Check in from Douluo

Chapter 992: Death? (4)

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A series of angry voices sounded:

"Brother Feng!"

"team leader!"

far away.

A figure suddenly appeared in the distance!

It was Tang San!

After becoming fully inherited the Seagod's position, he almost immediately rushed towards this place.

Although Poseidon Island is far away from here.

But after becoming the Seagod, he harnessed the power of the sea, and it didn't take long for him to cross the sea. Then he flew in the sky and took the remaining people to Wuhun City.

The power of God is indeed not comparable to a soul master.

Before coming, he had already sensed that extremely terrifying energy fluctuations had erupted in this place.

And it's getting worse.

The fastest speed was already used, but when Tang San came here, he could only see this scene.

Very strange scene!

Everyone in Wuhun City has lost consciousness, even Title Douluo, after the figure in the cloak with the nine gods ring flashing out, also fainted.

Even Qian Daoliu is no exception.

Under that huge pressure, close to Wuhun City, it is death!

Tang San and Xiao Wu were two people who could only enter the midair of Wuhun City.

The rest of the people were all isolated from the Wuhun City, and they couldn't bear that kind of huge momentum and pressure.

As soon as they entered, they would instantly fall into a coma, even if they were Title Douluo.

But even outside Wuhun City, Ma Hongjun and his party could see the distant sky at this time.

And in that crack, that towering figure, one glance at it, I felt my whole body trembling.

Seen from a distance, it's just a small black spot...

The current situation, although Ma Hongjun and his party roughly know what is going on.

After Tang Sancheng came out, he hurriedly returned to the mainland, and he had already told them.God wants to kill Wang Feng.

Although the specific reason is not clear, it is the case now.

But the scene before him is really weird.

Especially in the eyes of Tang San and Xiao Wu!Because they are recent.

Don't worry about Qian Renxue, Tang San roughly knows that this woman has special feelings for Brother Feng.It was Feng Ge who pretended to cover her evacuation from Tiandou Palace, especially when she was on Haishen Island. Qian Renxue's immediate approach to Wang Feng was obviously to save Wang Feng.

This relationship is definitely not simple...

But what is the situation with this Raksha god Bibi Dong?

While on the road, another reason for Tang San's anxiety was that he sensed the breath of the god Raksha.

This shows that Bibi Dong is not dead!

In the Star Dou Forest, Bibi Dong was clearly dead... but disappeared for more than a year. Tang San thought Bibi Dong was dead, but now he has become a god?

If you haven't died and become a god, wouldn't you want to kill Brother Feng?

And what shocked Tang San even more.

The Raksha god Bibi Dong, who was supposed to kill Wang Feng, held Brother Feng in his arms...with painful tears in his eyes.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were full of question marks in their minds.

Especially Xiao Wu, she was too able to understand the expression in Bibi Dong's eyes at this time.

It was exactly the same as the painful look in Tang San's eyes when he sacrificed himself to his brother and was about to die.

What does this show?

This shows... His Majesty the Pope of Wuhun Temple, and Feng Ge...

Tang San suddenly looked at the figure in the crack, trembling all over, waves of the Seagod's divine power rushed out of him.

The golden trident appeared on him with the sea god costume.

Xiao Wu shook her confused head, gave Bibi Dong a somewhat complicated look, and then suddenly looked at the figure, her eyes full of anger.

"Little San, Xiao Wu...Don't be foolish, you can't beat him."

Wang Feng coughed and gave a cold drink, interrupting the two of them.Kiss novels

Tang San and Xiao Wu were stunned, but they didn't answer, they still looked at them coldly.

At this time.

The figure spoke.

"Seagod's divine power, Shura's divine power..." The figure looked at the two, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Seagod Tang San, don't you know your mission? Poseidon, the seagod, passed it to you. Didn't tell you anything?"

Tang San looked cold.

Of course he knew.

After inheriting the throne of the god of the sea, Poseidon, the god of the sea, told him part of the affairs of the gods.

And let him kill Wang Feng.

Because this is an order of the God Realm Committee.

Tang San also knew who this cloaked figure was, this terrifying destruction energy.

Not surprisingly, it must be the Destroyer God King, one of the five great god kings of the God Realm, and also one of the law enforcement of the God Realm.

Can provoke this god king to take action.

This shows that the gods that appeared before are very likely to be defeated by Feng Ge!

Gods are also hierarchical.Priest, third-level deity, second-level deity, first-level deity, god king, etc.

All are divided.

And to judge the strength of these gods, the most even is the god ring on the body.That is a symbol of power that can only be formed by practicing in the gods.

In the Douluo world, it is impossible to cultivate.

Therefore, no matter how powerful a soul master is, it is difficult to fight a god.

Tang San knew that they had just become gods, not to mention the god king, even the first and second level gods were far apart.

But having the Seagod's position means that he can cultivate to a first-level god, and the upper limit is extremely high.

God also needs his own cultivation.The same is true for angel gods and Raksha gods.

But even if he truly cultivated to the first-level god, it was impossible to defeat the god of destruction.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Xiao Wu whispered.

"I don't know, but I must not let Brother Feng die like this."

Tang San walked to Wang Feng's side, and did not move towards the Destroying God King, but input the Sea God's divine power to Wang Feng.

It seems that Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have not been seen.

"Little San, don't bother, I have a way to survive."

Wang Feng said angrily.

Tang San looked at the two horrific holes in Wang Feng's chest, and could only feel a wave of destruction raging and destroying.

If this is replaced by one person, he will die in an instant.

But Feng Ge's body seemed to be stronger than his body that became a god.

This breath can still hang for a while.


Tang Sanyi was taken aback.

At this moment, the Destroying God King in mid-air let out a cold snort, and the infinite rules were suppressed, and the divine power in Tang San's body swiftly flowed like a tide.

Immediately afterwards, the God of Destruction looked at Wang Feng with a little surprise in his eyes.

The heir of this traitor from the God Realm, it seems that he is not generally strong, he has received such a severe blow, he did not die instantly?

It doesn't matter.

Although in this world, his power is limited, but under the law of destruction, any of his attacks cannot be resisted by a human spirit master.

As long as he can kill the heirs of this traitor to the gods and solve the problems, he will destroy the gods and don't care about those gods who are in the gods.

What's more, he is only law enforcement.

Thinking, the Destroy God King looked at Wang Feng, his hand condensed, a Destroy Thunder Spear, appeared again, and fell directly towards Wang Feng!

He will give the other party any chance to reply!

Since there is still a breath, let's cut it off!Also cut off any possibility!

The Destroying Thunder Gun blasted down with the boundless power of destruction...

However, at this moment, Wang Feng smiled slightly, "Of course there is a way."

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