Check in from Douluo

Chapter 923 is so ugly, not qualified to hold me...(5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The red sword glow, like a long dragon dancing, cut through the sky, tearing the cold current, and instantly smashed everything at this critical moment from a far distance!

Huh huh!

The sword light descended from the world like a divine light, breaking out of the ice like a locust-like soul beast, and in a flash, it was cut into several pieces under the busyness of this general!

No blood!

These spirit beasts have long since died, at this time they were completely under control, or instinctively influenced by breaking the ice, unconsciously attacking any creatures that dared to invade this area.

It's like a puppet.


Countless limbs fell to the ground, making a dull slamming sound.

The sound awakened everyone and looked at the sky with horror on their faces.

The red-blue sword light woven a sword net in midair, as if it had wiped out all the soul beasts, and shattered all the soul beasts in the flash of light and shadow.It looks very shocking.

"It's the captain!"

Ma Hongjun shouted in excitement.

Then, the part below his waist was completely sealed by ice at this time, the hard ice exuding endless chill.

In this area close to the palace, even his martial soul was exhausted at this time and could hardly play any role.

The lower part of the body was frozen, and even gradually lost consciousness.

But at the moment he is still very excited.

Hearing Ma Hongjun's voice, the others reacted instantly.

This scarlet sword light, besides Wang Feng, who else is there?

"it is good…"

Bone Douluo yelled, and the Skeleton Martial Spirit went out of him, cutting off the remaining limbs that fell towards them.

In this extremely cold environment, he was the only Title Douluo who had some combat power.

Only his legs were sealed by ice.

This ice was not ordinary ice, and with the strength of Bone Douluo, it was difficult to break free in a short time.

It's no wonder that these soul beasts, being frozen by icicles, can't escape.

But for a moment, all the soul beasts that broke the ice from the icicle were all beheaded.

"Can not do it…"

However, Bone Douluo looked at everyone worriedly. At this time, most of them were already sealed by the ice. Even if only a small amount of spirit power was left, they could not resist the ice of the extremely cold air here.

If this continues, then their only end will be to be frozen in ice just like those soul beasts that broke into this place.

at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared in the distance, with a bloody halo all over, and a pair of blood wings behind it.

It looks energetic.

It is Wang Feng!

"Fortunately, it came in time!"

Wang Feng secretly said in his heart.

He used the instant movement of Soul Devouring Blood Wing to rush over.

I have used it several times in a row.

The more I thought about this forbidden area, the more dangerous it became, so I had to use teleportation to come, although it was very expensive.

At this moment, he had already seen Ning Rongrong and the others.

Watching them gradually get frozen, Wang Feng's heart is also slightly tight.

Hey, although Rong Rong is so deceiving and coaxing, he still cares, Wang Feng said in his heart.

His whole body was like a bloody light, while galloping away, he was in full state now, after all, he had added an increase to himself, and even the blood gold pattern opened three times.

The power of this blood gold pattern is very peculiar.It's not like when the blood pattern was opened before, the special emotion in it will have a great impact on the spirit.Now that the blood gold pattern is opened, there is no such impact, but there will be a sense of peace.

Galloping at full speed, Wang Feng finally rushed to the group when there was still a head left in front of them.

"Teacher!" Hacker Novel

"team leader!"

"My Pope!"

Several eyes fixed on Wang Feng.

Wang Feng slammed his palm forward, like a goddess scattered flowers, throwing out the jade spirit ice beads given by the ice emperor.

Wang Feng can also untie the ice on them, but it takes a lot of effort.

With the jade spirit ice beads given by the ice emperor, as long as the ice emperor did not lie, it could be unlocked instantly.

More than ten meters of jade spirit ice beads accurately hit everyone's body, then exploded in an instant, turning into a cloud of water mist and invading the ice layer on everyone's body.

Immediately afterwards, the ice layer on everyone began to dissolve quickly, and then everyone was covered with a faint ice light.

The ice-bound state immediately touched, but everyone was soft and afraid on the ground.

Just freezing for a while, they showed frostbite in their eyes.

He has even lost consciousness at all.

'The extreme cold air of the Forbidden Land is much stronger than the inner circle...'

Wang Feng's eyes condensed, the palm of the golden lotus turned out, and the golden light filled them, quickly recovering everyone.

Withdrawing the golden lotus, Wang Feng called out the Qinglian Bao color flag again, emitting a faint blue light.

The Qing Lian Bao Se Qi also has a recovery effect, but it is not as powerful as the Golden Lotus, but the victory continues to recover, and it can also restore the spirit.

Under the double recovery, everyone's injuries quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, Wang Feng was relieved.

Fortunately, it came in time.

If this comes a while later, it will be over.

The use of jade spirit ice beads means that they can temporarily resist the cold here.Wang Feng is not worried anymore.

The next step is to take them out of this place.

According to the Ice Emperor, once entering the forbidden area, the space will change, and the strong cold will distort the space. The only way to get out is to enter the Jiebingmu Palace and get the approval of Lord Bingmullin. To leave this place.

Thought of this.

Wang Feng knew that this place must be a special field!

Moreover, it is not an ordinary field.

Similar to the Secret Realm of Rakshasa, the capital of killing, Sea God Island.

Then, it can be inferred:

"This place... is very likely to be the inheritance of the gods!"

Wang Feng's eyes flickered and looked at Juebingmu Palace in the distance.

If Monarch Bingmulin is true, it is most likely a powerful soul beast that was cultivated by relying on this divine inheritance land.

Of course, it is also possible that compared to being strong, he has lived for a very long time, and has something to do with this god, so he cultivated in this place.

Although Wang Feng was surprised, there was a place of inheritance of gods in the far north, but it was not incomprehensible.

While thinking about it, everyone gradually recovered and stood up.

"Wang Feng...oooo, I knew that you would definitely come to save me."

Ning Rongrong was the first one to hug Wang Feng. The whole figure was like a little bear climbing a tree, hanging on Wang Feng's body, very unsightly.

But I cried so much that Pear Flower rained, "I thought I was going to die just now, and I thought I would return to the light and see you."

"Look at you, how did you become so ugly?" Wang Feng patted Ning Rongrong on the shoulder and said angrily, "The ugly person is not qualified to hug me. Be good! There is still something important now."

Ning Rongrong: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"I don't want it." Ning Rongrong said spoiledly, "I am not ugly. I will hold you now. You have the ability to let me down by myself. Slightly."

As he said, his hands and feet were tightly wrapped around Wang Feng's neck and waist.

"It's not ashamed."

Wang Feng's whole body was shocked, and in the state of deification, the additional lightning and thunder suddenly overflowed Wang Feng's body.

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