You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The magnificent light has unlocked the shackles of chaos and broke all the rules.

The seven seal powers on Wang Feng's body dissipated in an instant, and the gray seal was shattered under the beam of light.

The earth-shattering energy was condensed like a substance, rushing out of the Pangu axe in Wang Feng's hand.

Wang Feng suddenly grasped this axe containing ancient power, and in an instant, a stalwart light shone from him in the world.

After the spiritual power became the soul nucleus, he was able to control Pan Gu Axe's violent blood attack freely.

However, Wang Feng still did not dare to use the power of Pan Gu axe easily.

After all, this thing is a double-edged sword, a bloody attack that can destroy the enemy as well as oneself.

Who knows if other methods of attack will emerge?

At this moment, seeing Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong were injured, he didn't intend to hide it.

I thought that with the temporary 100-level spirit power, these gods could be defeated, but these god-level powerhouses were not easy.

One is better than one.

The long-lost sense of strength emerged in Wang Feng's mind.

Chaos-like rays of light flowed around Wang Feng's body, making it look like a giant from the ancient times.

His entire body shape seemed to have increased a bit, and the moment Pan Gu Axe was formed, the majestic power broke the rules of these gods.

Even if it's just a martial soul, the rules of these gods can't seal Pan Gu Axe.

Wang Feng used five purple origin patterns to absorb a very small part of the energy of the seal, and reluctantly emphasized the movement of a little soul power to condense this ancient axe.

This ancient axe, under Wang Feng's one-hundred-level soul power, exudes the light of heaven and earth.

The sky rolled grey clouds, roaring fearful anger.

The light of the world gathered on Wang Feng at this moment.

The seven-ringed gray-clothed god uttered an angry roar, but he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

As a god, he rarely produces such fear.

But at this time, he was afraid.

Wang Feng’s divine eyes were like electricity, and he took the Pangu axe in his hand and slashed towards the god with one axe!

In an instant, the figure resembled a rainbow, the space shattered, and countless black traces formed by the shatter hunted around the gray-clothed god!

The breath of death rose from his heart.

Under this axe, the space was shattered, and the axe light broke everything.

The terrible scream stopped.

In this endless axe light, the gray-clothed god didn't even have a chance to resist, his body dissipated directly, turned into a light and disappeared between the heaven and the earth, and escaped into the crack.

That is the soul.

With this axe, his body was counted, barely leaving a ray of soul.

at the same time.

Wang Feng did not intend to let go of the crack.

Wang Feng's feet stepped in the void, and an explosive mushroom air flow rose from under his feet.

Facing the crack, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, and hacked several axes again and again.

As if to tear the crack open, tear open the other side of hypocrisy.

After several axe lights pierced the sky, Wang Feng's eyes were cold.

The Pangu axe in his hand began to glow with a chaotic light.

Every time the axe light fell, the crack was like a big opening cut by scissors.

Get bigger gradually!

As if a channel was cut.

Several screams sounded continuously from the other end of the crack.Under this axe, the six gods hiding in the crack suffered heavy losses one after another!

In the world, it seemed that Wang Feng was the only one left, facing the crack.

In the sky, clouds rolled and thunder roared, surrounding the cracks, it seemed that something terrible energy was brewing.

The world is as terrible as the doomsday.

"Wang Feng."

In the distance, Qian Renxue stared at this scene blankly.

What was it just now?

Killing God?3a reading network

Just one trick?

What a powerful force this is?

Back in Sea God Island, Qian Renxue had seen Wang Feng use this magical axe martial spirit. With more than 80 levels of spirit power at the time, he could even fight against the demigod Bibi Dong.

Now, with a hundred-level spirit power, these seven-ringed gods can directly smash to death with an axe!

The crack above the dome that day was also directly cut into a large opening by Wang Feng's axe, like a passage.

But killing God means completely offending the God Realm. What should he do in the future?

Qian Renxue's mind was extremely confused, unable to sort out his current emotions.

Even when it was learned that the God Realm was going to target and kill Wang Feng, this might happen.But it is appearing now, but I don't know what to do for a while.

Bibi Dong frowned slightly. When fighting with Wang Feng before, he dared to know that the opponent's strength far exceeded her own.

The power of this axe is terrible.

It's hard to imagine that even the spirit of a spirit master can kill even a god!This kind of Wuhun completely surpassed the power of Wuhun.

It is more terrifying than the gods' artifacts, because the gods' artifacts can only be used by the gods.

However, I had experienced the power of this axe, and now I was able to slay the gods, even though Bibi Dong was surprised in his heart, he was still expecting it.

The only thing that worries Bibi Dong is that she clearly remembers that this axe can be bloodthirsty and will hurt Wang Feng herself.

If it loses control like last time, it's dangerous.

His current spirit power was raised through special means, and it was already unstable.

If this happens, there might be backlash in the body.

By then, if you also fall into that crazy state, you will die more than just a god!

You know this guy almost killed himself last time...

At this moment, Bibi Dong suddenly looked into the crack, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Qian Renxue seemed to feel something too.

I don't know when.

Purple-black thunder arcs surround the cracks. Each thunder arc flickers like a thunder dragon.

Several light wheels slowly lit up from the cracks.

The tyrannical aura lit up from those light wheels.

That is an aura that can destroy everything!

Thunder dragon-like purple and black thunder arcs thundered and roared, and nine consecutive light wheels shook off countless purple and black thunder arcs.

Suddenly, a figure wearing a black cloak appeared in the center of the crack.

Quietly looked at the land of Yunxiao.

Wang Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just by feeling, this god seems to be a little different.

I don't know how many times stronger than the one just now.

Wang Feng didn't even think about it, and slashed it with an axe.Without any hesitation!

The axe light that opened the sky and the earth, with the supreme power of splitting all souls.

However, the figure raised his head slightly and raised his palm, with a purple-black light ball in his palm, pressing directly in front.

In an instant, Axe Light seemed to have encountered a huge attraction, endless energy, directly sucked into the purple-black light ball.

The terrifying power of destruction raged in the purple-black light ball.

The light of Pan Gu Axe disappeared without a trace.

Wang Feng's pupils shrank.

This god is not generally strong.

With the Pangu axe with a hundredth-level spirit power, can it not cause any harm with a single move released?

Even though this hundred-level spirit power is very weak, it is very different from the one that you cultivated yourself.

But the other party also did nothing. Standing in place, he easily absorbed the blow of this Pangu axe.

A stronger force of rules is conceived in the purple-black light ball, deep, destructive, and silent.

He raised his head, a cold red light, beating under the cloak.

Although he couldn't see his face, the other person's eyes were cold and calm, with a boundless aura of destruction.

He gently threw the purple-black light ball in his hand.

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