Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1728 Who says only me?

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The angel Yan is a bit of a little looked at her.

Many civilized representatives are somewhat awkward, but it seems to understand a bit.

"The gods on the universe, just use such a rude way to conquer this universe?" Thousands of snow were laugh.

"The rude is directly, it is often the easiest way." Wang Feng slowly said, "The history of the universe of the universe gave me the information, Shen Ming want to get more powerful strength, you need to get endless The power of faith, the fastest, simplest, the easiest, the simplest, and the simplest method. "

"The Angel Yan is an angel of this universe. From a certain extent, her potential is very big. Once the god is got, it will vigorously cultivate it, and use their own power to him. Carry the brain. "

"Use absolute strength and faith, in printing in the latter's soul belonging to the printed imprint." Wang Feng continued, "This can develop her to become a strong nationality and god of God, and will never betray. Eternal unique. "

"You don't need any emotional training, because in the universe in the universe, any emotional cultivation, the nuts, the gods, not only trouble, but there is no meaning."

"At the same time, the god will also get a powerful boost."

"From a simple power direction, this demon queen said there is no mistake." Wang Feng shook his head, "became a god of the gods, she can even be able to surpass your current strength."

Thousands of snow heard the heart to be extremely cold.

Their angels are also high.

Just did not expect the universe of the universe of their universe civilization, will be this.

"The system of the universe is perfect ..." Wang Feng sighed, "Their research has been studied for so many years, throwing the stand, they have nothing to do with the quality. Because it is true for both parties."

Thousands of snow can't refute, in fact, it is.

Don't say anything else, people have been in your advanced, you can't refute this.

"What are you going to do?" I asked Qian Xia Xue.

"Those who left the stand, the system of the universe, no problem." Wang Feng smiled, "But I have a position, in my position, their practices, for me, natural can't work. "

"Otherwise, is there no meaning?"

"This is almost the same." Thousands of snow snorted, flew out, "The Queen of the Devil, the angel Yan should not pay."

While the snow is flying out.

Angel Yan is shot.

She can't stand the words of the devil queen.

"Hey, what is happiness and dry, do you think about it?"

I saw the angel Yan Yan, and the coolness sighed.

"Queen, I am coming!" Yakos took out the giant long sword behind the back, and the sonicity.

"You can't do it." However, cool ice is shaking his head, "The long sword on this small angel is a bit special, even the gods strengthen the country, there is no death, you can unlimited resurrection. You Not don't do it. "

"I have followed me so many years. Can this king look at you? Let me open, this little girl can't pay me."

Cool ice opens Oktos.

She is the horror of the king, she knows.

It will not appear now.

It can be said that it has exceeded the original plan.

Because the king is used to lead to Tian Xiu Wang.

This is good, Tian Xiu Wang did not attract it, but was killed by an angel Yan.

Otherwise, Yacus still has a lot.

Cool ice is ideologically thinking about the palace position of another.

Solve frown.

It was at this time that the angel Yan was ruined.

The soul has a bit of burning atmosphere, and the body feels not.

Cool ice is shocked, the flame on the sword on the angel, is directly touching the soul, no wonder the king is so miserable.

"Zhen Shen whire!"

The cool ice palm picked up the void, and immediately took out a long whip of Shenguang, exuded as a peerless light like a gem.

In an instant, her soul felt that the burning was not.

"go with!"

This place is also the goddess that she has studied for a while, did not have a study.

But, cold ice knows this whip is not general.

Others don't say, any life that touches this braid will become the most pure devil, not only the form of life, even thoughts will become demon, and have a powerful demon, unlocking genetic secrets.

I saw that the whip and angel's long sword were slightly touched, and there was a harsh sharp voice.

Changwei Town has a strong spiritual sound wave, which makes all civilized representatives of all civilizations feel shudder.

It seems that I have seen a peerless figure, standing in the sky, sitting like a look of ants.

The soul does not dare to move.

At the same time, the industrial fire on the long sword climbed, entangled in the long whip, it is like a fire dragon, and it is a burning.

Angel Yan Yan squatted, his face was pale, and it was obviously a shock of the long whip.


The long whip is shaking in the cold ice, and there is a long whip, and the angel Yan Zhe will go out.

Almost in an instant, the long whip is dramatically narrowed, and some micro-cracks are started, and the cool ice is shrinking.

Some can't believe it.

This simple confrontation, this thought it can easily give the small angel to the volush.

I didn't expect it that not only the long whip closed, but she did not dare to touch, and even the treasure whose whip was actually huge.

"Hey, what is this in the end ..."

Cool ice looks at the town of the gods on the ground, and the heart actually gives an impulse that does not dare to pick up.

She has a kind of parents, once they pick up, ten eight nine will be self-immolated!

"Good insurance, this king is fine." The cold ice is slightly tone.

However, Yu Guang saw, he saw the Trinity of Wang Fei that day.

Cool ice drinks a saying: "Carl, when you want to wait, Tian Xiu Wang has appeared!"

The voice falls, Tian Xiu Wang has already flew to the square, and I was picking up the angel of flying out.

At this time, the void summary, a man like a phantom, a man in the robes appeared in the void.

He looks very common, like an ordinary human scholar.

But the moment, there are countless civilized representatives, and even the angel warrior, the eyelid is a giant jump.

Death Cal!

The guy who has studied the life of countless planet civilization is definitely the object of many civilized nightmares and fear.

The notorious Pluto civilization is what he is ruled.

Tian Xiu Wang Jing Jing looked at the four god Karl.

Her face is slightly changed.

"I said, Tian Xian Wang, do you not think that you can play two?" Seeing Karl appeared, the cold ice was slightly relieved.

Your own town whip is can't use by an unknown fire, which makes it uncomfortable.

If Carl does not appear, he tutiplely, this day, the king is good to deal with.

But the sword of the angel, standing on the king behind Tian Xiu Wang, I don't know what to do.

The cool ice naturally guess, the flame is obviously not the strength of the angel nebula.

Only that the protagonist of this ceremony, the power that has not yet appeared.

"Two hits one, you will die very miserable." The cold ice said with a smile, "compared to the original Caisa, it is miserable."

"Oh?" Thousands of snow picked his eyebrows, suddenly said: "Two hits one? Who said that only me?"

Say, the snow looks to Wang Feng's position, nodding, seems to have any signal to the latter ...

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