Bring the little girl’s luggage.

He He took Jiu Jiu’s hand.

Following Li Feng, he left the orphanage together.

I got into the big RV.

Jiujiu has never seen such a big RV.

After getting into the car, I looked around curiously.

“Where to go now?” asked Li Feng.

“Let’s take you home first. Li Feng said, “You guys, you shouldn’t have been home for a long time, right?”

Hehe and Jiujiu both nodded.

RV starts.

Keep on the road.

According to the direction Hehe said, half an hour later, the RV stopped at the gate of the community.

“You, are you going to go up?” said Hehe.

“No,” Li Feng shook his head, “You two rest and rest, I will deal with some things, and then I will come to you, and when the time comes, we will go to Lasa together.” ”

“Lazar?” said Hehe in surprise.

Li Feng nodded, “Let’s take a trip that you can go, right?”

Hehe smiled.

After saying goodbye to the sisters.

This man is called Li Feng.

That is, Ning Chen.

He started the RV and circled around.

Find an outdoor store.

In addition, there was a metal chain for binding luggage, and for self-defense equipment, the clerk recommended him a 50,000-V stun gun.

Then, park your motorhome.

On foot, I returned to the neighborhood just now.

Opposite the complex.

He noticed it just now.

There is a hotel.

Entered the hotel and registered a room.

After putting things in.

He went out.

After a while, he returned in a jeep.

This is the car he just went to the rental car dealership.

After parking the car in the parking lot outside the hotel, Ning Chen returned to the hotel room.

Set up clairvoyance.

The camera focused on the gate of their neighborhood opposite.

Then, quietly sat at the window.

Waiting is an ordeal.

But in Ning Chen’s opinion.

Not difficult.


He was looking forward to it.

If nothing else.

That little girl named Jiujiu.

That is, at the scene of the shootout two years ago, the little girl saved by Si Shiya will hide from her sister and contact her father for the first time after returning home today.

Tell the news to her father.

Between their father and daughter, there is secret contact.

Ask, from the girl’s mouth, can’t ask.

And even if he asked for contact information, it didn’t mean much to Ning Chen.

He needed to see the man.

There was no expression on his face.

Raise your hand and place your laptop on the windowsill.

The computer is turned on.


At the same time.

Pick up the live broadcast room and turn it on again.

At this time, it was twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

The moment it started, the number of online people exploded to 60,000!

This group of viewers seems to be waiting!

As soon as I came in, I started crying wolf!


[It’s about to be pressed up! You broadcast Lao Tzu last night?!].

[I had a bad heart last night…].

[Dog anchor! Bad review!].

[You can just pull a curtain! You can just go down the air?!].

[Eating solitary food? or protecting food?].


The audience who came in, anyway, cursed and cursed for a while, and then the people’s anger gradually subsided.

Why did you run the hotel?

[Anchor, where have you been? Where are you going to go next?


[What about that girl last night—where did that Hehe go?].

[You two won’t really get together, will you?].

[It feels a little sloppy…].

[What about the anchor surfing the Internet alone in the hotel?].

[What about that photo again?].

Live screen.

The anchor picks up the light on the laptop.

The previous photo appeared.

His fingers began to crackle on the keyboard.

It aroused heated discussions among the audience.

[Good guy, this hand speed, it has to be a 10,000-year-old driver?].

[The anchor is afraid that he is not a hacker, right?

[What are you doing? Drawing it?].

Live screen.

Ning Chen’s fingers were fast.

He now has SSS-level hacking skills.

In that picture, the killer at the hotel window, although he turned his face sideways.


He can now, by means.

The blue tattoo pattern that leaked out of his neck was clear.

When the image is enlarged, the overall pixels drop sharply.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the pixels of the person’s neck position through technical means.

Before this, Ning Chen didn’t know how to get it.

But now he knows.

Audience members in the live broadcast room.

Watch it lively one by one, and I don’t know why the anchor is so interested in a picture.

And here and now.

Tokai City Bureau.

Monitoring the light collection live broadcast room is already one of the jobs that Zhao Mengmeng has been arranged.

At this time, it was her turn to monitor.

As soon as he sat down, he saw Ning Chen sitting at the hotel window.

The photo in which you are working on your computer.

As soon as I saw this photo.

Zhao Mengmeng’s heart was awe-inspiring.

She’s really worried right now.

What was Ning Chen doing…


For some reason.

In his bones, inexplicably, he hoped that Ning Chen could find something.

In a word.

Very contradictory.

The screen of the live broadcast room can be operated again on the screen of the city bureau.

Zhao Mengmeng enlarged the details of the live broadcast room.

You can clearly see the content in Ning Chen’s computer.

With Ning Chen’s operation.

Zhao Mengmeng’s eyes gradually widened….


I saw the photo in Ning Chen’s computer.

The position of that killer’s neck was constantly enlarged by Ning Chen.

He’s using a resolution enhancement technique.

As a police officer, Zhao Mengmeng had learned about this technology from colleagues in the Forensic Center.

It is said that the optimal lighting conditions are determined by simulation calculations based on the existing mask design graphics to achieve the maximum common process window.

In general, it is not as simple as a simple beauty rabbit show or PS operation.

It is a relatively professional technology.

And at the moment.

Zhao Mengmeng can see.

On the neck of the killer in the photo.

After being continuously enhanced by Ning Chen, a blue tattoo shape appeared!

This detail!

Previously, no one noticed about the city bureau!

It’s getting clearer!

It’s getting clearer!

It is one, a blue tattoo of a scorpion.

Half covered by the collar.

The tail and back of the scorpion, just on the neck of this killer!

Zhao Mengmeng suddenly stood up.

Grab the phone next to you directly:

“Report! There is a major discovery, please come by immediately!”

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