Check in from Douluo

Chapter 988 Pan Gu Axe! (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At the same time, Chiqing Feijian cut countless sword lights in midair.

The arrogant god frowned slightly, sneered, and seven rings on his body flickered.

With a light wave of the palm of his hand, a gray light swept through various attacks, and the sword light smiled directly by the gray light.

But the blue and purple spear light was only a few points weaker, and he was slightly startled.

A prism suddenly appeared on his body, exuding brilliance.


The Killing Spear that radiated bloody light directly shattered this prism.

The face of the god changed drastically.

"This is an artifact?"

He couldn't believe that the opponent's martial arts could break a piece of his own semi-divine weapon?

Moreover, it is so easy and simple.

How could a mortal martial arts soul possess such a powerful force?

In a hurry, he hurriedly flashed and disappeared at the critical moment, but his arm was still cut by the spear light from before.

The bones that looked like black jade divine light were exposed.

"Kill him!" The arrogant life's face was gloomy.

This human being is too powerful.

If you react slowly, you might even be passed through by this shot!

what does this mean?

With a move of Wang Feng's palm, the Gunslinger returned to his hand.

"Do you know the name of this weapon?"

Wang Feng looked at this god, "Killing the Great Spear."

Hearing this, the gray-clothed god's face changed even more.

With such a disrespectful name, it is no wonder that this human being has the power of that traitor.

At this time, the gray-clothed god was calm, holding his hand high, the seven god rings on his body flickered, and gray rays of light scattered around him, centered on him!

This is power beyond the realm.

At the same time, six beams of light shot out from the crack.

In the direction of the six-pointed star, it fell in six directions beside Wang Feng.

"Shenzhen* Seven Prison God Prisoners."

The gray-clothed god's fingertips condensed a little light like the sun.

He flashed in six directions.

In an instant, a gray mask formed.

The seven chains condensed by energy rules, from six directions, instantly locked towards Wang Feng.

Wang Feng frowned slightly, just about to move away, but found that this space seemed to have been completely isolated.

That is the power of rules.

The power of rules above God.

Seven different rules and forces have bound this world.

Soul power can no longer be changed.

Huh huh!

Seven chains were instantly tied to Wang Feng's feet, hands, waist, and neck.

Seven different sealing powers appeared on Wang Feng's body, like seven seals, and instantly sealed Wang Feng's soul power!

The chaotic green lotus above the head is looming.

It seems to disappear at any time.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, even the soul crystal nucleus seemed to be stamped with seven seals.

Wang Feng was shocked, these gods seemed a bit strong.

Shouldn't they be ordinary gods in the God Realm?It even performed such a powerful move.

Strap yourself in an instant?

The hundred-level soul power is sealed, and even the martial soul is difficult to mobilize, as is the soul spirit.

It is a pity that if this hundred-level spirit power is washed once again by the chaotic light, it will deteriorate.The constraints formed by the power of these seven rules will not have any effect on him.This kind of god, he can even kill instantly.

But then one must truly possess a hundred-level spirit power and obtain the tenth spirit ring.

This depends on the spirit power level that Jin Lian raised up, after all, there is still a big difference.

Under the mask, Wang Feng couldn't move, but he was thinking about how to break the game.186 Chinese Network

After thinking for a long time, there is no way.

Suddenly, Wang Feng felt the seven seals on his body...the power in the rules seemed a bit familiar.

It seems to be related to the light and dark angels!

His spirit power is now sealed and he can't release his martial spirit.

But he has blood gold lines, and there are two remaining lines that have not turned into purple origin.

Will it be useful?

As long as this seal loosens a little bit, as long as one can mobilize a trace of soul power, it is enough.

With a thought to Wang Feng, he quietly lucked out the remaining two stripes on his body.

The fusion of blood lines requires extremely harsh conditions, requiring colleagues to use black lotus and white lotus, and colleagues also need to withstand power above the god level.

Now I don’t have this condition...

However, Wang Feng discovered that the purple origin pattern seems to be able to absorb these seven different energy rules?

This shows that this purple origin pattern on my body is more advanced than the energy rules exerted by these seven gods?

Wang Feng lowered his head, was silent, and secretly absorbed.

At this moment, in the eyes of that arrogant god, Wang Feng seemed to give up.

The gray mask is gradually shrinking, and the seven chains are shining brightly.

"Fortunately, you monster died here today." The gray-clothed god looked at Wang Feng and said indifferently, "Otherwise, I don't know what kind of danger the God Realm will suffer in the future."

After speaking, this god seemed to have noticed something and was about to look at Wang Feng.

But at this moment, one white gold and one purple black.

A sacred sword of the sun, a magic sickle of the extreme path.

Like two long dragons repelling each other, they attacked the gray-clothed god!

"Let him go!"

Accompanied by a cold voice.

These two extremely repulsive forces have a tendency to merge faintly at this moment!

The power that can be exerted seems to have completely exceeded the original strength of the two!

It was the gray-clothed god who was startled, then sneered, waved his hand suddenly, and the gray light washed down.

In an instant, it was as if two long dragons were directly cut off at the waist, and the Sun Sacred Sword and Extreme Magic Scythe were directly shaken off!

Qian Renxue spouted a mouthful of blood.

Bibi Dong's face was pale.

The two had been observing the situation, watching Wang Feng being trapped at the moment, this god and the remaining few hidden in the crack, jointly shot Wang Feng to contain them.

The situation is extremely bad, so I naturally chose to shoot at the first time.

But the strength of this god is obviously beyond imagination.

"Although the angel god and the Raksha god are at the same level as me, you two have just stepped into the level of gods. Haven't experienced the breath of the gods, let alone practiced in the gods. Who gave you the courage to attack me? "

This god said coldly and arrogantly.

Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong could not speak, their eyes were just staring at Wang Feng, and the expressions in both eyes were extremely complicated.

But at this moment.

A faint voice sounded:

"Of course I gave it."

Hearing this, the gray-clothed god looked at Wang Feng, and he raised his head at some unknown time.

But the whole body was still restrained, unable to move.

"You?" The gray-clothed god smiled silently, "The dying man...huh?"

Just halfway through.

He suddenly felt that this human being seemed to be running soul power.

There are five purple lines faintly shining on him. This is the source of his feelings just now, but it was interrupted by Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

At the same time, he also saw it in the palm of this human being.

The shadow of an axe slowly condenses...

At the time of this glance, this axe has become a solid body!

In an instant!

A magnificent beam of light, as if breaking through all the rules of restraint, suddenly lit up from Wang Feng, shattering the clouds!

"Pangu Axe!!"


Ps: There should be two or three shifts at night, if not, it will be ten shifts tomorrow.

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