In an RV.

Hehe just didn’t feel very happy.

At the very least, she still has confidence in this regard:

She is beautiful and her figure goes without saying.

In the past, in bars, and even on the street, there were many men who talked to her.

In her cognition.

Next to him, a rich second generation who looks handsome and can afford to drive this kind of RV.

In his eyes, she is obviously equivalent to a stunner sent to the door.

But, a whole day.

The guy next to him never took the initiative to say a word to him again.

It’s time to eat halfway.

She also offered to get out of the car and invite him to dinner.

But this guy said, you go eat it.

As a result, she had to go to eat alone, and when she turned back, she took the initiative to bring food back to others….

Many women, and many beautiful women, actually have an inexplicable inferiority in their bones.

But in front of men, using reserved means, disguising a kind of coldness, revealing a kind of confidence and inoffensiveness.

That’s understandable.

But only if.

Men are needed as licking dogs.

Only in this way can we better suppress the inexplicable and even innate inferiority in our bones.

But now.

Hehe who was left to dry for a day.

At this point, it is no longer possible to pretend to be reserved and confident.

She is now!

Serious doubts!

Own charm!

What I once thought was beautiful and beautiful, very likely, was just self-righteous….


Oh, it’s dark now.

The driver next to him, it seems, would not mention the problem of staying overnight at all.


Or do I go?

If you want me to leave, you will drive me away….

At this moment, Hehe really tasted it!

What is called – as long as he is not embarrassed, it must be her who is embarrassed!


What kind of person is this….

He He looked out the window, his face was spoiled, and his heart was full of clouds.

Suddenly turned around, smiled and groaned, “Oh little brother~ I didn’t expect it to be so dark?”

Ning Chen.

Drive the car without squinting.

Then say, “Hmm. ”


Hehe: .

Touching his lips, Hehe looked out the window again.

After a while.

“Little brother?”

“Oh. ”

“It’s dangerous to drive at night, either find a hotel or something, rest for one night and then leave tomorrow morning?” He He looked at Ning Chen.

If he says it, it’s not bad.

That means he doesn’t reject it, so I can make him lively, for example, by opening two rooms to see how he reacts.

What if he says, open a room?

That means Ya is a fake canon! But then it’s much easier… But I’m going to half push, half push, half refuse—oh no… Anyway, adjust the endocrine to make the face blush, and then say “You hate it!”

Even – Hehe has already preset in his mind:

If he says, I don’t know you, you still don’t get out of the car?

In that case, it doesn’t matter.

I said, I don’t have money and don’t know where to live at night….

This kind of man, who does not produce mercy according to his rich experience, is a beast.

He He looked at Ning Chen.

In the live broadcast room.

The number of people online, with this perfect offer.

From today’s daytime low, tens of thousands of online people, all at once!

Swoosh flew to 360,000!

The 360,000 wolves in the live broadcast room, at this time, one by one, their eyes are hooked to the ground!

Staring at Ning Chen!

Barrage, already hungry!

[Pick up the light! Think about it and then answer!]

[People’s young ladies are so active! Don’t respond with a word!]

[Rest for one night before leaving? Who are you and I pick up light? Want to leave one night?!].

[Why go to the hotel? Such a big RV is not enough for you to rest with him?

[This is a good word, focus on it!].

[Big brother! Big brother, I know that you are live broadcasting! Of course, you can’t give the camera! But, for those of us who have been looking forward to the day, leave a little room for imagination on this night!]



The barrage of wolves, overwhelming!

[Super tube warning: netizens who have made uncivilized remarks ‘don’t scratch my egg pain’, netizens ‘never go online’, netizens ‘Shitai, don’t come over’, netizens ‘mentally retarded’, netizens ‘Mr. Tough Guy’, netizens ‘you lip destroy me pure’, netizens ‘I can only tolerate you’, netizens ‘Ultraman’s egg’, netizens’ ‘affectionate fingertips’, netizens ‘willing to donate to the head teacher to refine’, netizens ‘stinky baozi’, netizens ‘sister leopard Linwen’, netizens ‘ice clear and jade’, netizens ‘Yeshichiro’, netizens’ Wait for one hundred and eighty-nine spectators to drag into the small black room and ban speech for fifteen minutes! Please pay attention to your own image!】


Ning Chen did not squint, still driving.

Then said:

“In your heart, is there still no bottom?”

The phrase came out.

Directly made Hehe stunned.

It even made the online audience, who had soared to 520,000 at this time, stunned.

It even made the 189 spectators who had been dragged into the small black room feel cold.


He He glared at Ning Chen.

RV, slowly stopped.

Ning Chen put his hands on the steering wheel.

Turned his head and looked at Hehe.

“It doesn’t have to be that complicated. The corners of Ning Chen’s mouth suddenly rose.

He smiled.

Directly let the audience in the live broadcast room explode!

What do I see?! My eyes!

[Our male god actually laughs…].

[Wow… Our male god laughed and suddenly felt so sunny, but unfortunately he laughed like this…].

[I actually saw Hikaru smile, I thought he wouldn’t laugh!]

[Although it is a joke with a sneer, I am still a fan of my sister and my people~~].

[Charming smile, reward!]

A rocket, rubbed up, flew in the live screen.

This is also in addition to the product of live broadcasting.

For the first time, because the anchor laughed, he was actually rewarded with a rocket….

And maybe it’s the effect of this giant tip.

These old irons in the live broadcast room actually began to give tips.

Rich ones give big tips.

Those who have no money have at least started to brush the platform’s free props.

For a time, the entire light picking live broadcast room was brushed by various rewards.

The annunciation came and went:

[Thank you netizen ‘favor’ for sending a rocket!】

[Thank you to the netizen ‘Can’t Eat Planet Captain’ for sending a million fish balls!】

[Thanks to netizens ‘don’t say straight about my sister fat’ for sending 300 shark fins!]

[Thank you netizens for the yacht 1314 sent by Lao Tzu!].

[Thanks to netizens ‘****78787 short’ for sending more than a thousand flowers…].



The number of online people in the live broadcast room: 790,000!

The size of the number of people online who did not fly again for a whole day!

In these few minutes, it flew up!

In an RV.

He He glared at Ning Chen.

Really didn’t react, what he meant by this sentence.

Ning Chen, looked at her.

Then, only one sentence was asked:

“You guys are all so curly now?”

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