Dimly lit basement.

The man’s caps have long been unknown where they fell.

His neck was chained to the iron fence behind.

People are still numb.

A figure, leaning against the dark corner of the basement.

Watch him.

I don’t know how long it took.

The man finally woke up.

He struggled a few times and found himself in a horrible situation, a difficult cry of fear coming out of his throat.

Called a few times.

Suddenly found the figure in the corner!

The man was almost scared to death!

In his life, he never dreamed of it.

An old man as big as himself would be tied up on the streets in broad daylight…

“It’s been two years… It’s been two years! I still found it…”

“Don’t kill me! Just don’t kill me!”

Men’s legs are soft.

But with his neck tied, he wanted to kneel but couldn’t.

In dark corners.

I can’t see what that figure looks like.

Just a black figure.

A voice came.

This voice is extremely cold.

“Where are they?”

The man on the leash was stunned.

Raise your eyes to see the person speaking.

But in the end, it is not clear.

“You, what do you say?”

“Where are they?”


“Two years ago, that organization of yours. ”


“Where are they?”

“I, I don’t know…” tears suddenly welled up in the man’s eyes, “What are you?

“I just made a deal with them, I lost a lot of money, they said that helping them deliver white goods can pay off debts, I can’t do it, I can only do it, and then I also became addicted to drugs, I regret it! They said if I didn’t, they would kill my whole family! Kill my whole family!”

“Where are they?”

In dark corners.

That person is still asking this sentence.

“I, I…”

In the corner, the figure walked over.

Wearing sunglasses and a black mask.

The man couldn’t see his appearance at all, only felt that it was a young man.

He was holding something in his hand.

Walked in front of the man who was chained.

The man’s eyes widened, he gasped, and his heart was terrified to the extreme!

Suddenly, the other party grabbed his hand.

He hasn’t reacted yet.


I felt my hand lighten a little.

The index finger of the left hand was cut off.

The man’s eyes were about to pop out!

Then, severe pain hit!

He screamed in pain, but a piece of wood was stuffed into his mouth!

The other side, use a pair of pliers.

Directly clip the index finger of his left hand.

“Where are they?”

The other party still repeated this sentence.

The men died of pain.

Didn’t slow down for half a day.

For a long time, he was sweating profusely, and his breath was weak.

All the previous flukes were all dissipated after the devil in front of him suddenly clipped his fingers.

“There are three branches in the country, the country, and the country…”


“Da, Dali, Fangchenggang, and… And the 100,000 Mountains over there… It’s all from the southern realm, I really don’t know…” The man’s face turned pale, and his painful eyes couldn’t be opened.

“Are you still doing it now?”

“Ran away, but they caught it again… Let the general make up for it, I know that there is nowhere to run, and there is no money to pay the debts of the year, otherwise … They’re going to really kill me…”

“Good. ”

The devil in front of him actually said “very good”.

The man opened his eyes, and he couldn’t see the devil’s eyes under the sunglasses.

“Since you are still one of them, then you tell me that two years ago, in the shootout in Donghai City, a policewoman was shot and killed, you should know about this, right?”

The man’s miserable white face was covered with beads of sweat, he frowned, did not dare to speak, just nodded.

Of course he knew.

The policewoman rescued his daughter, who was only five years old at the time.

The condemnation of conscience, the dependence on du goods, and the fear of those who are extremely evil have accompanied him and imprisoned him all these years.

“Who shot the policewoman two years ago, what was her name?

“All I know is… It’s a canonical person, everyone calls him ‘Luo San’, besides that… I’m not even a small role, I’m an errand deliverer, I only know this, please, big brother… Don’t kill me…… Please…”

Honorable people.

Du product trading.

Criminal syndicates.

Then, the source, may have to chase the Golden Triangle.

This is a valuable gain.

This man, if he lies, he doesn’t have this kind yet.

“What else do you know?”

“It’s gone—it’s really gone—— big brother, please, you think of me like this, how can you know more? Please…” the man burst into tears and pleaded bitterly.


The chain around the neck opened.

The man lay on the ground, panting heavily.

“. “The voice of the devil.

Men didn’t even dare to look up at each other.

Wei Xuan Nuo stepped back.

When I got to the door, I was about to turn around and run.

But he heard, “People like you, stay away from your seven-year-old daughter, you are already a rotten person, but she still has her life.” ”

“I…” the man was stunned.

“You are not worthy of being a father, your daughter’s life is not yours, let’s have another daughter in the next life, understand?”

“Understand, understand… Big brother, I will definitely do it!” the man said, nodding vigorously and stepping back.

Afraid that the other party would change his mind, he was about to turn around and run out the door.

Then I heard the other person say, “Leave your phone behind.” ”

“Well…” The man raised his hand, put the phone on the ground, and then his head did not run back.

This man.

He did what he said.

Since then, he has not been looking for the seven-year-old Jiujiu.

The reason why he said and did it was not because he was a man who would do what he promised others.

And only because.

Terrible things happen in this gloomy basement.

Let him realize that he loves his life more than his daughter.

After the man rolled.

Ning Chen raised his hand and took off his sunglasses and mask.

He had gotten more than he expected from this man’s mouth.

The goal has been clearly defined.

His expression was still like that.

He walked out of the basement.

At this time, the lights outside were on.

It’s already night.

Get on that free light.

Took out the man’s phone.

Found the latest text message.

It was the man and his daughter Jiujiufa.

The two agreed on a meeting place, which was the one in the afternoon.

Under this short message, Ning Chen edited another one, asking Jiu Jiu to come out to see him now.

He was at the gate of the complex.

Ten minutes later.

The little girl named Jiujiu came out.

She naturally came out without her sister again.

In fact, Hehe didn’t care where Jiujiu went.

Ning Chen rolled down the window.

Jiu Jiu was also taken aback when he saw Ning Chen.

The little girl is not stupid, and she is about to turn around and run.

But he was stopped by Ning Chen.

The little girl lowered her head and came over as if she had made a mistake.

Ning Chen let her get in the car, and she got in the car obediently.


“Don’t call me brother-in-law. ”

“Huh?” Xiao Jiujiu looked at Ning Chen.

“What’s your name?” looked at her.

Zhang Xiaonian. Xiao Jiujiu lowered his head and said in a muffled voice.

Obviously waiting to be criticized.

As for, why criticize … She didn’t know.

Maybe it’s because I sneaked out at night.

But she wasn’t afraid of the person in front of her.

Because she knew the man was good.

“Xiao Nian, is it okay to live alone?” Ning Chen looked at her.

This little girl.

But she, who had protected her with her life…

“I can live with my sister in the future!” said Zhang Xiaonian.

Ning Chen shook his head, “No, your sister doesn’t love you. ”

Zhang Xiaonian didn’t expect Ning Chen to actually say this, she stared at Ning Chen, biting her lower lip, and couldn’t say anything.

In fact, in her heart, the little girl knew that Ning Chen was telling the truth.

Although she is a child, what she has experienced has made her more mature than other children of the same age.

Her eyes suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“If my guess is correct, that sister of yours will abandon you again in a few days. ”

Zhang Xiaonian raised his red eyes and looked at Ning Chen.

Ning Chen raised his hand and touched her little head.

“I will leave, and in the future, if I really encounter something that can’t be solved, I can send you a message at that number, or, call, you can.” ”

“Does my dad have that number?” said the little girl, “Big brother, do you know where my dad went?”

Ning Chen looked ahead, “He, he will never come to you again.” ”

The little girl did not speak, lowered her head again, and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

“After your sister abandons you again, you can continue to go back to the orphanage. Ning Chen looked ahead, “This is your life, and it is also the only way you can completely get rid of the past.” ”

“I will save a sum of money for you and entrust it to the orphanage for you to live in. ”

“I need to do something next, maybe one day I’ll come back to you, and I’ll take you away if you want.” ”

“But, before that, you have to remember to take good care of yourself. ”

The little girl stared at Ning Chen.

I don’t know why, this big brother, saying these inexplicable words.

However, she could understand.

And, I don’t know why.

At this moment, this person in front of him.

In her heart, there was a sense of authority, perhaps, it was the unquestionable feeling in his tone, and the feeling of sincerity.

Perhaps, because this is the first time in Zhang Xiaonian’s seven-year-old life that someone does not treat her as a child, an equal dialogue…

She looked at Ning Chen, and Ning Chen turned his face sideways.

He found that she was looking at him, and her eyes flashed with life.

Ning Chen raised his hand and gently touched her little head.

“Next, you have to take care of yourself, and you have to remember that your life is exchanged for her own life one day. ”

Zhang Xiaonian the little girl, feeling, the previous stiff tone of the person in front of him.

At the moment when he said these words, he turned out to be so gentle.

“By the way, tonight’s matter, remember, you know me, keep it secret, okay?”

Zhang Xiaonian was ignorant, but she nodded vigorously, “I remember, big brother!”

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