At this time, in the live broadcast room.

Bottom of the screen.

The figure of that anchor.

At this time, he was standing in the RV.

His figure still looks so thin.

However, thin and tall.

He holds a camera in his hand.

Look up at the meteor shower in the night sky.

I don’t know why.

At the bottom of the screen, the anchor is facing the audience sideways.

On the top of this wild mountain, under the shooting stars in the sky, the audience suddenly felt…

He seemed so lonely.

An inexplicable, but real feeling surged into the hearts of the audience.

A kind of loneliness that can be heartbreaking.

Here, east of the East Country, west of the Pacific Ocean, on the cliffs of Dongba Mountain.

The sea breeze howled.

The air is cool.

In the night sky, the rhythm of meteor showers is still maintained.

On the RV, Ning Chen was still looking at the night sky alone.

In the mind.

The mission of the Perseid meteor shower.

Already done.

System rewards, which have also been distributed.

[Reward: Extreme Rush (Temporary Ability)].

【Reward: 300,000 (funds) for tourism].

[Rewards: 1 Black Tech Bicycle (item), Cloak Lava Defender (item)].

[Reward: Clue fragment *1].

【To be unlocked, the tourist check-in wonder has been generated】

[Unlock conditions: Earn the title of Starchaser, upgrade the extreme rush to a permanent ability, and unlock the next punch mission].

Ning Chen calmly accepted this information.

Eyes, but still just looking at the night sky.

At this time, it was almost midnight.

The number of people in the live broadcast room was originally just over 100,000.

But because of this wave of operations of “Longing for Life”.

Let many viewers who watch variety shows know an anchor called Pick Light.

This creates a strong drainage effect.

The number of online people in the live broadcast room has soared from the previous 100,000+ to 200,000, 300,000, and 350,000!

This number of people online, although it may only be a temporary situation tonight.

But for a new streamer, this is an unattainable opportunity.

Of course, the new influx of viewers.

First of all, you have to adapt to a situation, that is, this anchor, there are really very few words… Almost, not much talking.


The capital of the eastern country.

National Astronomical Institute.

in the conference hall.

At this time, there were more than a dozen expert professors sitting.

Everyone was looking at the big screen in front of them and cut into a live broadcast screen.

It is the live broadcast room where the shark anchor picks up the light.

On the screen, the meteor shower in the night sky continues.

“This is really incredible!” An old expert wearing reading glasses raised his hand and took off his glasses.

“Now we have obtained the observation information, which confirms that this meteor shower was indeed observed over the sea surface of the Eastern Province at this time.”

“This anchor, he did not fake, this is a fact.”

“Indeed, he predicted this meteor shower in advance…”

The experts, looking at each other, also looked at each other.

“What means did an anchor use to predict this meteor shower that our astronomical institute can’t predict?” The old expert on the stage looked at the audience, “We, shouldn’t we reflect on it, is it true that there are huge loopholes in our work that are obvious but not noticed?” ”

“Elder Li, in this regard, I can guarantee,” a middle-aged man in the stage said, “absolutely not, the recent celestial observation work is all deployed and implemented by me, and I can guarantee that there are absolutely no omissions in our work.” ”

The old expert on the stage spread his hands and smiled bitterly, “The problem is, we can’t explain it to the public.” ”

“In the eyes of the public, our Astronomical Academy is not even as good as an anchor, which has become a fact.”

Saying that, the old expert sighed and shook his head.

“But, no matter what, the problem of face can be put aside for the time being, and the important thing is that we have to figure out how this young anchor did predict this meteor shower in advance.”

“And,” the old expert raised his head to look at everyone, “it’s still a Perseus meteor shower!” ”

“Perseids once in forty years.”

“Through the name of the Astronomical Institute, the shark official platform has been contacted, but the other party’s current reply is that they cannot contact the anchor named Pick-up Light either.”

When the old expert heard this, he was also a little helpless, raised his hand, and rubbed his chin.

Raised his eyes and was about to say something more.


He found that the eyes of everyone in the audience were wrong!

One by one, they all looked at the live broadcast behind them!

Their eyes widened, as if they saw something surprising.

The old expert turned back abruptly.

On the back of the live screen!

Above the night sky!

A huge fiery red meteor!

From the depths of the sky, through the sky!

“This, this is fire! Bolide ?!! ”

The old expert called out directly, and the whole person stood up.

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