The RV headed all the way south.

After crossing the capital, go to the ninth line.

Finally, I started to go in the direction of Tokai City.

The road is more than 1,300 kilometers.

To cross two provinces.

He He looked at the man named Li Feng in the driver’s seat.

I am very relieved.

From last night until now, she has been grateful to God more than once.

Let her muster the courage to knock on the window of this RV yesterday.

So many years of hostility and cynicism towards this world.

After last night, it suddenly began to dissolve.

As Li Feng said, she needs to reconcile with the world.

And the best way to reconcile with the world.

It was her innocent half-sister.

Two years ago, after her mother was killed, her righteous father’s whereabouts were unknown, and she threw her directly into the Donghai City orphanage.

In the past two years, I have only visited it during the New Year.

I went to see it at the beginning of this year, and the girl had a dirty face and was being bullied by other children in the orphanage.

Seeing her being bullied, Hehe didn’t feel anything at all.

But now, her heart is filled with love.

She wants to be kind to the world.

Be kind to everyone in the world.

Therefore, love can make people lose their minds.

But equally, it makes people kind.

Drive non-stop until 7pm.

The RV drove into Donghai City.

Donghai City Orphanage.

A little girl in a plaid shirt, with two ponytails, was carrying an empty plate.

“Jiujiu, your sister has come to see you~”

The little girl was stunned, and then, overjoyed!

Jumped straight up!

At the entrance of the orphanage, a man and a woman stood.

“Do you want to go in together?” He He looked at Li Feng.

“Okay. He nodded.

In a small classroom.

The little girl named “Jiujiu” looked at the door expectantly.

The reason why she was called Jiujiu was because when she came in, she had two small Jiujiu whips, and later, this became her code name here.

When she saw Hehe.

Shout – “Sister!”

Hehe beckoned at her and passed.

The man named Li Feng stopped.

Yuan, looking at the little girl.

The little girl was skinny, looking only a little, six or seven years old.

The little girl threw herself into Hehe’s arms.

The moment of innocence, because she did not know the world, and because she regarded Hehe as the only relative in this world.

He He beckoned to Li Feng.

And he walked over.

Walk up to the little girl and look at her.

“You should come and see her more, she’s so pathetic. The nurse on the side passed by, said, and looked at Li Feng, “This is?”

Hehe was about to introduce.

Li Feng preemptively said, “I am Jiujiu’s brother-in-law. ”

He He was stunned.

She didn’t expect Li Feng to say so.

Suddenly, there was a sense of sweetness in my heart.

Hurriedly pulled Jiujiu over, “Come, call brother-in-law.” ”

The little girl looked at Li Feng curiously, and then said timidly, “Brother-in-law…”

Li Feng smiled, bent over, raised his hand and touched the little girl’s head.

The little girl looked up at Hehe, “Sister, when did you get married?”

He He was stunned again, and he was also dumbfounded, “Soon, soon…”

Stuff the cake brought into Jiujiu’s hands.

At this time, He He didn’t know whether he was moved by himself or really moved, and hugged Jiu Jiu.

It was the first time she had held her sister.

The three of them were in the classroom together, sharing cakes and eating.

After Li Feng ate a few bites, he said that he would go to the bathroom and left the classroom.

The sisters continued to eat cake in the classroom.

After Li Feng left the classroom, he did not go to the bathroom.

Instead, go directly to the office of the director of the orphanage.

Looked around and found it.


The offices were locked and no one was.

The door of the office next to it opened, and a middle-aged woman appeared.

“You looking for the dean? Are you?”

“I am Jiujiu’s brother-in-law, and my name is Li Feng. Li Feng introduced himself.

“Is there something going on? The other party said.

“That’s right, today let’s look at Jiujiu. Li Feng said.

“I know. The middle-aged woman said, “You should come and see her often.” ”

“Yes…” Li Feng nodded, “It’s like this, my sister and I are about to get married, Jiujiu is still so young, we plan to get married, and we will take her to live with us in the future.” ”

“So?” the middle-aged woman looked at the man named Li Feng in front of her.

“But,” Li Feng said, “you should know about Jiujiu’s father’s situation… However, we can’t let Jiujiu live with her father, and there are still some formalities to do this. ”

The middle-aged woman glared at Li Feng, “Do you know about her father?”

“Jiujiu’s sister told me,” Li Feng said, and then, looking up at the middle-aged woman, “That person is very irresponsible to his daughter so young, when was the last time he came?”

The middle-aged woman was stunned.

This kind of thing, by reason, cannot be said.

But the one in front of him was Jiujiu’s brother-in-law, and, from the tone of his words, he already knew a lot of things, moreover, he was originally thinking about Jiujiu.

So, the middle-aged woman sighed, “Jiujiu, that father, alas… Last time, it was two months ago, but he didn’t come directly to our orphanage, but asked Jiujiu to secretly go out to find him, he would take Jiujiu to eat something delicious, and then let Jiujiu come back, Jiujiu, that little girl has her father’s phone, but doesn’t tell us. ”

When Li Feng heard this, he nodded, “It’s really a headache.” ”

“But it doesn’t matter,” said the middle-aged woman, “if you are ready to take over, we will go through the procedures here, and her father, both nominally and substantively, has lost custody of his daughter.” ”

“After all, if you really love your children, how can you watch your daughter in an orphanage?

Li Feng nodded, “Then thank you so much.” ”

“You’re welcome. ”

Li Feng turned around and left.

He has got what he wants.

Jiujiu’s father.

Indeed, will come to see her secretly.

This little girl named Jiujiu has a little secret between her father and her.

He returned to the classroom.

He He and Jiu Jiu ate the cake.

The little girl’s face was covered with cream.

“I’ve consulted. Li Feng said, “As long as you go through the basic procedures, you can do it.” ”

“So easy?” said Hehe in surprise.

Then looked at Jiujiu, “Ninety-nine, in the future, live with my sister and brother-in-law, okay?”

Jiu Jiu was stunned, and then, cheering again, jumped up.

She, despite being here for two years, really didn’t like this place.

In this way, Hehe went to the hospital to go through the procedures.

In the classroom, only Jiujiu Little Girl and Li Feng were left.

Li Feng looked at Jiujiu.


He didn’t respond.


He just reacted, “Huh?”

“You’re really my sister’s… Boyfriend?” said the little girl innocently.

“yes. Li Feng smiled, “Jiujiu, do you miss your father?”

As soon as these words came out, the little girl was stunned, and then, without speaking, lowered her head and continued to eat the cake.

Li Feng understood in his heart.

Ask, can’t ask.

The little girl is not so stupid.

Needless to say, it must have been her father who kept her tight-lipped.


He’ll know.

Otherwise, what is he doing all this for?

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