Shark Headquarters Building.

That shark princess, Lan Ying, couldn’t help but see this scene in the live broadcast room, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

This person is really a… Straight men?

Face the words of the girl.

He actually came to the sentence, inconvenient …

Also really drunk.

There really are such people in the world.

Just thinking about it, I heard the sound of the anchor picking up light in the live broadcast room.

“That nail, probably not an accident. ”

“Huh?” Wang Yue was stunned.

I didn’t understand what Ning Chen wanted to say.

“The nails that go into your car’s tires, although not long. ”

“However, under normal circumstances, if you just throw it on the ground, even if the tire runs over, it is impossible to plunge in, there is only one possibility. ”

“What is possible?” Wang Yue looked at Ning Chen.

“It was deliberately erected on the ground. Ning Chen said, his eyes looking ahead, still driving, “If you want, you can go back and check the road surface before, there should be more than one nail on the ground.” ”

“You mean, this is artificial?” Wang Yue’s eyes widened.

“Do you know where the front is?” Ning Chen’s tone was calm.

“Coco Siri. Wang Yue said.

This, of course, she knew.

Although she did not have the courage to cross Cocoxili on this ride, which would be fatal, especially for a girl, she knew the route and planned to ride along the road in a safe area into Tibet.

Ning Chen nodded, “Now, it is basically a Tibetan area, the altitude has begun to rise, and there are already many Tibetans along the road.” ”

“What do you mean?”

“This is the old routine, you didn’t check it before you came?”

Wang Yue was a little dazed and shook his head.

“Tibetans are blocking the way, have you heard?”

Wang Yue shook his head again.

She had never met a Tibetan.

“To be mild, it’s usually to stop your car and sell you something.” Ning Chen said.

“Local produce. Wang Yue looked at Ning Chen.

“The so-called specialty, however, is very expensive. ”

“Then you don’t want to buy it~” Wang Yue said.

Ning Chen nodded, “You can not buy it, but you can’t get by.” ”

“It’s a big deal, don’t go forward…” muttered Wang Yue.

“You can’t go back. Ning Chen said.

Listening to Ning Chen’s words, Wang Yue’s heart suddenly clicked.

For a moment, she suddenly became a little scared.

Meaning, strong buying and strong selling?

Can’t go without buying?

Then just now his own car tire was punctured, if it is man-made, doesn’t it mean that it is more dangerous?

“Then, what about the gentle one…” Wang Yue looked ahead.

“Say you disturbed their yaks, or that your car crushed their pasture, or, just force your car to stop and collect tolls.” Ning Chen said, “A few thousand is a small number. ”

“Is there any more royal law?!” Wang Yueguang felt very angry when he listened.

“Nope. Ning Chen’s answer was crisp, “This is their territory, the alarm is basically useless, and – the further inside, your mobile phone signal is a problem.” ”

Listen to Ning Chen’s words.

Wang Yue only felt a little creepy.

Don’t they all say that the people in Tibetan areas are very simple…

How so?

But, Ning Chen’s words.

It’s not out of nowhere.

To be precise, if you have been to Tibetan areas, or, know a little about Tibetan areas.

You will know that what he said, there is not a single false rumor.

Everything is the truth.

In the live broadcast room.

Hearing the anchor say this, the audience also became hotly discussed.

[Indeed, I also traveled into Tibet by car the year before last, and when I crossed the Sun Moon Mountain, I was stopped, do you dare to believe it? It is less than a kilometer from the scenic spot in front of me, and I can even see it, but I was surrounded by seven or eight Tibetans, and I was not allowed to leave, saying that I would charge extra for the journey!

[I’ve heard of such a thing, but I didn’t expect it to be so common?]

In broad daylight, what is the difference between this kind of thing and roadblock robbery?

[Don’t say, it’s true, I’ve heard a story that said that a family went to travel with a family, went to Qinghai Lake, it was very good at first, passing a beach, very beautiful, just got out of the car and went in, just a few steps, as a result, a few cars came over!]

[And later?]

[A dozen Tibetans got out of the car, saying they stepped on the sand and wanted to lose money!]

[How much money was lost?]

[Four thousand! A thousand kicks!]

Is that the sands?]

[Isn’t the Sands that expensive?]

[How about not losing money?]

[Don’t lose money? Of course, you don’t lose money at the beginning! Just argue with them, they will fight with you, and there is a scary scimitar on the back of your waist!]

[What happened?]

[Later?, the devil knows what happened… Who knows? Maybe it can only be paid to eliminate the disaster~】


In this way, before entering Tibet in the future, everyone must form a group together, it is best if a dozen big men go on the road together, it is best to practice all of them, see who dares to stop the car!]

[Useful? tell you, even then, you still have to be obedient, that’s people’s territory!]

[So, doesn’t that mean that Brother Shiguang, and this girl named Wang Yue, is still quite dangerous?]

[Indeed, the big RV of Brother Guangguang is too conspicuous, and it is a rich person at a glance, and it will definitely become a target…]

[In case the Tibetans really block the way, how will Brother Guangguang deal with it?]

[Brother Guangguang is not bad at money, just throw money in the other party’s face!]

[The question is, will the other party take advantage of the fire to rob, don’t you have money, then take it all out!]

[It’s really special, I get angry when I think about it!]

[It’s not a matter of money, it’s a matter of pockets!]

[The problem is, there is no way, if there is a way, someone has already tried it, just because there is really no way, you either don’t go into Tibet, if you enter Tibet, you have to be prepared for this]

[If you travel with a group, will this situation be less?]

[It may be better to follow the group, but there are many black tour guides, in case of collusion with the locals, it is difficult to say…]



In the live broadcast room, there was also a painful sigh from the audience.

Indeed, this kind of thing really happened.

It can only be said that it is unlucky.

In essence, there must be regulation, but this kind of thing is really difficult to manage.

That’s when it was there.

Live screen.

Suddenly, the voice of the girl named Wang Yue came:


The eyes of the audience are all looking at the front of the RV.

Stretch straight to the road ahead.

The left and right are deserted.

The view is wide.

Because of this, you can see a few kilometers away.

At this time.

Two kilometers ahead.

At some point, three JEEPs appeared on the side of the road.

Several men dressed in heavy robes are coming out of JEEP.

Then, I stood in the middle of the road and looked at the RV driving from afar.

This posture, obviously.

It’s going to get in the way.


Wang Yue’s goosebumps all over his body rose.

The pale of the face turned pale.

“Really, really bumped into…” Wang Yue’s voice began to tremble.

The entire light picking live room.

At this moment, it also exploded directly!

But, immediately after, a voice was heard:

“Okay, stand there and don’t move. ”

This is the voice of the anchor.

When Wang Yue heard it suddenly, he was also stunned, and suddenly turned his head to look at Ning Chen.


She didn’t understand what this sentence meant, but Ning Chen didn’t look at her.

His gaze is always looking ahead.

Wang Yue couldn’t see any meaning from his gaze, there was no expression on his face, he only heard him say again:

“You fasten your seat belt. ”

Wang Yue was stunned again.

I don’t know what Ning Chen is going to do.

However, she quickly raised her hand and fastened her seat belt.

In the live broadcast room screen.

The roar of the engine was heard.

Ning Chen began to step on the accelerator.

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