just awake the martial arts in all major regions. After that, followed by the teacher I don't want to be lost. "

The children should have.

The face is excited to have some red.

Let Wang Feng remembered himself.

Overlooking from the half-air, you can see the elliptical architectural community.

The land area has been considered a small-scale town.

But the name is named by base.

"There is eight seals Douro, and the soul of twenty-eight thousand years."

This kind of preparational power is very strong.

It can be seen that the Wuhun Alliance attaches great importance to the soul of the beast.

"The base is equivalent to the exchange base of human and soul beasts together." Wang Feng nodded in his heart, "it is, there is a more familiar atmosphere ..."

The interior of the base is very large, all infrastructure is available, the size of itself is also made according to the baseline city.

The inside is also built a very regular soul, specializing in cultivating the birth of the newly-made soul beast.

There are also many training facilities for the new soul training.

It can be said that it is very thoughtful.

The soul beast itself is a huge ethnic group, and the different souls have different cultures.

Humans can take into account this, according to different soul beasts, can also reflect the pattern of today's World Douro's world has been completely changed.

Wang Feng swept a look.

In the half-air, the preparation of the soul of a team base, she received the ice dragon of Su Yun Tao, falling to the landing.

Wang Feng took a look at the name of the visitors.

The base is not a military base.

As long as it is the soul of the Wuhun Federation, you can enter the base to visit and promote the culture of the Soul.

It is mainly for the soul tutor on the sun and moon empire that is incorporated into the Union.

The culture of the Soul Soul originated in the Wuhun League, whether it is the previous war, or follow-up development, is rising by the Wuhun Federation.

Why is the Sun and Month Empire to enter the Wushu Federation after the War of the Soul?

It is because in that war, the Soul Soul has played a vital scene, and it also gave the Sun Month Empire to see the new road.

A road that is more suitable for this world than the soul guide technology, and the strength is not as good as the martial arts, after multi-party consultation, it will finally choose to enter the Wushu federation.

On the inside of the base, Wang Feng suddenly thought that according to Snow Emperor woke up.

Should she also have visited this base?

After seeing this base, she will know how much this world changes.

"I have said to you! The frozen flower is the soul of the ice, it is not an inflammation, you see, how is it?"

Jiso came to a breeding area.

Inside the beast, there is a professional person. For many young people, give many children who choose the first spirit of the soul, explain the characteristics of the young soul beast, and cultivate matters needed, as well as simple souls * *flow.

Today's Soul, can not be casual.

The soul beast is too complicated, and it is the most common kind of soul. There are many variation branches, and each branch is very different.

How to cultivate and have formed a complicated learning now.

Wang Feng recruited, only a 12-year-old girl, who was explained in a few people who had some kids drums.

The twelve-year-old girl, the soul level reached 39, the age is not big, but it is a very capable soul.

And Wang Feng can induce, there are two life souls in her body.

Description, she has two deeds.

"Talent is very good." Wang Feng said.

He was at this age, but he could not reach this soul level.

However, now the world's soul level of the world, has already broken through the one hundred levels before.

Twelve years old have this soul level, and it is not surprising.

"But, sister, sister, since it is not inflammatory, why do you want to call ice flame flow?" A child was blinking and asked.

"Ice is attribute, the flame refers to the shape of this flower." "The twelve-year-old girl replied patiently," So, when culturing it in vitro, let it prevent it in ice water. Don't take it in the fire. Although it is very like a flame, it is a plant soul, but it has life. "

"Oh ~ understand."

Wang Feng is interested in looking.

The beast field in this area is based on plants.

"Next, I will introduce you to the most special initial soul beast."

The girl took a few children, walked to the other side, said to a very beautiful and dazzling flower, "this is called the ice lotus. This plant soul beast is very special, do you know where you are special?"

"I feel very beautiful!" A child raised his hand to answer, and said that he was watching crystalline.

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