(PS: The author’s original words: Yes, yes, I am a trash, I am not even qualified to have a monthly pass for the readers… I’m nothing, it’s not interesting to live, I’m trying to update, and if I die suddenly, I don’t have the qualifications to let the readers burn some monthly passes for me… I’m nothing. )

Ying Qingjiang took the freshly squeezed milk bowl and placed it on the table.

Wiped his hands.

Outside the window, the old yak barked.

After wiping his sister’s face, someone outside called him:

“Jiang Tso! Jiang Tso! Can you walk together?!”

Hearing the voice, Jiang Tso hesitated.

The younger sister heard the noise outside and tugged on his sleeve.

“Brother, don’t talk to them! They’re bad! Ah Da knows and kills you!”

The door was pushed open, and the person who came in was Tashi.

Tashi heard Jiang Tso’s sister’s voice outside, and scolded with a smile, “What do you say about Pi girl?!”

The younger sister blushed, glared at Tashi angrily, and stopped talking.

Tashi was very bad, and she didn’t dare to mess with it.

“You stay at home, I’ll come back later, and remember to take the yak to pull a later.” ”

After Jiang Tso finished speaking, he raised his hand to pull his sister’s hand away.

Followed Tashi out.

Tashi took a few steps out, and turned back to Jiang Tso’s sister and said, “Pi Yatou stay at home well, wait for your brother to come back.” ”

Out the door.

A few people shouted away.

“It was said earlier that there is a big RV, it is estimated that there are rich people, and there seem to be two people in the car, blocked to give!”

“Let’s go!”

“Call everyone up! Get rich today!”

“Mother Ri finally waited for a big fish!”

Jiang Tso’s sister, on the windowsill, watched them leave.

Then climbed down and also went out.

She was going to find Ah Da and tell Ah Da that her brother had gone to do bad things with those people again.

Ah Da went out in the morning and sent mutton.

Ying Qing Jiangcuo followed the few people and got into a JEEP.

After a while, two more JEEP cars came.

Three cars, passing through a road in the middle of the pasture, drove forward.

After driving for about ten minutes, I arrived on the highway.

The car is parked on the side of the road.

Pass cigarettes to each other.

Jiang Tso did not dare to smoke, so he did not answer, and was ridiculed.

Then, just wait.

I waited for about half an hour.

From afar, I saw a large black RV appear at the far end of the road.

“Here it comes!”


The people in the three cars all came down.

One word unfolds.

Blocked the highway.

At this time, it was twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

The sun was shining, and the strong ultraviolet rays made everyone’s faces black and red.

Everyone squinted and stared at the RV coming in this direction.

Jiang Tso, you go up and sell them, and you don’t care about the rest.” A man shoved a bunch of beads into Jiang Tso’s hands.

Jiang Tso rubbed the string of beads in his hand.

I feel my palms sweating.


If only it did.

They will give him three hundred pieces.

Three hundred yuan is a huge amount of money for seventeen-year-old Jiang Tso.

Before her sister’s birthday, she wanted to go to the playground in Husuke County, Ah Da gave the money to Jiang Tso and asked Jiang Tso to take her sister to go on the weekend, but Jiang Tso lost the money.

He didn’t dare to tell Ah Da about this, and his sister didn’t blame him and helped him keep it secret.

But Jiang Tso felt guilty.

I want to follow these people, get some money together, and then take my sister to play.

This wasn’t the first time he had followed them to do this.

It’s a little minions every time.

However, he is still nervous.

He knew it wasn’t right.

The black RV drove slowly towards this side.

When about a kilometer from this side.

Everyone watched from afar and suddenly discovered.

The RV seemed to have begun to accelerate.

This is not something they have never seen.

Some people travel into Tibet by car, and it is estimated that they also know this situation, so they have already taken precautions, so they came up with this trick, that is, they do not stop, and want to rush directly over.

However, it is also only to scare people.

They also know that the other party is scaring people again.

It’s just a matter of spending money to eliminate disasters, and no one really wants to rush over and kill people for a little money.

They also know this mentality of the other party.

So, just stand on the road.

Hailing to the RV from afar.

However, the speed of the RV seems to be faster…

They can already hear the roar of the RV engine.

However, do not care.

On the contrary, I think it’s ridiculous.

“What a huh. Some of them laughed.

RV, galloping.

Someone doesn’t think something is quite right.

The RV was less than three hundred meters away.

However, the speed is faster.

There is no intention of stopping.

They also have a bottom line.

Twenty meters, is the final bottom line.

After all, no one can say for sure what is going on in this world.

They just pretend to be ruthless, and if they really run into a temperament, they also have to be on guard.

RV distance from them.

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

No one laughed anymore.

These seven or eight people, at this time, suddenly discovered.

Sweat began to break down his spine.

Their eyes are fixed on the RV that is speeding by!

RVs are faster!

Jiang Tso had already stepped forward, one hand greeting furiously, and the other hand swaying the string of beads vigorously.

But the speed of the RV, faster!

Directly rushed towards Jiang Tso!

In the live broadcast room.

At this time, 530,000 online viewers have gathered!

However, the barrage was all gone.

Everyone, breathing is going to stop!

Everyone stared blankly.

Ning Chen, his face was expressionless, and the steering wheel in his hand was very stable.

However, he is still stepping on the accelerator!

The roar of the engine sounded again!

It feels like the RV is flying forward!

This speed!

If the Tibetan boy in front of him doesn’t dodge it, even if the RV wants to brake, it’s too late!

For a while, the entire live broadcast room.

An aura of terror began to pervade.

Some viewers, facing the mobile phone screen, have squinted slightly.

Wait for the moment when you really hit someone, just close your eyes.

Don’t dare to look…

At this time.

Everyone decided one thing in their hearts!

This is called the streamer of the light!

Absolutely ruthless!

Those Tibetans who stood in the way, in front of him, were more like good citizens!

He’s ruthless!!

But is it really going to rush over like this?!

This is no joke!

This will directly kill people!


Ying Qing Jiang Tso suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Not far behind him, the others had already begun to retreat.

Some people jumped straight to the side of the road.

Jiang Tso suddenly realized.

He’s going to die.

He will be directly hit and killed by this big RV!

But at this time.

It’s too late.

Jiang Tso’s footsteps began to waver.

He had never been in this situation!

The most thrilling one, a sedan, is also this feeling.

But at the time, he kept going.

That sedan was also very fast at first.

A look like it’s about to rush over.

But fifty or sixty meters away from him, he suddenly began to slow down.

Finally, he stopped more than ten meters away from him.

But now!

Not the same thing at all!

That car didn’t mean to slow down in the slightest!

Ying Qing Jiangcuo’s nose twitched violently, and his brain suddenly went blank.

He finally started running!

But he was stupid.

He actually didn’t run to the side, but, run back!

He missed the last moment.

This moment.

Jiang Tso suddenly remembered that his sister said before that there was a pirate ship in the playground on the other side of the county seat of Husuke, and she did not dare to sit, but asked him to hold her and play once.

At that time, he said, “I don’t let you hug wow, the boat will throw up and throw people away.”

This was the last thing that came to his mind.

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