Check in from Douluo

Chapter 991 Just let you see my power of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred thousand

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng was startled.

What did the two of them show up at this time?

As if thinking of something, Wang Feng's eyes cracked slightly.

next moment.Endless blood poured into Long Xie's body.

He and Bingmulin looked at each other.

"Boss, if you die, we won't survive either."

Long Xie laughed out loud, "Today, let you see my power of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred thousand!"

Wang Feng wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Lord Bingmulin gave Wang Feng a deep look, but only sighed.

Long Xie sneered at the huge dragon body, turned into a bloody light, and rushed towards the thunder spear.

On the other side, Lord Bingmulin looked up to the sky and roared, the scarlet golden soul ring merged into the phantom of his body, making it solid.

Wang Feng's soul power was taken a lot of time.

"Asshole! Who told you to do this!" Wang Feng roared.

Of course he knew what these two guys wanted to do.

The two changed, the spirit ring condensed the last lives and souls of two million spirit beasts, turning into two fierce rays of light.

Like two intertwined torrents of energy, they slammed into the destruction thunder gun.

However, it is like a praying man's arm.

In an instant, the bodies of Longxie and Bingmulin were directly broken!

Under the terrifying power of that destroying thunder gun, he couldn't even slow down the momentum of this thunder gun by even one point.

The power gap is too huge.

Just like stepping on an ant, Longxie and Bingmulin were gone.

The souls of the two directly turned into endless rays of light, blending into the spirit ring.

The spirit ring shattered, gradually changing from golden to white, with more and more cracks.

At the moment when it was about to break, Wang Feng roared and slammed away to the destruction thunder spear, the chaotic green lotus blooming above his head, and the endless cyan light instantly took back the about to break spirit ring.

However, it also caused the destruction thunder gun to pierce through the body in an instant.


The Destroying Thunder Spear passed through, and Wang Feng's body was shaken.

The soul outfit on his body shattered instantly.

Two fist-sized holes appeared in his chest.

The whole body's life is passing frantically at this moment.

"Wang Wu!!"

A stern and godless voice came from behind Wang Feng.

Bibi Dong was still half a beat slow after all.

At this time, when she came to Wang Feng's back, she was already panting and scarred.

Just the endless destruction energy in mid-air, wanting to pass through, it is countless times more difficult than passing through the thundercloud layer.

Wang Feng fell from the void and onto Bibi Dong's body.

In her arms.

The blood was flowing, but not much, because Pan Gu Axe had absorbed a lot just now.

In the distance, Qian Renxue's eyes were red, and the sacred light energy all over her body seemed to have turned blood red.

She slowly came to Wang Feng's side with Bibidong, because her strength was much weaker than Bibidong.

Wang Feng was startled, looking at Bibi Dong at this time.

She had tears in her eyes, and those majestic eyes were no longer able to bear the coldness just now, and they were full of despair and pain at the moment.

There were tears on his cheeks.

"You can't die..." Bibi Dong murmured while looking at Wang Feng.

She madly injected the divine power in her body into Wang Feng's body.

Wang Feng was silent for a moment, and he could feel the loss of his own life, for him who had faced death several times.

The feeling of death this time is the strongest.Bayi Chinese Website

He knew that he would die.

Even meteor tears can't save you.Just hanging Wang Feng in a sigh of relief, death is only a matter of a while.

The Destruction Thunder Spear contains a stronger law of destruction, and it is impossible to restore it simply by restoration.

Any restorative energy is useless.Divine power is the same, unless it can be compared with the opponent's law of destruction.

"Don't bother." Wang Feng shook his head. Although his voice was weak but very clear, "Your supernatural power is useless to me."

The power of Rakshasa is simply impossible to compare with the energy containing the law of destruction.

Not to mention, Bibi Dong just became a god, and he didn't understand much of the power of the Raksha god.

And it is not biased towards the power of recovery.

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

At this time, another divine power was injected into Wang Feng's body.

That is the power that contains light and divine.

Wang Feng was startled again, and saw Qian Renxue tearful in her eyes, and said stubbornly.

Neither of them cried, but tears kept streaming down.

The power of evil and the victory of light were intertwined in Wang Feng's body.

Wang Feng's injury was not recovered, but Wang Feng felt that the remaining two blood gold lines began to merge.

This made Wang Feng stunned.

The two stripes are basically difficult to merge.

Because the golden lotus was temporarily broken, it was impossible for Wang Feng to use the golden lotus and the black lotus at the same time and could not merge.

But at this moment, it is fused?

After thinking about it, Wang Feng roughly understood.

Bibi Dong's evil divine power, Qian Renxue's bright divine power, replaced Black Lotus and Golden Lotus at this moment!

The body contains terrifying destructive power, eroding Wang Feng's body, representing a god-level attack.

It turned out that these last two blood gold lines began to merge?

Wang Feng did not expect that the last two blood-gold patterns would converge into purple original patterns in this situation!

If it merges to condense the angel source core, maybe there is still a glimmer of life?Wang Feng murmured in his heart.

But all this did not escape the perception of the cloaked figure.

Almost inputting divine power in Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, after few breaths.

A cold hum sounded.

In an instant, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong's bodies shook, and the divine power in their bodies directly disappeared.

As a result, the last purple origin pattern has not been integrated.

Wang Feng glanced at the cloaked figure. This god was not only strong, but also very clever.

"Stop it." Wang Feng sighed, "I'm dead, and the God Realm will not target you for the time being. Don't look for life..."

Wang Feng stretched out his hand and wiped away the tear marks on Bibi Dong's face.


Bibi Dong held Wang Feng's hand and said coldly, "If you die, then what is the meaning of my life."

She stared at Wang Feng's eyes, and her cold and trembling hands made Wang Feng feel the fear in her heart at this time.

Not the fear of death, but the fear of own death.

"Wang Feng, do you think I will go to the God Realm if you are dead?" Qian Renxue also held Wang Feng's hand, firmly holding it, "I don't care, you can't die, you must have a way to survive …As long as you can survive, I will listen to you everything."

Wang Feng shook his head.

He is really helpless now.

You are too late to say this now.

"You have created so many miracles..." Bibi Dong held Wang Feng's hand, hugged him, and muttered, "I don't believe you will die like this... I just want you to survive now, I...I, too It’s up to you."

Wang Feng: "..."

He thought to himself, now that this is useful.

His two spirit rings are now close to shattering. The souls of Longxie and Bingmulin are shattered, their spirit power and spiritual power are exhausted, their body is penetrated, and the terrifying destructive power rages throughout his body, cutting off his recovery.

is there any method?

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