Ning Chen got down from the RV.

At this time, it was already past eleven o’clock at night.

The air at the top of the mountain is a little cool.

It is said that the highest point of Dongba Mountain is close to a kilometer above sea level.

And here, at least hundreds of meters.

No wonder it’s so cold.

In the mind, the navigation of the system is displayed.

He has reached his destination.

This is his first stop.

Tonight, a meteor shower will fall.

This is the best place to see it.

Look up at the night sky.

The sky is dark blue near midnight.

Next to it, there is a cliff.

Under the cliffs, there is the sea in the east.

At this time, the sea and night sky are all black.

The dividing line is not visible because there is no moon in the night sky.

This shows that the night sky at this time is covered with clouds.

How to see the night sky covered with clouds?

Even if there is, I am afraid that I cannot see it.

But Ning Chen didn’t think so much.

He didn’t care about running for nothing.

Don’t even care about running ten times for nothing.

Turn around and raise your hand and pull a small handle on the side of your RV.

A small metal staircase stretched out from the side.

He climbed down the metal ladder directly to the top of the RV.

Sit next to the huge solar panels at the top.

Hunched over your waist and wrap your arms around your knees.

Start waiting.

At this time.

The picture of the live broadcast room also flowed.

From the driver’s seat, it was transferred to the outside of the car.

This lens change is smooth, natural and smooth.

In the eyes of the audience, the three cameras seem to be operated by three robotic arms fixed to the RV.

And this detail.

It was also in the live broadcast room, which caused heated discussions among the audience.

At this time, the number of online people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 50,000.

[What kind of black technology is this?] Can you even capture the whereabouts of the anchor in real time? 】

[I feel that the movement of the lens is very smooth and natural, is it an intelligent capture technology?] 】

[I estimate that the RV is equipped with at least three robotic arms that can rotate flexibly, and the three cameras are bound to the robotic arms].

[I lean, you guys say it feels so sci-fi! ] 】

[It can only be said that this is generally not seen in the lives of ordinary people, but this kind has long existed].

[Indeed, surveillance cameras can be automatically searched, and it is not a new technology].

In this way, the audience’s barrage is talking.

Someone asked.

[Anchor, big night, climbing on the RV how many meanings? ] 】

【Basking in the moon? But there is no moon in the sky

[Aren’t you ready to play another song at the top of this deep mountain, under the dome?] 】

[Welcome to sing a song, I’ll start recording it later].

[Come on, don’t you see anyone without a guitar?] 】

[I don’t understand, I always feel that this anchor is strange, with a cold personality, if it is not weird, then his current behavior is really strange. ] 】

Suddenly, a barrage suddenly jumped out:

[My God! A terrible thing suddenly occurred to me! 】

[This anchor, running all the way here, next to it, is the abyss, he won’t want to…].


This thought, instantly, appeared in the minds of all the viewers in the live broadcast room!

Suddenly, the barrage style of the entire live broadcast room changed.

[My God, when you say this, I reacted! ] 】

[yes! Since he started broadcasting, it has always seemed strange, and now I realize that this is possible! Not high cold at all, but! Depression?! 】

[Oh my God, he wouldn’t really want to jump from here…].

【Quick! @一下官方平台! It’s worth it! 】

[Don’t, pick up brother! ] Don’t you think about it… You sing so well and look handsome, don’t scare me…].

There are timid people who are really scared.

At this time, because someone has @ official.

The backstage staff soon noticed this abnormal live broadcast.

“This pick-up anchor won’t really be…”

“Quite possibly! You guys recall a lot of details about his broadcast in the past few days, it’s really something you can’t think of in life, so you came specifically…”

“Send to death?”

“The question is, or is it a live suicide?”

“How? Call the police, right? ”

“Did you report to the above?”

“It has been reported, but the minister said, let’s rest easy.”

“Rest easy? Human life is at stake, big brothers! ”

“The problem is, even if he calls the police, if he really plans to commit suicide, at this moment, it won’t help…”

That’s true.

If, this pick-up anchor really has the heart to commit suicide here.

So, what’s the point of calling the police?

That, but on the cliff of Dongba Mountain on the side of the East China Sea!

“The phone can’t be contacted, and the mobile phone number registered in the background of his account can’t be reached…”

“It’s really a headache, but don’t pick up big brother…”

“You’re good, let’s all be fine, don’t be like this, you sing so well, there will definitely be a lot of prospect in the future, you just need to be good tonight, we sharks can push you hard in the future… Don’t be that…”

The staff, also big heads.

Every heart mentioned the throat eye.

I’m afraid that the anchor in the live broadcast screen will suddenly get up and jump down….

On the RV.

Ning Chen suddenly stood up.

He felt the wind.

Before, there was no wind.

And at this moment, the wind is stronger.

His hair, under the night sky, was constantly ruffled by the distant sea breeze.

He looked on his back and looked at the night sky.

Night sky!

Originally, there was a black ray, but at this time, finally, you can see the activity of the clouds.

This illustrates.

Behind the clouds, there’s the moon!

The clouds are about to disperse!

On Ning Chen’s face, he still looked at the night sky expressionlessly.

But the heart jumped wildly for no apparent reason.

At this time, it is night.

There were lights from the RV, but not enough for the audience to see his face.

No one until, what Ning Chen was thinking at this time.

A world that can come to a miracle is a good thing after all.

It’s like knowing that there are undead in this world.

It will make the undead, facing the fact of the dead, feel better and feel more relieved in their hearts.

In the live broadcast room.

I don’t know if it was because of Ning Chen’s sudden action of standing up in the RV.

In short, at this time.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage all disappeared.

Perhaps, at this time, more than 50,000 spectators, all hearts have already mentioned the eyes of the throat.

I’m afraid that the anchor will turn around and jump off the cliff….

In short, the barrage is gone.

The picture is clean.

At the same time, perhaps because the system sensed Ning Chen’s perspective.

In the live broadcast screen, the original three-perspective lens window.

At this point, everything moved slowly.

Move towards the night sky above.

Then, all focused on the night sky above.

This is the night sky above the sea in the east.

It is a boundless night above the boundless Pacific Ocean.

The clouds have long been dispersed by the wind.

More than 50,000 viewers in the live broadcast room looked at the picture at this time.

The picture shows the night sky over the sea.

Above the distant depths.

A trace of light suddenly appeared.

That trace of light, dragging its long tail, appeared from the depths of the night dome higher in the east.

Constantly penetrates the atmosphere.

Leave a dazzling tail.

This is like a sign.

Next second.

The second light trace, the third light trace, the fourth light trace….

The night sky of the entire live screen.

Covered by countless traces of light.

In the live broadcast room.

There was not a single barrage.

Not a single sound.

53,644 spectators.

At this time, they were all stunned.

Look at this brilliant and spectacular miracle curtain in the picture.

This is called the anchor who picks up the light.



It’s true!

Take us to witness a meteor shower!

This thought flashed in the minds of all the audience.

It seems to be an illusion, a feeling….

The entire shark live broadcast platform fell silent.

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