The author makes a digression:

Evaluation tickets spend less, less… I’m a hot-tempered and impulsive person, so don’t blame me for not reminding you, then I warn you now, you readers, hurry up and vote for me, otherwise I will kneel for you. Don’t be unpredictable.


In the live broadcast room.

In the last minute, it was only more than 53,000 spectators.

In the night sky of the picture.

One by one, the meteors broke through the sky after it began.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to soar significantly.

Fifty-five thousand.

Fifty-six thousand.


Fifty thousand nine.

Sixty thousand!

Sixty-five thousand!

Sixty-seven thousand!


Eighty thousand!


With the meteor shower in the sky, the entire sky above the sea surface is rendered.

The trend of the number of online people in the live broadcast room has not stopped.

Immediately followed.

The audience finally woke up from the incomparable shock of this moment.


Almost at the same time.

From the left side of the live broadcast room screen, a white barrage pushed out horizontally….

[It’s true! ] It’s true! 】

[Good guy! Actually took us to see the meteor shower! 】

[I thought he was talking nonsense! ] I thought he was doing a gimmick! 】

【Meteor shower! Meteor shower! He took us to see the meteor shower! 】

[I wipe… I’ve never seen a meteor shower, and this is the first time I’ve been in a live broadcast room! 】

[I’ve never seen such a big meteor shower!] 】

[It’s so beautiful…].

[I heard that the most open rhythm of meteor showers is also how many seconds, and the one I saw tonight turned out to be all over the sky…].

[Meteor is an angel, fall? Angels on earth].

[Then this is the angelic group…].

[It turns out that he really came to see the meteor shower, I almost left before, how lucky, I almost missed this moment].

[It feels like a dream…].

[Thank you for picking up the light, you showed me the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my life].

[Three years ago, someone said that he would take me to see a meteor shower, but later, he married someone else, so I really didn’t expect that this time, it was actually an anchor who fulfilled my wish, thank you, brother Guangguang, I am grateful, although everything you have done has nothing to do with me – a strange passerby girl].

[My baby saw this picture and stood up directly! ] Oh, my God! He learned to stand! 】

[In the student party night self-study, thank you Big Brother for adding such a legendary color tonight to my black senior year. ] 】


The walls of the barrage almost obscured the picture.

Many viewers had no choice but to close the barrage.

In the picture, this imposing meteor shower is still going on.

At the bottom of the screen, you can see it.

The anchor picks up the light and stands on the roof of the RV.

Look at the light tails of meteors that pass overhead.

He was like a curious child about the world.

Tilt your face and your eyes don’t blink.

Raised his hand and picked up the camera in his hand.

Face the sky, take pictures.

He shot himself in.

In the background, there is a meteor shower in the night sky above.

Clock in, done.

At the same time, in the mind.

The sound of the system came:

[Congratulations to the host, complete the Perseid meteor shower wonders check-in mission].

【Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check】

[At the same time, the spectacle unlock requirements have also been activated, please go to the host to learn about the unlock requirements].

Ning Chen still maintained the action of holding the camera.

His expressions, his movements, were not disturbed in the slightest by the sounds in his head.

At the same time, the number of online people in the live broadcast room is still rising rapidly.

At present, it has reached 100,000!

A new anchor, just a few days after the broadcast, reached hundreds of thousands of live online people!

This is another record.

Again, no newbie had ever reached it before.

Shark backstage staff.

Before that, I was worried that the anchor would not be able to open it.

As a result, meteor showers appeared.

Before and after, it is simply a reversal of ice and fire!

They didn’t even have time to react crying and laughing, and they were completely shocked by the amazing moment in the picture in front of them.

“This anchor, yes.” The staff spoke.

“He actually predicted a meteor shower, unimaginable.”

“It’s just… To be honest, before this, I really haven’t heard of a meteor shower forecast. ”

“It’s awesome, it’s a god man.”

“I used to think that his style, live broadcast but not like to talk, even if the beginning is better, but the follow-up will definitely span, but now it seems that this guy, after tonight, is bound to take off, this kind of person, not hot.”

“This is called, people don’t talk much, hehe,.”

“If the anchor does not have two brushes, of course, the more words, the better, after all, you have to rely on words to make up for it, right, but like this, not only are there many tricks, but they are so shocking, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t say a word… Even, because he doesn’t like to talk, he will make the audience like this feeling. ”

“Or, give a recommendation to hang up?”

“I think it’s okay, I can help warm up a bit and see the effect.”

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