Ning Chen returned to the RV.

In the mind.

The navigation of the system begins.

[Detected host to start the next travel check-in mission: First God Lake, Namco]

Navigation generated for you

In the mind, a navigation appears.

Ning Chen took a look at the route.

Distance, 2230 km.

It’s been a long way.

However, it is time to start.

Here he is, he has got what he wants.

A man named “Luo San”.

It is distributed in three branches of Dali, Fangchenggang and Shiwandashan.

The Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia.

The goal is enough.

All that’s left is to find and do what he has to do.

And how to find.

With no other resources on hand.

His only way is the reward after punching in.

Clue fragments in it.

The last two check-ins, I successfully pieced together the photo of that “Luo San”.

However, Luo San’s appearance.

And, where he is at this time.

Without the help of the clue fragments, Ning Chen himself would not be able to complete it.

So, for now, move on.


That’s where Si Shiya once wanted to take wedding photos.

A place that Ning Chen had never heard of before.

Si Shiya suggested before, and Ning Chen always called these three words wrong.

After knowing that she left this world.

These three words were completely reflected in Ning Chen’s mind.

Nine o’clock at night.

The RV drove out of Donghai City.

Over at the Tokai City Bureau.

The police returned empty-handed.

It’s also puzzled.

They have been able to determine.

Their previous inference was wrong.

What a fuss.

Things are far less complicated than they think.

Ning Chen came back really just to take a look at the little girl that Shiya had saved.

For the sake of caution, though.

The police still found Hehe.

Hehe was taken to the police station and asked about something.

It was only then that Hehe knew.

Li Feng is not that person’s real name.

His real name is Ning Chen.

Two years ago, his police girlfriend, who was shot and killed in an attempt to save Hehyuk’s half-sister.

In the police station.

Hehe’s mouth opened wide.

The eye sockets are also flushed.

Until this moment.

She just remembered.


Ning Chen didn’t ask her full name.

Hehe, it’s just a name she once gave herself blindly, not even a nickname.

Her full name is Nie Jia.

Ning Chen, even, her full name, didn’t care…

Nie Jia suddenly felt that the whole person was a little cold.

The air around, it was cold.

In my mind, I think about that night over and over again.

In that RV.

What Ning Chen had said to her.

Want to socialize…

I think so…

I like girls with personality…

When I left the police station, it was already past eleven o’clock in the evening.

Hehe stood at the entrance of the community.

She already knew.

Ning Chen was lying to him.

Ning Chen, he won’t come back.

He was just trying to use her to see the little girl his former fiancée had saved.

That’s all.

Really, that’s all.

But today, she really began to plan some details of her future stay with him.

I even thought that I could stop playing the guitar.

Intend to be a good girl.

As long as she works hard, perhaps, one day, she can be worthy of him.


Nie Jiading stood at the door of the community, looking at the community in front of him as if he were looking at a strange world.

Ning Chen was right about one thing.

She doesn’t love Jiujiu.

But Ning Chen would never know.

That is.

Bad girls like her, Kaiko, and even other people’s “female cousins” may sometimes be willing to love the whole world for someone.

But now, that is no longer possible.

Nie Jia turned around and left.

She didn’t plan to say goodbye to Jiujiu.

I don’t care about Jiujiu’s next life.

Because at this time, she doesn’t care about anyone.

I hope that in this life, I will never like someone easily.

It’s ridiculous.


Entrance road.

There are six articles.

Ning Chen prepared to enter from Sichuan Tibet.

When he got into the RV.

After nearly ten hours, the live broadcast room was reopened.

Other anchors can broadcast live once a day.

But the audience is used to the constant presence of light.

Therefore, ten hours of leaving, the audience has a little nowhere to place.

Seeing that the live broadcast room was reopened, a large group of people flocked in.

[Long time no see! Brother!]

[The anchor is on the road?

The audience did not find the previous one in the RV.

[Where did that woman go? Are you on your way alone?]

[Good guy! It’s so fast!]

[I seriously suspect that during the ten hours that the anchor went to kill the woman!]

[Aha? After finishing and leaving alone?]

[Women are like clothes, they have to be changed~]

[Upstairs is a beast, right? You actually said such a thing? Your mother is not a woman?]


The barrage scolded each other.

There is a benefit to the light booth.

That is, no matter what the audience says, the anchor never participates.

For example, now, fans have done it among themselves.

Other anchors must come in to play the circle so that they don’t bring rhythm.

However, this anchor picks up the light without looking at it.

That means, you can do it, kill one less, and if you don’t die, just continue to watch my live broadcast.

Everything, as usual.

The RV went up the national highway, and two headlights shone on the long road ahead.

There are viewers who let the main play a song.

But there was no response.

Some viewers asked the anchor where to go next.

No response.

Some viewers asked: Really broke up with that Hehe?

There was no response either.

Later, the audience chatted about the song sung by the light.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to rise slowly.

It gradually rose to about 200,000.

The anchor did nothing, and the audience fended for themselves.

However, the number of online people reached 200,000.

Now, in the eyes of the backstage staff, this is also used to it.

It’s amazing, but it can’t be done.

And as usual.

In addition to the general audience.

In the live broadcast room, there are also some people with special identities hidden,

Let’s say there are people from the police.

And people from the Astronomical Institute of the Seismological Bureau.

Just dive into the water.

Different locations, same night sky.

Zhao Mengmeng, who has finished washing, works at home. She sits on the desk, on her mobile phone, it is the light live room, and on the computer, it is the photo.

Nie Jia, who left the community, was sitting in a brightly lit bar in Donghai City at this time, semi-stationed. She lowered her head, her fingers running across her guitar, whistles from the audience and the dancing of men and women in the bar.

And the little girl named Jiujiu, Zhang Xiaonian, at this time, a person curled up in the bed. There was a power outage at home. The room was dark and whining. Zhang Xiaonian stared nervously at the doorway, she was worried that something terrible would suddenly come out and scare her.

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