Check in from Douluo

891 Unbreakable (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The scene in front of him was exactly when Wang Feng took the three of the Golden Generation to inspect the mainland and came to Heaven Dou City, in front of the Martial Spirit Temple.

A scene of a confrontation with the Tiandou imperial family headed by Xue Qinghe.

Qian Renxue hadn't noticed the situation before, because she didn't belong to the Pope in white at all.

However, even though Qian Renxue said this, she didn't know at this moment. In her own eyes, besides the figure, there seemed to be no other people...


Qian Renxue laughed again, "I asked you to pretend to be the Pope in white... You must have thought I was stupid at that time? No wonder you dare to agree..."

However, when Qian Renxue watched Wang Feng cooperate with her, complete escape from the Heaven Dou Palace, jump out of the identity of Xue Qinghe, and regain freedom.

There was a sweet smile on his face.

At that time, it felt like the whole body was put on layers of shackles, and was finally released.

It's very relaxing.

Can follow.

"Huh! Later, he lied to me with the identity of the Pope in white and wounded Wang Feng! What a horrible thing!"

Qian Renxue's expression changed, and she looked angry and funny, "I also used the token I gave as evidence... What a bastard!"

The picture gradually disappeared.

Qian Renxue's expression also began to change.

Finally came to Sea God Island.

After three years of hard cultivation, she was thinking of going to Sea God Island together, and she must not let that bastard be hurt.

And the result...

Which scene of Sea God Island finally appeared in front of Qian Renxue again.

The previous decades of scenes flashed, and none of them made her tremble at this moment.

And in retrospect, since meeting that guy, there are still many scenes that make Qian Renxue feel happy and sweet.

But until at Poseidon Island.

Qian Renxue almost didn't dare to look at the scene before her eyes.

In the angelic fantasy world, she will be stripped of all the circumstances of her life.Will let you see the most memorable and unforgettable things in your life.

Whether these things are happy or sad.Whether it is evil or bright, it will show up one by one.

But now, it is Qian Renxue who is the least willing to see it.

At this moment, she is completely unable to be a bystander...

When she saw Bibi Dong's death light from the Rakshasa, Qian Renxue screamed, trying to stop this scene from the past.

However, the death light of the Rakshasa had no effect on her, and it still penetrated Wang Feng's heart.

Blasted him far away.

In an instant, the picture in front of him seemed to turn gray in Qian Renxue's sight.

Her eyes also began to sink into strands of black.

"No, no... it shouldn't be like this."

Qian Renxue lowered her head and clasped her hands tightly.The phantom of the whole body began to become a little ethereal.

When she saw this scene, she was least willing to face it.

The picture is born from the heart.

Qian Renxue's pupils turned black, and the pictures around him disappeared again.

The original clear consciousness, at this moment, began to blur, and her mind was replaced by anger and fear.


It seems to stay in this scene forever.

At Sea God Island, Wang Feng was shot through by Bibi Dong.

The gray picture appeared endlessly in front of Qian Renxue.

This is a hurdle that her heart can never cross.

If you can't face the root of your inner obsession, you can't get real light in your heart, and you can't become a true angel god.

Scenes flashed by, Qian Renxue's figure seemed illusory, her eyes darkened.Read the book

The golden light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

Can't escape this scene, she will never be able to inherit the angelic position, and even keep repeating it in this final scene.

Until a certain moment.

Her body trembled, and a familiar feeling suddenly flowed from the bottom of her heart.

Qian Renxue looked away blankly.

It seems that the scene has been repeated countless times, and suddenly there is a change.

Bibi Dong's evil light of death did not pass through Wang Feng's chest this time, but was directly split by him with that mysterious axe.

Instead, an axe slashed towards Bibi Dong.

Beat Bibi Dong completely.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng walked towards her.

"Why can't you even see a picture that has long since passed?"

That Wang Feng walked up to her and sighed, "This is not because I know Qian Renxue."


Qian Renxue looked at Wang Feng blankly, "Are you not dead?"

"You think I am not dead, of course I am not dead." Wang Feng said, "This is your heart. When you can control your heart and master the light, these pictures will change how you want to change them."

Qian Renxue trembled as she stared at Wang Feng in front of her.

"In other words, you are what I imagined?" Qian Renxue felt the energy fluctuations in the opponent.Muttered, "Why is it so real? I really want to change how I want to change?"

The black pupils in Qian Renxue's eyes gradually disappeared and turned golden again.

Immediately after that, the scene of the two began to change...

"This is your inner world. You can change whatever you want," Wang Feng said.

"That means, are you under my control?" Qian Renxue murmured.

"Right." Wang Feng said.

Qian Renxue smiled upon hearing this.

At the next moment, Wang Feng's expression changed: "Wait, what are you thinking? Hey, don't think about it... Hurry up and break the picture in front of you. After this step, you are only one step away from the position of God!"

With that, Wang Feng pushed Qian Renxue away.

"I don't care, anyway, you are what I imagined, but not real. Come over to me!"

"...I am real! I am Wang Feng! I am here to wake you up from the state just now!"

"Hehe, I don't believe it, you are just what I imagined. As you said just now, you are still under my control. Look, if I think about it, you can't leave. Come!"

Wang Feng's expression changed and he walked over.

He is not what Qian Renxue imagined, but his mental power entered Qian Renxue's inner world.

In this world, it is indeed controlled by Qian Renxue.

Of course, you can also leave directly, regardless of Qian Renxue's control.

But if she left like this, Qian Renxue would definitely fall into the situation just now.

"First... Hold me first." Qian Renxue whispered.

She didn't know if it was true or false, she hoped it was true, but Qian Renxue knew it was impossible.

But the other party imagined it by himself, so you can always satisfy some of your wishes?

at least…

Wang Feng reluctantly walked over, holding Qian Renxue.

In an instant, Qian Renxue's soul trembled, and she trembled slightly.

The embracing of the soul state seems to be able to feel more clearly!

"look at me."

Qian Renxue blushed and looked at each other's cheeks.

It makes people think about it.

There was some madness in my eyes, at least, he was alive in my inner world.Even if it is my imagination, this is enough.Qian Renxue thought in her heart.

But why is it so real?

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