Check in from Douluo

Chapter 890 Inner World (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Endless time, as if returning to the Wuhun Hall of Notting City back then.

A six-year-old child has a thousand-year spirit ring shining on his body, and the opposite is wearing a red-clothed cannon in the Spirit Hall, but a young man with a sword eyebrow star only sighs again and again.

Qian Renxue stood by, watching this scene like a bystander.

At this moment, the surrounding scene changes.

Qian Renxue was silent, watching the first meeting of the year, feeling in every way.

She knows the test of the angelic fantasy world at this time.

She has experienced many things, the things she hated, hated, and hated for more than ten years, all of which have been experienced again in this angelic fantasy world.

From the time she entered the Tiandou Empire pretending to be the prince Xueqinghe, it seemed that she could no longer become the real herself.

'It's ridiculous.'

Qian Renxue stared at the fantasy in front of her. She looked at this scene quietly like a ghost.

Later, I saw the six-year-old kid, where he pretended.

At that time, he also provoked some rare pity in his heart.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue saw that she had given a special token to the six-year-old child.

"What a little villain."

Qian Renxue chuckled, "I pretend to act at such a young age. No wonder I grew up playing so many identities..."

She floated in front of the desperate child in her eyes and patted the child on the head, seeming to want to relieve her breath.

But it's a pity that those are all illusions.

It fell on the child's head, but passed straight through.

Afterwards, the surrounding scene disappeared and Qian Renxue withdrew her hand.

Disappeared like water ripples like never before.

When he recovered again, he was in the battlefield of Soto City.

The two figures are intertwined in the battlefield.Both seem to be teenagers, wearing masks.

It was also at this time that a hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of one of the young people. At the moment of the battle, he suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the latter's mask, revealing a white and beautiful face, slightly neutral.

Looking more like a woman, her eyes were taken aback for a moment, and then she stretched out her hand and knocked the boy away, and at the same time opened the mask of the other half of the boy.

Feel a bit familiar.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue seemed to recall her face with shame and anger.

This was the first time she was molested by someone, and because she didn't use the camouflage spirit ability in the angel spirit bone.

Not the complete state of Xueqinghe.

It was also the first time that someone really saw it.

"It's so bold!"

Qian Renxue looked at this scene with a blush on her face, as if she was angry.

These things from the depths of the memory slowly appeared before Qian Renxue's eyes with the test of the angelic fantasy world.

It made her feel complicated and unspeakable.

In fact, at the opening, her test went very smoothly.

She is the heir of the Angel God, and she has the obsession to become a god in her heart. Under this obsession, many things cannot affect her.

Even she was very calm.

When I first entered the illusion world, the monster running after her also appeared.

She found out almost immediately.

The monster was actually testing whether he was qualified to enter the angelic fantasy world.Only the strong with fearless and bright heart will not be lost by the light, and will not succumb to all evil forces.

Only when you face the evil, is it possible to defeat him.

Blindly escape, even the door of the angel illusion world cannot enter.

Qian Renxue also experienced the following seven angel statues, but she experienced the power carried by the seven statues without any pressure.

That is the seven powers that symbolize angel

Finally, he came to the angel statue for the final test.

That indomitable obsession made Qian Renxue successfully walked here, and it was also this obsession that became the biggest trouble for becoming a god.

In front of the angel god statue, the scenes in the heart seemed to be excavated.

From the time of birth, Qian Renxue's unwillingness to face, and the most disgusting things that Qian Renxue has experienced in her heart are presented one by one.

In fact, at the beginning, Qian Renxue didn't feel much, because it was already bearish.

What she hates most is her mother.He was sent to the Tiandou Empire as an undercover agent when he was young.

This is more than 20 years.

During this period of time, Qian Renxue almost forgot who she was?

When you play a person every day for more than ten years, can you still be you?

The crown prince status of the Heaven Dou Empire disgusted her, but she had to accept this status, which also created her ambitions.

But these most disgusting things have gradually faded afterwards.

Therefore, Qian Renxue looked calmly and faced the people or things that she had hated the most.But when she first saw herself, when she was sent into the imperial palace by Wuhun Hall, her heart was very calm.

Until...when I was in my teens, I felt that kind of palpitations for the first time.

Induction in the dark.

Qian Renxue's originally calm expression began to change from that feeling to Wang Feng's first appearance.

The picture flickered, and the surrounding pictures turned into a big forest of stars.

Qian Renxue watched the bastard pretending to be Feng Yuxiu, turned on the dark angel martial arts, and beat herself up.

Looked at it and laughed.

This bastard must have recognized himself at the time, and also saw through his identity, before thinking about beating himself.

How cool is that?

Qian Renxue understands that men have this kind of psychology.

I want to pull down all the women who are aloof.


Qian Renxue looked at it as if she was talking to herself, her expression carrying memories, as if she had really returned to that moment.

Qian Renxue knew that this would not be possible. If she was immersed in the illusion, she would be affected.

But still can't help...


That familiar cave.

Tenderness in the dark that night, although the bastard is not in the cave at all...

But Qian Renxue felt that that night was probably the most comfortable night in her life, even if it was in a cave, it was on the roughest carpet and quilt.

But still very comfortable.

"Feng Yuxiu..."

Qian Renxue sighed lightly.

It seems to have been immersed in it, flashing in sequence in the screen.

From the Tiandou City Spirit Master qualifier, the appearance of September 1st, to the later Wuhun City.His identity was recognized by himself.

Later, he was chased by his grandfather...the slightest miss during those five years.

The reunion five years later now comes to mind, it should be that he pretended to be the Pope in white, representing the Hall of Souls, and came to Heaven Dou City to force their Heaven Dou Imperial Family.

Watching these pictures emerge before my eyes.

Qian Renxue's expression changed a lot.

She sat in the void, propped her chin with her hands, and carefully watched these images flowing from the depths of her mind.

"It seems that at that time, Hu Liena should like this bastard, right?"

Qian Renxue seemed to see something and snorted coldly, "Look at those eyes, there is no one in them except the bastard."

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