He He glared at Ning Chen.

His eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time.

Light up live room.

A wolf barrage is flying.

With Ning Chen suddenly coming out with such a sentence.

The wave of the barrage flashed directly to the waist.

Immediately after –

[Oh — good! Okay, very good! Well done! I’m speechless!].

“I’m gone! Nothing is gone. 】

[Anchor! Do you know what it is to see through and not say broken?!]

[Gotta go, a good hand! Leng is to let us pick up the light to play a sparse!].

[As soon as this sentence comes out, if the beautiful woman can still sleep with you tonight, I will eat my phone!].

[I hint to you about Rosemary before the moon, you talk to me about the current competitive trend in the industry?

[Pick light, I admit that you are a great anchor, but, women, you still have a lot to learn…].

[I can’t figure it out, such a beautiful and good sister! What kind of beast can bear to say such a thing?].

I can’t stand it!].

[Male god! Nice job! Worthy of being my male god!].

[Do you think people are like you, and they have never seen a woman?


[Brother Pick-up, did this matter be rejected from another angle? 】


On the barrage, it is polarized, and it also shows the true colors of men and women.

Male fans, all deplorable!

Female fans are extremely relieved~

In an RV.

He He glared at Ning Chen.

After a long while, He He smiled, “Your eyes are poisonous enough.” ”

Ning Chen didn’t speak, and restarted the RV.

Hehe turned his face away, still looking out of the car.

Ten minutes passed.

It feels like the last topic has come to an end.

He He only began to speak slowly.

“But if I say, I’m not the kind of business girl you think, do you believe it?”

Ning Chen ignored her.

Hehe doesn’t care, he talks to himself.

“You don’t believe it, in your eyes, a girl who can get into someone else’s RV so casually and propose to spend the night in a hotel together is definitely not a good girl, right?”

Ning Che did not respond.

“But that’s the way it is, to be precise, I’ve never sold my body for money. ”

“You must be thinking, so what am I doing now. ”

He He smiled and raised his hand to ruffle his hair.

Hands on forehead, looking out the window.

“I’ll be honest with you. ”

“I thought very simply, just see that you are a rich second generation, I just happened to be short of money, so I want to get some money from you.” ”

“I’ve used this a lot in the last few years. ”

“Tried and tested. ”

Hehe said.

Ning Chen also smiled, looked ahead and continued to drive, and said in his mouth:

“Let’s hear it. ”

He He saw that Ning Chen was interested, and he was also energetic, “It’s actually very simple, as long as you know the psychology of men, what you can’t get, it will always make them itch, just keep fishing, they will be willing to spend money on me, of course, for you may have a slight exception.” ”

He He looked at Ning Chen and added, “Today’s whole day of getting along made me realize that you are different from other men, so in fact, I am indeed a little moved. ”

“So I should thank you, you are here with me and ready to make an exception tonight?” said Ning Chen.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s all over now anyway. “Hehe seems to be starting to rot, and what should not be said is now completely unobstructed.

“I’m curious, what kind of growth environment made you what you are now?” came Ning Chen.

Hehe stopped talking.

Pursed his lips and looked out the window.

After a while, he came back, “You’re not trying to reason with me and play the role of saving a woman who has lost her footing, no, no?”

He He glared at Ning Chen, “It would be too tacky if that were the case. ”

However, Ning Chen did not do what she thought.

Instead, he didn’t speak again.

Keep driving.

So fell silent again.

After a while, this Hehe suddenly scratched his head.

“Really, I haven’t washed my hair in three days. ”

“Can I take a shower in your RV later? He He looked at Ning Chen, “If you have to charge, I can use it as a reward, in addition, I have words first, I don’t have money on me.” ”

Ning Chen did not respond.

If there is no response, it is the greatest harm.

He He huffed and tilted his face to the window, cursing and cursing in his mouth, “It’s really unlucky, how did the old lady meet such a decent gentleman as you today, and wasted her time.” ”

The RV continues to drive forward.

Ning Chen did not respond, and naturally acquiesced.

You can go to the back and take a shower.

But Hehe didn’t move.

After a while, a sentence suddenly appeared, “You say, am I going to be a junior, or do I continue to sing my song?”

This sentence made Ning Chen also not expect.

How did she jump from her own industry to this somewhat philosophical question?

He He did not wait for Ning Chen’s reply, because she did not think that Ning Chen would answer, and she said it to herself.

“To tell you the truth, I’m not as bad as you think. ”

“If it weren’t for the fact that I really have a bad impression of you right now, I wouldn’t have offered to take myself as a reward. ”

“But the fact I’ve really been struggling lately. ”

“Three months ago, I was singing in a city bar in the south, and a middle-aged, balding rich man driving a BMW took a fancy to me, and he said he really liked me, and I said I was like his first love in the nineties, but I didn’t believe it, but there was no doubt that I really liked his money. ”

“He has a wife and daughter, but he still offered to date me, and said that he would give me 50,000 yuan a month to support me. ”

“I said I needed a little time to think about it, and he said yes. ”

“I started running around the country, carrying my broken guitar all the time, so that people like you think I’m a female girl, hehe~”

“After months of traveling, I realized that money really matters. ”

“I can lie in the arms of a husband with a wife and receive 50,000 yuan a month, which is a huge benefit. ”

“After all, you should really take advantage of your youth to make this young body useful, right?”

“But I just can’t let go of that damn dream. ”

“I dropped out of college when I was twenty to pursue my dream of being a singer. ”

“So keep carrying this broken guitar. ”

“Until now, I can only sing in bars, and I have achieved nothing other than dealing with harassment by disgusting men. ”

“So don’t look down on me, because there are too many men willing to raise me as long as I am willing to hand myself over.” ”

Listen to this woman named Hehe say this.

Ning Chen only felt ridiculous.

This world is really amazing.

Hehe continued

“If it weren’t for the discrimination that that woman made against me hurt my self-esteem, I wouldn’t be so attached to music. ”

“She thought the girl she had with another man was ten thousand times more important than me, and she thought that I was not doing my job by playing music all day. ”

So when I dropped out of school at the age of twenty, I sent her a special message to report the good news. ”

“It’s a pity that I didn’t have time to see her angry after all. ”

“She died early. ”

He He said, raised his hand, supported his forehead, and his eyes were a little dull.

Also a little sad, looking out the window.

“Two years ago in late spring, she took my half-sister to death in front of a hotel with a headshot shot. ”

“Damn it, it should be the sister who stole my mother’s love! ”

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