Check in from Douluo

Chapter 922 Cooperation, crisis! (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Only when the two are added together can they barely resist the terrifying chill of this mysterious zone!

There are no special ice trees outside in this place.

There are only huge icicles with weird shapes and endless icebergs.

In addition, it seems that there are no creatures.

A team of more than ten people barely walked in this place.

They have been away for several days.

The cold in this place is even more terrifying than the inner circle of the Far North.

There is an extremely powerful cold current in the air. Any flight spirit master will be frozen into popsicles the moment they fly into the air, and then they will fall to the ground and be broken into countless pieces.

Even Bone Douluo dared to fly into the air and probed where it was.

"Grandpa Bone, how long can we walk?"

Ning Rongrong's face was stained with blood, and his delicate face looked exhausted at the moment, and the blood stained into blood scabs, which looked disfigured.

At this time, even she, who loves beauty most, did not have any mood to bother.

Others are similar.

In comparison, Ning Rongrong, who was also an auxiliary soul master, seemed to be much better physically.Very strange...

Two people like Bai Chenxiang and Shen Lingqi, even with the hot breath released by Yan and Ma Hongjun, could hardly hold on.

In front of him, Bone Douluo's face was a little gloomy, he looked around with heavy weight, and finally said with a smile, "Don't worry, Rongrong, I will go out. Grandpa Bone will take you out."


Ning Rongrong had a bit of energy, and remembered the original intention of this far north in his heart.

But I sighed, Wang Feng, if I die here, will you be sad?

Bone Douluo led the team in front.

Behind them are Hu Liena and her brother Xieyue.

The strength of these three people was not much worse than them, and they had also passed the Seagod Island assessment.That is, the spirit power level is a few levels lower.

As a saint, Hu Liena, there is no need for them to be different from the Shrek Seven Monsters.

At this time, her skull was shining, and the beautiful and charming Tianhu Wuhun appeared behind her. The star imprint on Wuhun's forehead was gleaming, exuding a gentle aura, enveloped the group of people, and restored the group's Soul power.

"I can't hold on for long..."

Oscar, who reproduced Ma Hongjun's martial arts spirit with a mirror image, shouted loudly.

The battle with the riot spirit beasts these days has exhausted many spare sausages stored by Oscar.

It was like the Crystal Hairy Intestines that could instantly half of their soul power, physical strength and mental power, and the Golden Fly Intestines that could recover fully wounded. Originally, each of them had stored one, but now they are all consumed.

At the beginning, relying on Shen Lingqi's colorful bubble beer, barely cut off this chill.

But it is too expensive.

This cold air became more and more serious as it went away, and what was even more frightening was that he couldn't get out at all.

The only good place may be this place, without those violent soul beasts.

Terribly quiet!

In fact, everyone knew that those violent soul beasts did not chase them.It shows that in this area, even those violent soul beasts are very afraid.

At that time, there was no other way but to escape into it.

"Sister, we may not be able to get out of this place."

Later, Xieyue whispered, "Yan and that fat guy can't last long, this time. We didn't get anything, but we also got our lives... I am ashamed of the teacher's training and the alliance..."

Hu Liena pursed her dry and cracked lips and did not speak.

This time, if there were no Yan and the Fat Horse among the Shrek Seven Devils, they might have difficulty moving.

But even if the two spirits were powerful, they wouldn't be able to resist them for long.

At most, the spirits of both of them couldn't hold on for a long time.Everyone exposed Chiguoguo in this place.

Frozen into icicles...

Thinking of this, Hu Liena looked at the icicles and muttered:

"These icicles should be soul beasts or human beings who have strayed into this place?"

Xie Yue was startled.The first Chinese website

Those icicles are not transparent, and it is not clear what they are.

But the shape is indeed different.

All kinds of ice soul beasts in the far north will be frozen into icicles when they strayed into this place.Not to mention them.

At this moment, an exclamation came from the front, Ma Hongjun's voice:

"Look at it, there seems to be an ancient palace ahead. Go to that place, maybe we will be saved!"

Everyone was startled when they heard the sound.

One after another looked forward.

I saw that there was indeed a palace in the far distance, with a mysterious palace carved with ice crystals.

It looks magnificent and ancient, especially in this icy land!

Bone Douluo frowned slightly, looking at the palace, there were no other buildings around, only countless icicles.

But that place actually gave him a vague feeling of fear.

Tell him directly that he cannot approach the palace.

But now there is nowhere to go.

Everyone looked at Bone Douluo.

"Go and see." Bone Douluo pondered for a moment.

Going on like this is a dead end.

Why don't you go in for a try...

A group of people approached the ancient palace cautiously.

The palace is cylindrical, and the closer you get, the more you can feel the magnificence of the palace, and the breath of ancient times.

There is even this trace of a god-like stalwart.

It was like the Poseidon palace they had seen before on Poseidon Island.

Five thousand meters...Three thousand meters...One thousand meters...

Everyone slowly approached, and their hearts became more tense!

But the cold seems to be getting heavier.

"No way!"

Suddenly, Bone Douluo shouted, "Can't go there! Go back!"

The change of cold air made Bone Douluo's heart's fear reach the extreme.

If you really enter that palace, then death must be greeted them!

Everyone was startled.

It was this startled moment.

In the next moment, the countless icicles surrounding the palace burst instantly!

The moment the icicle broke, countless soul beasts ran out of the icicle, rushing towards the group of people frantically.

Sure enough, in these icicles, there were soul beasts that strayed into this place.

But at this moment, they broke the ice strangely and attacked them.

Seeing from a distance, the group of people looked like a whirlpool, and the spirit beasts that broke the ice around them culled at them.

The soul beasts all over the sky, like locusts, are terrifying.

In an instant, everyone was stunned...

Ning Rongrong screamed, looking at the soul beast that was slaughtered in the sky, the nine-treasure star glass tower in his hand exuded the last ray of light, falling on everyone, and then closed his eyes.

The rest of the people were shocked, and they were completely stunned by this sudden appearance.

The martial spirits of Yan and Ma Hongjun shook, and the fiery aura enveloping everyone disappeared instantly!

In an instant, everyone's body was covered with layers of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye... and Bone Douluo was an exception!

It was also at this time that a red-blue sword light that resembled a thunderbolt of a long rainbow struck from a distance...


Ps: There should be four more tonight

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