Check in from Douluo

Chapter 965 Unification of the Far North (3)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Evil Soul Master, these three words didn't reveal anything.

But for many spirit masters, as well as the middle and high level, the destruction of evil spirit masters is worthy of joy and worthy of warning.

For the common people, the impact of this victory may be just after a meal.

But the inner meaning is extremely important!

Because after this war, the high level inside Wuhun Alliance held a meeting with the two empires and the seven sects.

Although it has not yet officially decided how the Wuhun Alliance should go in the future, at least it is completely unified in the general direction.

Whether it is the two empires, the inside of the alliance, and the seven sects, they all intend to completely put down the previous heavyweights.

Achieve true unity.

As for how to determine the future development of the alliance, the Wuhun Alliance plans to wait for Qian Renxue to appear before talking.

Now that Bibi Dong is dead, Qian Renxue is considered the chief heir of the Wuhun Alliance.

At the same time, I also want to wait for the Pope in white who has the highest prestige on the road to return to the mainland before continuing the discussion.

And Tang San's side naturally wanted to wait for Wang Feng to return.

At the same time, Tang San was planning to go to Sea God Island again.

Inherit the true Poseidon position.

Because he is now also a dual martial spirit nine spirit ring, and also rescued Xiao Wu.Satisfied the conditions of the eighth test, naturally passed the ninth test and inherited the power of Poseidon.

Hanhai City.

Tang San and his party were planning to go to sea.

"I didn't expect that the situation in the mainland would have reached this point."

Dai Mubai let out a long sigh, "I never dreamed that our two empires, the seven sects, would truly unite with the spirit alliance and understand the previous enmity."

"Yes, I still wanted to change the spirit alliance." Ma Hongjun said in a speech, "how do you expect this spirit alliance is completely different from what we thought, after the captain became the pope in white, it seems to have changed invisibly. In the Wuhun Palace... Is it the limit to be a spy to achieve this level?"

"If Brother Feng hadn't been exposed in Seagod Island, would you say that now the captain will really become the Pope?"

Everyone: "..."

Don't say, it is really possible.

Bibi Dong is now dead, and the Pope in White is the second heir to the Wuhun Hall.

Even if Hu Liena becomes the pope, what is the difference between her feelings for Wang Feng and Wang Feng being the pope directly?

Everyone sighed.

"Three brothers, there is no real god-level powerhouse on the mainland."

Ma Hongjun looked at Tang San and said with a smile, "Let’s go to Sea God Island. You should be the first one to inherit the position of God, right? But inheritance of the position of God may be very difficult. The Qian Daoliu of the alliance has not recently Show up. Hearing the rumors seems to be about to die, do you think it has something to do with Qian Renxue's becoming a god?"

Tang San was startled, and frowned, "If this is the case, then becoming a god has no meaning. If you become a god, you must sacrifice the lives of others, this god status is nothing."

Now that the Wuhun Alliance is unified, although there is still a potential threat from Evil Soul Master, as long as the mainland is united, it will enter a stage of rapid development.

After the evil spirit master really hits the door, it won't take much advantage.

Under this situation, Tang San's desire for the position of God was not strong.Naturally, I don't want to exchange human life for strength.

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about." Xiao Wu whispered, "Although the alliance is now unified, and I and Wuhun alliance have no hatred. But the fight is still a fight, you think, if the Qianren Xue became a god In the future, the voice of the Soul Palace side within the alliance must be more powerful."

"If you become a god, you can also deter them. But it is also a kind of deterrence. It is not enough to rely on Feng Ge alone. In the face of a true god-level powerhouse, only the same god-level powerhouse can do it."

"Moreover, a god-level powerhouse is the ultimate goal of a soul master, how can it be said that it cannot be achieved?"

Tang San sighed softly when he heard the words: "Of course I know, but Xiao Wu, you imagine, if becoming a god is like Qian Daoliu, I need to sacrifice Senior Bo Saixi, can I go there in my heart?"

"Oh, brother, you are so stupid." Xiao Wu said suddenly, "becoming a god, the power of a god is comparable to that of a mortal! Besides, being a god, can't it be possible to resurrect a mortal? Senior Bo Saixi is not a god After you become a god, and no matter how hard you practice, gods must be divided into strong and weak, right? One day, you will resurrect Senior Bossie." 5599 Novel

"It's not just Senior Bo Saixi, even Da Ming Er Ming, maybe they can be resurrected as gods. Their souls are in your spirit ring..."

Xiao Wu's words awakened Tang San like a divine enlightenment.

Yeah, I'm really confused.

When I become a god, I can always resurrect them, right?

For a moment, Tang Sanhui remembered that Feng Ge had the power to destroy the world like a gesture.

Feng Ge's strength, even if it is not a god, should be very close?

How can I fall behind Feng Ge?

Tang San looked at the distant sea, full of fighting spirit in his heart.

I will become a sea god!


It has been several days since Wang Feng recovered.

At the top of the Yuling Tree Emperor, huge energy gathered into Wang Feng's body.

The loss of essence and blood is extremely serious for him.When Wang Feng really started to recover, he realized it.

The average soul master lost so much essence and blood, it is estimated that even the treasure of heaven and earth cannot be saved.

We must know that every drop of blood, in addition to containing Wang Feng's own soul power, also condenses vitality.

One can imagine.

It was also Wang Feng's current body, comparable to a divine body, with degeneration of soul power, and a secret word.

Moreover, after the second brush of the Chaos Shenguang, the potential of the body has been greatly enhanced, before daring to do such things.

With his current body, it takes so long to recover before he can barely recover a lot, it is conceivable.

The top of the Jade Emperor Tree.

"Sister, why has he been weak for so long?"

Bingdi looked at Wang Feng.

In the past few days, the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor are mostly going to the extreme north to see the situation.

Prevent the soul beast that has not cleaned up the blood and soul poison.

To prevent future troubles.

At the same time, discussed with Qingdi about the unification of the Far North.

After this war, many soul beasts died in the far north.But what made them feel gratified was that many of them died of soul beasts that tended to evil and were troublesome.

The Qing Emperor was very interested in unifying the extreme north.

In addition, at this time the Far North has just gone through this war, and the power has been shuffled, which is a good opportunity for unification.

Ever since, Qingqing took the seven guys and directly embarked on the plan to conquer and unify the Far North...

Emperor Xue said in a low voice: "His essence and blood are depleted, and the loss is huge...For a human of this level, he is just weak, which is incredible. But at least his spirit power level will drop..."

Wen Yan Bingdi was startled, "Is it so serious? We still have some treasures for their human beings, should we give it to him?"

Xuedi gently shook his head, "It's useless, he absorbs energy so fast. There is no treasure of heaven and earth here that can replenish essence and blood, and his own strength is amazing. He doesn't mean much."

Bingdi let out a soft voice.Then there was silence.

"Then when will he wake up enough?" Bingdi asked again.

Xuedi looked at Wang Feng with a bit of complexity in his eyes, although the other party saved himself because of Lord Bingmulin's request.

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