Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1729 Resurrection Sacred Caesa

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Thousands of snow looking at the opposite cool ice.

At this moment, the angel of the angel in the side actually remembered the Queen of Caisa.

At the beginning, the Queen of the Caica is falling, and it is the same.

By these two guys, it is eventually helpless.

Angel Yan Heart is fiercely beating.

Not just her, many angel warriors look at this scene, especially the guards around the Queen of Caesar.

At this time, there is a feeling of dreaming.

"You said that He Xi?" The cold ice laughed, "Sorry, He Xi is not qualified to participate in this war."

Said, cold ice puts the Yaxos on the side, "If the crane, if you hinder our battle, you will block her. Don't say that you are in your current strength, don't say that you are not difficult. "

"Understand." Yacus replied.

It is said that he is seriously looking at the He Xi.

Obviously, cool ice thinks her words of her King King.

It is believed that it can help the sky, only the crane.

The many civilization representatives present are also thinking about it, they also want to stand up, help.

"You don't stand it out."

However, it has been interrupted by thousands of snow, "the strength is too big, you can't help me.

Many civilized representatives have a burst of face.

This is not fake.

It is the Sun Wukong from the Blue Star, and there is no standing.

Because he also understands that this level of fighting, they stand out can only be dragged.

"Pan Zhen is looked at?" Lena got his teeth, "Angel this is also all the allies, here in addition to the angel Xingyun's Hexi, he Pan Zhen is absolutely able to have a cool ice."

"But these two dials are not targeting Rieyang stars, just for the angel civilization. If he stands out, he will drag the Trien Tiandao ... he will shoot, but it is impossible to face these two."

Ge Xiaolan wants to say, "The most is a few tricks to express the intention of the Triyang Tiandao. But if you want him to work with Tian Xiu Wang, it means that he is Yang Xing. Participate in this war. "

"This is obviously impossible."

Although all alliances, the Tianshi Tiandao and Angel Civilization may not be harmonious to this extent.

"Moreover, whether Carl is still cool ice, these two strengths, it is even more powerful than when the Galaxy battle is." Sun Kewei blocked his eyes.

"Then now He Xi is holding ... As Tian Xun Wang, one of these two guys? Wait ..." Reina said that here, suddenly, "The king?"

Everyone glanced.

Yeah, what is the king?

As if I think of what, I will see it in a direction.

Establish room.

In the palace in the distance, suddenly flashing a bright flowers, the light of the flowers extended towards four weeks.

Evan a unique energy fluctuation.

Countless lights, bloom from flowers, agglomerate in semi-air.

Gradually, these gathers actually gathered into a shadow.


Cool ice is slightly frowned, looking at the scenery of the distance, the heart is jumping, and a little parents are born from the bottom.

"Karl, what situation?" She looked to the other side.

Carl silent film, "calculation of big clock, it is a sacred atom."

"Sacred atom, that is not the sacred body of Caisa ..." Liang Bing said here, suddenly stunned.

Then I looked at the distance.

Also this is.

The rays seem to have finished, and an energy from all over the four sides of the brilliant body formed.

At this moment, countless double eyes look, and it has swallowed a breath.

"Tool ice, since I feel this king, this time, what method do you plan to deal with this king?"

The alcoholic thickness was sprigible, and a bit of majestic sound was quiet.

Countless Angel soldiers a shock.

Solen this voice, they know who is.

"I am jealous!" The cold ice is more beautiful, and the look is extremely ugly.

It is probably 10,000 possible possibilities, nor did it think of this.

This sound is that the group, the sacred Caisa!

"How is this possible?" The cool ice blinks, the sound is low, "her sacred body is decomposed, the sacredness is not divided into the entire universe by your big clock? Even if the resurrection, theoretically It is only possible for hundreds of years. How long does it take to die? Do you do decades? The sacred atom is aggregated, how do you feel about your big clock? "

The sacred Caisa is considered to die.

Moreover, it is not the normal situation, but the body's soul is a sacred atom, and the sacred atom is not destroyed, meaning that she will not be killed.

However, these sacred atoms can be scattered in all areas of the universe, then even if the sacred Kaza can resurrect, at least hundreds of years.

At that time, the universe became a big amount, and she didn't use it.

However, how long does this is the sacred Kaza?

Carl did not speak, he wrapped him under the black robe, can't see any expression.

Numerious eyes look at the rays that bathes in the sky in the sky.

As the light gradually disappeared, a golden long hair woman came out from the inside.

Wearing, it is the king of the angel nebula, dress up the same as the day of the day, but the style is very different!

Tian blade king, sacred Kaza!

No angel knows how she is resurrected.

It is a crane and unclear.

However, there is a kind of hunch in Hexi, because the king said, the sky blade.

Can He Xi did not expect that this gift would be the Heaven.

Originally, He Xi thought that the king's meaning was to cultivate a Tian blade king, such as Angeli.

I really didn't think that it was directly resurrected with sacred Caesar.

This is more than the exaggeration than the culture.

Among them, the crane is unimaginable.

Such a short time, even if the angel nebula has a big clock, it is impossible to resurrect Kaza so quickly.

Caisa went to the edge of the sky, and a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that I can live so soon."

Caisa slowly.

"I didn't expect it."

Thousands of snow noddles.

When she knew that Wang Feng said that she had to resurrect the sacred Caesar, she also took a long time.

It is impossible to think this is impossible.

The sacred atoms scattered in the universe are the incompetence.

If you want to aggregate it, it is not a short time.

Even if you have a big clock, you can calculate the location of every sacred atom.

Thousands of snow knew that Wang Feng made a special celestial computer, but also named the snow.

However, thousands of snow don't know that Wang Feng has calculated all the sacred atoms with snow, how to bring the quantity of such a huge sacred atom.

"That is unfortunate, I thought you know some."

The sacred Casea looks forward to the window sill of the back palace.

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