Check in from Douluo

Chapter 987 I will not charge the name change fee (3)

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Under the broken golden lotus, Wang Feng's spirit power level temporarily reached 100!

The invisible golden air current blasted around with Wang Feng as the center.

In an instant, the boundless murderous aura brought by the long blade of sky-reaching energy was removed.

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong's expressions changed slightly.

This golden air blast came, and instantly both of them flew directly.

Looking at the golden beam of light in the center, and the figure.

Both of them were shocked and terrified.

"This is... Hundred-level spirit power?" Qian Renxue was surprised, "Is he a god?"

Impossible, she did not feel the breath of God at all.

How could this be a god?

But this terrifying aura completely surpassed their two true gods!

At this time, almost everyone in Wuhun City had fainted.

There were only a few Title Douluo remaining, and tried their best to resist the fighting pressure in the sky at this time.

It looked even more confused.

They didn't know what happened.

Even as the top existence in this world, for them now, this level of power and what happened are completely beyond their cognition.

The only thing he knows a little bit is Qian Daoliu.

"One hundred..."

Qian Daoliu stared at...

Hundred level is the realm of gods.

Becoming a god at a hundred levels is a common saying that has been circulating in the Douluo world.

Although so many years have passed, few can cross that hurdle.

"It's not a god... but the spirit power level is over 99. Is this a hundred? Or would you say that this kid is really a god?"

Qian Daoliu didn't know.

All I know is that the aura exuding from Wang Feng's body at this time makes him feel like worshipping.

Terribly strong.

In fact, Wang Feng could also feel the majestic power in his body at this time.

Although this hundred-level soul power experience card only has a short time.

But Wang Feng can be regarded as perceiving how wonderful this power is.

However, his situation is actually not good.

Because this force is too great.

With his physical body, it is very hard to bear.

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong couldn't see him bathed in golden light now, concealing all perception and most of his sight.

At this time, bloody cracks were spilled out of the surface of his body.

Even the soul outfit on his body, because of the huge soul power injection, there have been countless cracks...

If this eighth level of spirit power is placed on someone else, no one can bear it.

Moreover, his spirit power is not ordinary spirit power...

I want to stop here.

Wang Feng looked at the long blade of energy that was slashing towards him, expressionless.

Directly fluttered with a punch.

In an instant!

The clouds are scattered!

The horrible long blade of energy was instantly shattered!

Wang Feng didn't know how strong he was at the moment.

I only know that I don't dare to use my full strength, because it is easy to burst my body and soul bone.

Fortunately, only the soul outfit can withstand part of this soul power, otherwise he is more restrained now.

After blasting the attack of the god in the crack with a punch, Wang Feng did not stop.

The Bing Lin wing behind it flickered slightly, and Wang Feng blasted directly into the crack with a punch!txt novel

The stalwart golden light from Wang Feng's fist turned into a fist-shaped beam of light, and in an instant, it blasted into the crack.


An unbelievable scream rang out from the crack.

The crack suddenly became bigger.

A figure appeared tremblingly from the crack.

His body was shining with five divine lights and brilliant light wheels, which were looming at this moment, but the whole body was smashed by this punch.


After this scream, the air was quiet.

Seeing the brilliant aperture of the five gods, Wang Feng was a little surprised, is it the source of the power of the gods?

With a hundredth-level spirit power, this god didn't know what level he was in the god realm, it was so weak.

Wang Feng didn't even think about it, and punched again!

The golden beam of light once again flooded the sky, and Wang Feng believed that if this punch went down, this god would definitely die.


At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice sounded abruptly from the crack.

Then, the gray light fell like a waterfall in front of the god who appeared first.

The golden fist light bombarded the gray waterfall, only shook out a gray ripple, but did not penetrate.

Wang Feng stared at the crack. Behind the crack, Wang Feng also saw several figures.

Each one exudes an extremely powerful aura, apparently coming long ago.

The god just now was just a wedge.

A figure appeared first from the crack.

He was wearing a gray robe, his face was indifferent, and his expression was arrogant. Looking at Wang Feng's state at the moment, a trace of surprise and killing thought flashed in his eyes.

"You want to kill me?"

Wang Feng looked at this figure with a calm expression, "You God Realm, it doesn't look very good. You can go to the mortal and kill people unscrupulously. I can't as well stop calling the God Realm, just call the Devil Realm. I won’t charge for the name change. ."


"Humans, give you a way out." The god in gray robes said lightly, "Smash the eighth spirit ring on your body, and then destroy your angelic spirit, your cultivation may stop forever. But at least you can save a little life."

"Otherwise, not only will you not survive today. Even their god status will be deprived."

Hear the words.

Wang Feng squinted, and it seemed that this god realm wanted to kill himself, and the angel Wuhun was one reason.

Dragon evil should also be a reason.

It has always been.

This respected life is obviously different from before.

On his body, there are seven divinely brilliant light wheels, exuding indescribable power.

Not only that, but in the crack, there seemed to be a few breaths that were similar to him.

And his current hundred-level, to be honest, a little fictitious.


The Killing Spear flashed in Wang Feng's hand and appeared in his hand.

He felt that this guy was not his opponent.

You can't kill it, the other said, but the other party has used this method.Obviously, it is impossible to let go of myself, or rather, let go of Long Xie and his angel Martial Spirit.

Self-destruction, self-destruction?

how is this possible?

Although pretending to be a dragon at the beginning, he and himself were opponents, but now he has become his own spirit ring and his own little brother.

How could he kill his little brother?

Not to mention the light and dark angel Wuhun.

Along the way, Wang Feng was also very affectionate for this martial soul. He grew up and evolved in a bumpy way, how could he destroy himself?

Wang Feng is too lazy to talk nonsense with these Shabi.

The invisible thunder light flickered, and the purple spear light came out through the gun, and disappeared from Wang Feng's hand with the Gunslinger.

The boundless gun power is like a cyan-purple giant dragon, with a ferocious mouth that is attacking the gray-clothed god.

He didn't believe that this god could still defend against the powerful attacks possessed by the Gunkiller.

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