Check in from Douluo

Chapter 964 Bingbing, are you greedy? (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When he heard Lord Bingmulin rushing into the realm of absolute ice and facing the tribulation, Emperor Xue sighed.

Is the hurdle of the soul beast really impossible to overcome?

She had known Lord Bingmulin from a very early age, at that time Lord Bingmulin had a cultivation base of nearly 700,000 years.

It was the oldest and most powerful existence in the Far North at that time.

Later, he fell into a deep sleep and began to quickly improve his cultivation and strength.So over the years, as the extreme north has changed over time, Lord Bingmulin gradually disappeared, and many young and powerful soul beasts did not know this ancient master.

I didn't expect it to be gone now.

However, Emperor Xue also understood why this human being would spend so much effort to save himself.

Obviously because of Lord Bingmulin's request.

I figured it out, but Xuedi felt a faint emotion in his heart.

Is that so?

"But this human being is super diligent."

The Bingdi said angrily, "It has something to do with several human girls. Although they are good and have no quality, this is really unbearable. Those human girls like him, it's really bad."

"Sister, after he rests, let him leave here quickly."

Bingdi suggested.

"What's wrong with Huaxin?" However, Qingqing on the side shook his head disapprovingly, "Don't talk about human Huaxin, look at those beasts. It's a little stronger, I don't know how many other beasts have been messed with."

"This is the necessity for the continuation of the bloodline. To improve the overall bloodline quality of the soul beasts in the far north, it is bound to combine many soul beasts with powerful bloodlines with more powerful bloodline soul beasts."

Qing Qing said frankly, "Although the master is bothered, it is not the beginning of chaos and the end. Besides, combining with an excellent opposite sex can give birth to a stronger bloodline. Isn't it better?"

The Ice Emperor was speechless, so he could only say angrily: "Qingqing, you are a fallacious reason! Don't forget, you are a soul beast, do you have to have those weird and strange ideas!"

However, Qingqing disdainfully smiled, "I didn't know who had those weird thoughts just now? Bingbing, look at your body so red now, why are you embarrassed to say me?"

"I didn't! Don't talk nonsense!" Bingdi said conclusively.

Xuedi looked at the two spirit beasts and shook his head helplessly.

Ever since I met Qingdi, Bingdi has often quarreled with her, this is also the norm.

"Bingbing, you feel the current sister Xue. You know what I said will not be a lie." Qingqing said arguably.

Xuedi also gave a green look with a little anger.

Why did it hit me again.

The Bingdi was stunned, then he looked at the Xuedi.

I just came up before and haven't felt it in detail yet.

With this feeling, Bingdi was shocked!

He was originally a heaven and earth elves, and the blood and power of Emperor Xue were the best in the far north.

But before the Ice Emperor was washed and absorbed by the human overflowing cyan energy in the Double God Temple, he felt that he had also become stronger, and he should be almost the same as his sister.

But now it feels like my sister is the entire far north.

Look at Xuedi.

The ice-crystal-colored eyes were slightly blue, and there was a supreme aura of beastly in the calm.

The beautiful and exquisite face is still so beautiful, but it gives her a more pure and noble feeling.The whole body exudes an aura of Ruo Ruo Wu, which is extremely attractive to soul beasts.But it was extremely cold, and even self, who possessed extreme ice power, could hardly resist.

What shocked her the most was that her sister had a sense of mystery of being integrated with heaven and earth at this time!

Pure and flawless, beautiful, it seems that no words can describe her in the slightest.Zilang Literature

"Sister, you..."

Bingdi looked at Xuedi in shock.

"Did you see..." Qingqing smiled smugly, "Look at me again, these are all made by the master, Bingbing, are you greedy?"

Bingdi looked at Qingqing.

Although his momentum is a little weaker than his sister.

But it exudes a faint divine might, and the energy in the body seems to be stronger than himself.

That kind of breath is too attractive.

"..." Bingdi snorted coldly, "I don't envy it at all."

Having said that, the Ice Emperor still looked at that human.

"Okay, stop talking." Xuedi said lightly after a moment of silence, "Let him recover quietly... The extreme north has undergone such a big change, and he needs to recuperate and reintegrate."

Qingqing nodded, flapped her wings, looked at Wang Feng reluctantly, and then flew down the Yuling Tree.

The Ice Emperor and Xue Emperor also slowly walked down the Jade Spirit Tree.

"Sister, you have absorbed Lord Lin's original crystal core and control the power of absolute ice. Why don't you directly unify the far north."

The Ice Emperor walked down and said, "Before there was a five overlord, but now those human evil spirit masters are so powerful, if we don’t unite in the future, if this kind of problem occurs again, our homeland, I don’t know if it will What is it destroyed?"

"What you said makes sense..." Xuedi nodded slightly, "It's just that my sister has not fully absorbed Lord Lin's original crystal core... and it will most likely take a long time for my power to be fully utilized."

Speaking of which.

Xuedi’s eyes were a bit complicated, "Maybe, my sister needs to sleep for a while, and it may take many years. Only when the energy of Lin Jun’s original crystal nucleus is completely absorbed, or when he crosses the tribulation..."

Hearing this, Bingdi let out a cry.

"Sleeping?" Bingdi was dumbfounded.

"Yes." The Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor walked down the extreme ice, watching the spirit beasts around them walking towards her, and then kneeling under her as if they were meeting the queen, "So, this matter will be handed over. Do it for Qingdi and you. When you encounter difficulties, you can wake up sister."

In the distance, Qingqing was talking with a few Zun Kun.

"When will you begin to fall asleep, sister?" Bingdi looked at Xuedi reluctantly.

The Snow Emperor was startled, he couldn't help but think of that human being. After thinking for a long time, he said:

"Probably, in a few days."

"So soon? But sister, you just woke up, I didn't even get close to you..."

"..." Emperor Xue tapped the Ice Emperor lightly.

Immediately, she looked at this great northern place, her eyes gradually losing focus, and she didn't know what she was thinking.



The news of victory, like the monsoon going south, blows across the entire continent.

This war may not last long.

Even the humans in many cities in the south don't know the situation.

But for the inside of Wuhun Alliance, it was an exciting thing.

Because the evil spirit master is too dangerous, and the situation on the northern border is extremely complicated, the alliance has not fully announced this matter.

So as not to cause panic on the mainland.

It's just talking about the spirit beast riots. For the humans in the mainland, this is nothing new.

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